Campus Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

Campus Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Campus ORGANIZATION AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT PLANS APPROVED The organization and campus development plans of the College were formally approved by the UPCF Executive Committee. The organization plan is due for approval by the Board of Regents, while the campus development plan awaits implementation. 0 0 0 JOINT COMMITTEE TO PRODUCE FORESTRY BROCHURE The members of the Joint Committee on Public Information and Education in Forestry agreed to produce a brochure which will contain the acti"ities and functions of the different forestry agencies. - Members of the committee hope to disseminate more information about these agencies by producing a brochure to be distributed to the public. 0 0 0 UMALI PROPOSES NEW SOLUTIONS TO MAKILING SQUATTERS Vice President and Dean Dioscoro L. Umali proposed new solutions to the squatter's problem on the Mt. Makiling area. The proposal was made during a conference l!-t the provincial capitol in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, attended by Gov. Felicisimo T. San Luis and officials of the UP college of agriculture and college of forestry. The proposed . solutions of the aggie dean include the following: 1. Boundaries in the Mt. Makiling forest be relocated. Squatters within the boundaries would become tenants of the University of the Philippines. 2. Land-grabbers will not be allowed to till portions of land inside the boundaries. Only the poor squatters who have already planted coconut and fruit trees will be allowed to continue tilling the soil. 3. The squatters who will be permitted to stay in Mt. Makiling forest will report to U.P. authorities or to the provincial gm·emment any violation of f forest conservation. MOVING-UP DAY ISSUE-1965 Notes 4. Squatters should allow representatives of the provincial governor to undertake a social and econo· mic survey of the areas in order to know their status. The results of the survey will enable the provincial government and the UP to lay down definite policies so that the squatters could be best helped. 5. Squatters with small pathces will be given employment in the national park. 6. Those who will be permitted to stay on the land as tenants of the University of the Philippines will be assisted by the UP College of agriculture community development workers. 7. As to the alleged claim of ownership of the squatters on the land they till, Umali said the court will be the one to decide since it is beyond the power of the UP officials and the provincial government. 8, All squatters who will become tenants of the UP will be required to help conserve the forest. Umali said settlement of the dispute is of paramount importance because Mt. Makiling fores! is a watershed. He revealed that some 260,000 people are getting their water from Mt. Makiling. "If this mountain will be denuded, there will be no more water for the 260,000 people because the rivers will be dry," Umali said. Those who accompanied Dean Umali were Prof. N. T. Vergara, Dr. D. M. Lantican and W. C. Depositario of the U.P.C.F. and Dr. N. B. Tablante and Cesario Cabrera of ACCI. SECOND SHORT COURSE ON COMMUNICATION OFFERED IN LOS BANOS The second of a series of short courses on communication methods and techniques, sponsored by the Joint Committee on Public Education and Information in Forestry, will be held on April 19 to May 1 at the UP college of forestry building, it was announced by Prof. Domingo V. Jacalne, chairman of the committee. - Jacalne told P.N.S. that the participants of the course will . come from Page 103 the five government forestry agencies and from thE Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The forestry agencies are the bureau of forestry. parks and wildlife office, reforestation administration, forest products research institute, and UP college of forestry. - Prof. Jacalne said the goals 0 il the seminar are to learn the principles of press and radio reporting, news writing, news photography, public speaking and audio-visual communication; and to establish a core of writers or trained staff among the personnel of the forestry agencies who will undertake forestry information and extension activities on the regional or local level. Experienced writers and speakers will be invited to brief the participants. Some 30 to 40 participants will participate in the short course. - The first of a series of the short course was held in Diliman, Quezon City, last December. 0 0 0 FRM CREATES NEW SECTIONS AND COMMITTEES Four sections were created during the first meeting of the Department of Forest Resource~ Management on February 5, presided over by Professor Napoleon T. Vergara, department chairman. These are as follows : Forest Management Section Economics and Policy Section, and Forest Engineering Section. Also taken in the meeting was the creation of committees and appointment of committee chairmen as follows: Management Plan, Adolfo V. Revilla; Curriculum Development, Bienvenido R. Rola; Research Ireneo L. Domingo and Budget Affairs, Andrew W. Bacdayan. Oscar Gendrano was likewise appointed Forestry Extension Specialists of the department. It is expected that the sectioning would make for greater efficiency of department workings, while, the committees would enhance accomplishments that will contribute to over-all UPCF advancement. The meeting, which lasted more than two hours, further delve into such other topics as ( 1 ) filling up of positions vacated and those to be rncated soon due to retirements and resignations, (2) FRM curriculum changes, and ( 3) classification of laboratory fees into PIO and P'l5 categories. No definite course of action, however, was formally adopted on these matters. .. 