No business can escape change


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

No business can escape change
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XVI (No. 1) January 1936
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
40 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL January, 1936 No Business Can Escape Change New products are marching to market in never-ending Here are a few from the current procession A new protective paint consists of copper, in finely powdered, non-crystal­ line form, mixed with a special fluid carrier. It can be sprayed, dipped or brushed on any surface, is said to be proof against acids, alkalies, brines, fumes, rust.... There’s also a new exterior house paint, described as proof against stain­ ing from copper screening, rusty nails, etc., also against cracking and fading.... Zinc chloride and sodium bichromate are combined in a new wood pre­ servative. It’s said to have greater preservative value than straight zinc chloride and, like the latter, to be termite-repellent, fire-retardent.. .. Silverware is kept from tarnishing, it is said, by a new compound which absorbs tarnish-producing gases. An 0]>en jarful is placed in the silver cabinet, lasts several months.... Tarnishing of metallic blouses and gowns is also retarded by new garment bags made of moisture-proof transparent cellulose backed with gauze. . . . A versatile new gas range has, in addition to the usual features, a large-sized trash burner and a built-in gas circulating heater which will heat the kitchen and adjacent rooms. . .. A pure silk is now offered which is described as waterproof (though it contains no rubber), acid-proof, heat-proof. It’s also said not to harden, crack, stick or deteriorate with age.... Monthly beauty hint: There’s a new soothing oil for the finger and toe nails, designed to eliminate breaking, splitting. . .. A snug, form-fitting dressing for minor wounds consists of an antiseptic gauze pad backed by a new elastic adhesive tape which wraps about the injured member. . . . • A new fever thermometer case has a spring arrangement which, by a few motions of the hand, lowers the mercury. . . . A new liquid preparation, brushed over their surfaces, permits easy re­ moval of stamps from envelopes, labels from glass or fabrics. It contains no acid or alkali to harm the latter. . . . Gentlemen who prefer a note of color and luxury when it comes to gal­ luses, braces are offered a new all-elastic foulard type, said to be the first such in the history of elastic webs. . . . A new small figuring machine weighs but seven pounds, measures 5J4X 8’4 inches. It adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, uses neither paper nor ribbon, is offered for small business and personal use, verifying totals, calculating, etc. . . . Quiet operation, improved traction distinguishes two new lawn mowers. One has pneumatic rubber tires; the other cushion rubber treads on the wheels, rubber-covered roller. . . . Mower knives on a new power lawn mower are removable, permitting use of the motor for other power purposes... . A track-laying tractor attachment which serves as a rear driving unit for motor trucks has been developed. It permits high-speed hauling over poor roads or across country. ... A new gasket material consists of alternate layers of thin sheet aluminum and fine wire mesh, bound by an elastic compound. . . . Errors due to friction are said to be eliminated, pulsating flows more accurately measured by a new type of flow meter which utilizes a variable orifice principle of operation. . . . Higher fusion point, exceptionally strong bonding properties, are claimed for a new high-temperature bonding cement. . . . A dry, insulated wall, economical of mortar and speedily laid up, is pro­ vided by a new brick unit. Its interlocking joint offers a positive waler stop and also makes the unit self-aligning. A swivel head on a new bolt clipper allows it to he slipped under or around obstructions to reach hard-to-gct-at bolts. It cute with full power whether straight on or at angles. . .. A machine is now offered which flocks or defiberizes rags and other waste products. It produces a flock which is often usable in plaee of flock pre­ pared from more costly raw materials. . . . A celluloid instead of metal base is used in a new, economical process for producing half-tones. It’s said to shorten production time, give good tone quality, detail.... Gas finds a new use through a new gas-onerated summer air conditioner for domestic or industrial purposes. The equipment affords independent control of temperature, humidity. . .. A new B battery for battery-operated radios eliminates the usual tangle of wires and connections. Instead of binding posts it has a plug-in socket, making connections simple, easy, neat. . . . Furniture manufacturers are offered a new “invisible” ball-bearing caster. Made of heavy-gauge steel and finished in dark bronze, it has a bell-shaped skirt which conceals the wheel. . . . Pears or apples are peeled, cored and halved or quartered, then routed to a conveyor by a new machine.. It is said to handle 40 pears or 50 apples a minute. . . . Milk distributors get their bottles back and the kids get some candy through a new device which passes out a stick of gum or a sweet every time an empty bottle is deposited in it. .. . Parachutes which can be built into the seats of cabin planes without sacrificing comfort, or appearance are now offered. Harness is out of slight, yet instantly, easily donned.. .. —Paul H. Hayward. Editor's Note:—This material is gathered from the many sources to which Nation’s Business has access and from the flow of business news into our offices in Washington. Further information on any of these items can be had bv writing to Nation's Business.