No business can escape change


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

No business can escape change
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XIII (No. 10) October 1933
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
12 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL October, 1933 No Business Can Escape Change (From “Nation’s Business’’) With a new radio gadget your garage door is opened simply by pulling a knob on the instrument board of your car as you drive up. A small automatic transmitter in the car, which broadcasts a code signal to an automatic analyzing receiver in the garage, turns the trick. . . . A new attachment for standard pneumatic-tired wheels permits buses to run on either rails or highways. Transfers from rail to road and vice versa are said to be made easily, quickly. . . . Attached to the front of a popular car, a new power take-off develops 20 h. p. belt power, is said to allow usual use of the car, to be easily installed, quickly attached or detached there­ after. . . . The new electro-deposited copper is now available in roll­ roofing form. The copper sheeting (three ounces to the square foot) is backed by an asphalt-saturated fabric. . . . Asbestos-cement siding is now being textured to resemble rough natural brick laid in mortar. Brick faces are slightly elevated, so that the finished job’s said to look like real brick. . A new transparent exterior waterproofing for brick, stone or concrete walls (above grade) can be applied to wet or dry surfaces, it’s said, in almost any weather and at any temperature down to 32 degrees. . . . Window screening made of a new metal alloy is now avail­ able. Silvery white, it’s said to be highly resistant to corro­ sion and staining, to last as long as the frame. . . . A lightning arrester is combined with an entrance fitting for radio aerial and ground wires in a device which can be in­ stalled through a single small round opening in the wall. . . . Made in tablet form, a new weed exterminator is simply pushed into the crown of dandelions or other lawn weeds. It is said to be non-poisonous to animals, to leave no scars in the lawn. . . . A permanent, all-metal awning for store fronts has been de­ vised which allows unhampered air movement and passage of refracted light, yet keeps the sidewalk dry beneath. . . . A new cement-lined, corrosion- and tuberculation-resistant steel pipe is available for carrying hot or cold water, saline or acidic industrial wastes. The lining has a low-lime, high silica content, and less than one-third the solubility of ordinary cement. ... Used and surplus oil is drawn off elevator guide rails and filtered into a can by a new de­ vice which is attached to the rail near its base.... Individuality is lent milk bottles bv a new process through which colored-enamel designs and letterings can be fused directly into the glass. A similar process is being used in making druggists’ prescription bottles. . . . This whole house is made of cotton MARKETS as well as money have been lost by many businesses during the past few years. New products or processes are ip many case£ proving effective means of recovering both Paint mixing is expedited by a new device, made to clamp on any 3.5 to five-gallon pail, which permits a mixing paddle to be turned by a hand crank. . . . Paper excelsior is sealed inside a paper container to make a new all-paper packing pad, said to be soft, flexible, resilient. . Burlap bags with separate parchment liners have long been used to ship various commodities. Now they’re being improv­ ed by having the liner cemented solidly to the burlap. . . . No corrugated board stiffeners are needed in a new mailing envelope for photos, etc. Made of kraft lined board, it is fold­ ed to give three thicknesses at corners, locks without sealing.... Parcel-post weighing is speeded by a new automatic comput­ ing scale. The parcel is placed on the scale, the proper zone key is pressed, a shutter exposes the postage .... “Blind spots” are eliminated in a new goggle having cups made of transparent, spark-proof material. It can be worn over spectacles. . . . A new fully automatic anthracite furnace produces steam which operates a complete year-round air-conditioning unit, laundry clothes drier, refrigerator, and also provides hot water and ice water. . . . A new textile yarn, made from a purified cellulose base, is offered for use in rugs, draperies, beach costumes, etc. It’s said to be strong, heat resisting, absorbent, to take brilliant colors and waterproofing . . . A 72-inch roll of note paper an inch and a half wide, as well as eraser and leads, is carried in a new automatic pencil. . . . Characters engraved in templates guide special pens in anew draftsmen’s lettering outfit, the same characters serving to form either straight or slanting letters. . . Rapid removal of skin and scales from salmon is effected by a new ma­ chine. It’s said to work only on fresh, firm fish, and to leave the meat undamaged. . . . The poor fish are being offered a new cheese bait. Prepared for hook or net, it’s made of cheese trim­ mings, pasteurized .... —Paul H. Hayward. Editor’s Note — Mate­ rial for this page is gath­ ered from the many sources to which Nation’s Business has access and from the flow of business information into our offices in Washington. Further information on any of these items can be had by writing to Nation’s Business.