Love of the Church [editorial]


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Love of the Church [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
EDITORIALS LOVE FOR THE CHURCH On April 29th we celebrate the feast of St. Catherine of Siena. This woman-saint, proclaimed Doctor of the Church, was noted, among other things, for her love for the Church and the Church ministers, namely, the Pope, Bishops and Priests. During her time, there were plenty of troubles in the Church. There was laxity of morals among the people of God. There were ecclesiastics who were not edifying. And the Pope was not even residing in his own diocese of Rome. Indeed, there was need for reforms in all quarters of society both civil and religious. In spite of all these, Catherine remained fruitful and loyal to the Church and her ministers. When others would have abandoned an apparently sinking ship, Catherine decided to stay and help save it. When others would have thrown invectives and condemnation against the non-edifying clergy, she dedicated her efforts to remedy the situation with admirable kindness. To her, the Church ministers were Christ on earth. And so she prayed for the priests and taught others to do the same. It seems we are in a similar situation these days. There is plenty of trouble in our society both civil and religious. There is dissatisfaction with the Church and the clergy. Because of these problems some Catholics have left the fold. And even some priests have abandoned the ministry. Worse still, and to the scandal of the people of God, it seems that there are those of the clergy who are bent on making the situation deteriorate more. One of the reasons for the canonization of saints is to give us models to emulate. Perhaps the situation will greatly improve it, like St. Catherine, we have a little bit more of love for the Church and her ministers.