PPI official


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

PPI official
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ACTION LINE (Cases-Queries-Letters) 229 7. To publish studies on Pastoral Theology 8. To publish news of ecclesiastical character coming from the various dioceses and parishes in the Philippines and around the world. 9- To publish Reviews of Religious publication that occasionally come out for the guidance of the Clergy. With these purposes, the Boletin cannot be a magazine for easy reading. Encyclicals and Documents have to be read with concentration, unlike articles on Graft and Corruption, on Fights between Demonstrators and the Metrocom, and Pornography. Besides, since you are not a priest, your line of thinking may not easily jibe with ecclesiastical documents. So why not study for the priesthood? Perhaps, after that you will enjoy reading the Boletin. Jaime Boquiren, O.P. PPI Official February 5, 1971 Dear Fr. Jim, As you know very well, just like you, I am an avid reader of the “Philippine Priests’ Forum”. Well, after much waiting, I finally laid my hands on the December 1970 issue last February 1, 1971. — On page 80 I read the following item: “Last November (1970), Frs. Jesus Diaz and Eladio Neira resigned as Rectors of UST and Leiran . . . Both posts are expected to be filled by Filipino Dominicans. The continued existence of these two Dominican schools . . . under Spanish Rectors, observed a PPI official, could not but be interpreted as the lack of capable Filipinos in the Dominican Order, and if this be the reason then there must be something wrong in the training of their Filipino members.” Some friends of mine read the item also and they asked me about it. Frankly, 1 felt hurt by that remark. What do you say about it? Fr . Jo s e Riz a i. Dima pii.is , O P. National Director, SCA Asst. National Director, C.A.P. 230 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS February 15, 1971 Dear Fr. Jose, To pour soothing balm on your (our) hurt feelings, let us just remind ourselves of the following facts. Ever since Fr. Diaz resigned as Rector of UST, Fr. Leonardo Legazpi has been Acting Rector Magnificus; on December 10, 1970, Fr. Antonio Posadas was installed Rector of Letran; On November 1969, Fr. Rogelio Alarcon became Rector of Aquinas of San Juan; on February 3, 1969, Fr. Ramon Salinas was installed first Rector Magnificus of Aquinas University of Legazpi by the Most Rev. Master General. And I am here in the UST Central Seminary since January 1, 1971. And all of us are Filipinos. Let us both forgive that PPI Official- You see, that “Philippine Priests’ Forum” which came out on February, 1971 was intended for December 1970. (The Editors have already apologized for that delay, cf- page 71) So some of the items there are perhaps not up to date. At any rate, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Raymond Penafort, and a host of great men never got to be Rectors. For, indeed, the Rectorship is not the only proof of one’s capability and good training. Jaime Boquiren, O.P. GREETINGS TO OUR BISHOPS-ELECT MOST REV. MIGUEL PURUGANAN Auxiliary Bishop of Nueva Segovia MOST REV. RAFAEL LIM Bishop of Laoag