0 0 CF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RESHUFFLED The College of Forestry Executive Committee has changed its composition. In separate memoranda, Dean Zamuco appointed the new members to assume their new positions effective Jan. 25, 1965. Page 104 The new members are Professors Osiris Valderrama, Napoleon Vergara ana Filiberto Pollisco. - Profe~­ sor Valderrama replaced Prof. Ruben Garcia as Administrative Assistant for Business Affairs when the later asked the Dean for relief in view of his assignment to the Office of the University President in Diliman, Quezon City. Prof. Vergara is assigned Chairman of the Dept. of Forest Resources Management vice Prof. Juanito Lamanihw when the lattPr had requested earlier for relief. Prof. Pollisco on the other hand, is appointed Acting Chairman Jf the Dept. of Forest Utilization Engnieering in place of Dr. Domingo Lantican. Dr. Lantican was appointed Administrative Assistant for Academic and Research Affairs a few months ago. - The new appointees will hold their respective positions for one year unless sooner terminated by the Dean. 0 .. 0 FED TO PUT UP CONSERVATION CIRCULAR The Forestry Extension Department will put up a monthly Conseroati<m Circular beginning next month. The circular will contain news items about the important accomplishments, activities, on-going projects and plans of all the government forestry agencies of the country. Hence, the forestry extension department is requesting the cooperation of the other forestry agencies to provide the forestry extension department brief summaries of their activities and future plans. - The Circular will be distributed to all senators, congressmen, governors, provincial board members and the different field offices of the government forestry agencies - The purpose of the Conservation Circular is to arouse forest-consciousness among our legislators and provincial executives and to let them know the programs, activities and problems of forestry. 0 0 0 BACDA YAN IS DESIGNATED SUPERVISORS Prof. Andrew W. Bacdayan is assigned to supervise the Physical Plant of the College of Forestry effective Jan. 27, 1965. As head of the physical plant, he supervises the maintenance of buildings and grounds, water system, electrical and telephone system, janitorial services and the labor force of the College except that of the Makiling Forest, the Motor Pool and men assigned permanently with other departments. The Physical Plant is one of the sections directly under the Business Affairs Office of the College. The assignment of Prof. Bacdayan to his new job will relieve the Business Office of some of its burdens. (Continued on page 108) FORESTRY LEAVES University of the Philippines for possible publication in its journal the "Forestry Leaves". I shall look forward to hear from you again. Thank you. Sincerely yours, (Sgd.) APOLONIO F. RIVERA Acting Director of Forestry Dean Gregorio Zamuco College of Forestry College, Laguna Dear Dean Zamuco : Dagupan City Jan. 22, 1965 Thank you ,-ery much for the radio ne,vs materials we received through the mails last week. They were educational and \'ery easy to understand. BACDAYAN ... (Continued from page 104) On the other hand, Florentino Tesoro is als:.i assigned to supervise the personnel of the Motor Pool in order to achieve effective and efficient service. Both Tesoro and Bacdayan will sen·e for one year unless earlier terminated by the Dean. Q Q Q JLG IS PFP OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTORS FOR 1964 Jose L. Guerrero of the department of forestry LITERARY ATTEMPTS ... (Continued from page 106) the aged may flourish verdantly to the enJ. The power that makes earth green and children fair with promise lies in us. The forest ranger shall guard the patrimony of the Nation because he has to. The woodman shall Page 108 I am very glad to learn that you ham launclw<l a forestry information campaign, to which we hereby pledge our wholehearted support. I look forward to receiving more interesting and informative articles from your Office. I hope you will send us materials not only twice a month but as often as you can. We can use these materials in our numerous farm and public sen-ice programs. For your information, our station DZTD, 940 kc. Dagupan) reaches se\'en provinces of Central and Northern Luzon namely, Pangasinan, La Union, Tarlac, Mountain Province, Abra, Nueva Ecija and Zambales. We are operating on 5,000 watts from .j a.m. to 12 midnight daliy. I hope your campaign will be a great success an<l a year-long one. Very truly yours, (Sgd.) GERRY GALIAN Station Manager (Continued on page 112) extension emerged as No. 8 top contributor of the Philippines Free Press for 1964. Joe started sending articles to the Free Press a year ago. He has devoted most of his office hours to writing forestry articles and his duties on radio program officer. Joe is not a forester, but he proves to all and sundry that he can write good forestry articles. Our warmest congratulation to Joe! May his tribe increase. Q spare the tree. And, the lumberman too, shall keep the logs rolling without end but at the same time he, too, shall keep the young trees growing because then and only then can our forests render to our people the greate.;;t good to the greatest number not only for the present but for all the generations to come. FORESTRY LEAVES