Tobacco review


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Tobacco review
Meyer, P A.
The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume XVI (No. 1) January 1936
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
January, 1936 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 43 TOBACCO REVIEW By P A. MEYER Rawi.eae: Quo­ tations for local and export grades con­ tinue firm. Trans­ planting from seed­ beds to fields in the provinces of Caga­ yan and Isabela was started during the latter part of the month under favorable weather conditions. Com­ parative figures of shipments abroad are as follows: Australia anil New Zea­ land............................... Austria and Czechoslo­ vakia............................. Belgium and Holland. . . China and Hongkong. . . France............................... Gibraltar........................... Japan, Korea and For­ mosa ............................. Java and Malaya........... North Africa................... Spain................................. United States.................. Haul,,if. strip,,,<1 Kilos 1,520 24,203 (>,859 38,381 1,722 261,956 398,600 376,617 41,637 — 4,765,045 1,140 18,833 51,990 827,877 1,564,588 10,415,513 86,573 1,382,025 — 3,148 November, 1935............. 1,751,('51 18.517,176 December, 1934.............. 1,413,976 Year 1934........................ 1,668,677 14,024,614 CiGAits: Corn] a at ve figures of shipments to the United States and abroad are as follows: ('piled States Other Countries December 1935 16,011,510 642,095 November 1!:35. 15,651,364 1,424,526 Year 1935........ 208,676,183 about 15,000,000 Year 1934........ 208,268,782 15,352,252 Year 1933........ 186,467,350 12,232,263 Pins One country with its might of war Another country tames, And all mankind must learn a lot Of geographic names: We’ll have to get oi.t maps again To stick with colored pins Where Haile’s troops in trenches lie, Where Duce’s drive begins. There'll be commanders whose renown Will ring from pole to pole— I think I'll use a yellow pin For each dead thousand soul. And as these yellow pins mount up, The greens and reds ranked close Should tell me swift who wins the war And who perforce must lose. But if Selassie’s reds tell not, And Duce's greens no more, I'll give the yellows, dead, the prize, And call it battledoor! Significant Statistics During the 4 weeks ending December 28, 34 corporations with 1’2,687,597.50 capital paid up were registered with the government, and 6 nonstock corporations. Three partnerships with 1’59,000 capital paid up were registered. Ma­ nila issued 11,521 money orders for the total of 1’230,537.06, paid 18,813 for the total of 1’413,111.40. Shares sold on the stock exchange were 7,448,958 for 1’1,798,479. Sixty-nine realty mortgages for 1’793,776 and 145 chattel mort­ gages for 1’1,000,926.71 were registered; and 84 new automobiles, 9 new trucks, 2 new motor­ INSURANCE For Every Need and Purpose FIRE WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION AUTOMOBILE Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd. The Employers’ Liability Continental Insurance Co. Assurance Corporation Ltd. Orient Insurance Company General Agent E. E. ELSER, INC. Telephone 2-24-28 • • Kneedler Building cycles, with transfers of 354 automobiles, 53 trucks, 4 motorcycles. Ninety-two new radios were registered, 316 radio renewals made. Slaughtering at Manila included 962 carabaos, 2,812 cattle, 12,093 hogs. Poultry in Manila markets was 227,302 chickens, 2,885 pigeons, 3,844 ducks, 579 turkeys; chicken eggs 1,691,618, duck eggs 140,943. Forty-six building permits covered new build­ ings estimated to cost 1’329,300. In the popu­ lation of 353,148 births reported were 1,880, deaths 754, marriage licenses 324. (These data are compiled for the Journal by the sta­ tistics division, agriculture and commerce department, of the Philippine government). MARINE ACCIDENT BAGGAGE PLATE GLASS IN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL