Sunshine Corner


Part of Forestry Leaves

Sunshine Corner
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
CALENDAR SAYS SO "Just think - some of these ruins are over two thousand years old." "You can't kid me. They couldn't be that old. It's only one thousand nine hundred, and sixtyfive now." 0 " My wife is mad at me again. I told her her stockings were wrinkled. She wasn't wearing any. 0 0 REAL ROMEO She : Do you think I'm sweet? He: Sure. She: Do you think I'm pretty? He : Of course. She : Gosh, you say the nicest things. 0 • 0 Two drunks were walking along a railroad track. One said, "These are the widest steps I ever walked up in my life." The other drunk said, "It's not the wide steps that are killing me - it's this low handrail." 0 0 0 AIN'T IT SO. Lady of the house: "I don't need none." Salesman: "How do you know? I might hf selling grammar books." 0 • 0 EVOLUTION? Two handsome apes, mature and wise, Atop a tree did criticize Both men and apes : their thoughts and deeds, Their physical wants, their spiritual needs. The apes were irked, for men had said That long ago they'd been ape-bred. '10VING-UP DAY ISSUE -1965 "It's false! said one. "Mankind does lie. In righteous truth, I'll amplify. Now physically, they are like us. On that one point we can discuss : They have two legs, two arms, a head; They work, they eat, they sleep in bed." "That's true," agreed the other ape. "In bodily things they have our shape. But how they think and act is queer; Their civilized ways are just veneer." "Illucidate, dear hairy churn - Methinks apes too are troublesome. A stupid few are indiscreet And one or two display conceit. Confess, my friend, some apes are bad. A poor environment makes the cad. So apes and men are bad or good Depending on their neighborhood." "I argue not with words so wise. You're right and I apologize. Some apes, like men, are rotten through, And yei: I further question you. Have you known one of us to lie To cheat, to steal, to villify? Would,. father apes leave home to drink At corner bars to stew and stink And would our folks leave food to rot Whiles apes work hard and still have not? Would one ape tribe from distant shores Build bombs of death for eager wars? "Enough!" My friend. "Enough, you're right. This talk of men gives me a fright. The one thing apes must all pursue Is set the record straight and true. We apes must tell men everywhere One truth, this fact we must declare : Man's evolution theory lies, For apes are good and men, unwise." So be it known, please comprehend That men from apes could not descend. Most men evil, cruel, unjust. But apes are beasts that apes can trust. Page 109