Newly ordained bishops


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Newly ordained bishops
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
NEWLY ORDAINED BISHOPS The following is the list of Bishops who received episcopal Ordination from the Holy Father in St. Peter’s on Sunday, 13 February. Most Rev. Saminini Arulappa, Archbishop of Hyderabad in India, G December, 1971 Most Rev. Edoardo Pecoraio, Apostolic Nuncio in Malta, titular Archbishop of Cumae, 28 December, 1971 Most Rev. Edward L. Heston, C.S.C., President of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications, titular Archbishop of Numida, G January, 1972 Most Rev. Dermot Ryan, Archbishop of Dublin, 29 December 1971 Most Rev. Giuseppe Casoria, Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the Sacraments, titular Archbishop of Forum Novum, G January 1972 Most Rev. Agostino Mayer, Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for Religious and the Secular Institutes, titular Archbishop of Satrianum, G January 1972 Most Rev. Annibale Bugnini, Secretary of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, titular Archbishop of Diocletiana, G January 1972 Most Rev. Federico Limon, titular Archbishop of Aquaviva and coadjutor with the right of succession of the Archbishop of l.ingaycn-Dagupan (Philippines), 7 January 1972 Most Rev. Patrick Punou-Ki-Hihifo Finau, Titular Bishop of Aurusuliana and Coadjutor with the right of succession of the Bishop of Tonga (Oceania), 15 October 1971 Most Rev. Efrem Basilio Krevei, titular Bishop of Caffa, and Coadjutor with the right of succession of the Eparchy of St. John Baptist of Curitiba of the Ukrainians (Brazil). 29 November 1971 260 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIP1NAS Most Rev. Ferdinando Velasquez Loreto, titular Rishop of Garba and Auxiliary of the Archbishop of Popayan (Colombia) 10 December 1971 Most Rev. Carlo Giuseppe Ruiseco, titular Bishop of Febiana and Auxiliary of the Archbishop of Barranquilla (Colombia), 10 December 1971 Most Rev. Antonio Jakab, titular Bishop of Astigi and Coadjutor with the right of succession of the Bishop of Alba Iulia (Romania), 23 December 1971 Most Rev. Carlo Brand, titular Bishop of Uthina and Auxiliary of the Bishop of Frejus-Toulon (France), 28 December 1971 Most Rev. Joseph Pawathil, titular Bishop of Caesarea Philippi and Auxiliary of the Archbishop of Changanecherry (India), 7 January 1972 Most Rev. Joannes M. Gijsen, Bishop of Roermond (Holland), 20 January 1972 Most Rev Desiderio Elso Collino, titular Bishop of Buxentum and Auxiliary of the Archbishop of Rosario (Argentina), 21 January 1972 Most Rev. Caesare Pagani, Bishop of Citta di Castello and Bishop of Gubbio (Italy), 22 January 1972 Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara, titular Bishop of Thisiduo and Auxiliary of the Archbishop of Saint Louis (USA), 28 January 1972 In exercising his office of father and pastor, a bishop should stand in the midst of his people as one who serves. Let him be a good shepherd who knows his sheep and whose sheep know him. Let him be a true father who excels in the spirit of love and solitude for all and to whose divinely conferred authority all gratefully submit themselves. (Cliristus Dominus, no. 16)