Christmas messages


Part of The Lawyers Journal

Christmas messages
Paras, Ricardo
Diaz, Pompeyo
Castelo, Oscar
Sanchez, Conrado V.
Lawyers -- Letters.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
'I II·'" 'H I II Ll ____ ei_i_i''_·"_tm_a_" __ m_._"·_"a_'I __ "_"_· - - Ap~;.t from "it• reli11iou11 •l1nific:.noe, Chrllltma• bringa a natural feuion .. an effective for promoting peace and contentment· leellng of. Jo,. and 1eneroeity, ThOM who enjoy llfe In material abun• amon1 all men, lnetHd of for c:rHting oonfuaion and misundaHtandin11. ctanM aN 9t; leallt relieved from the l'tll!•dar 'enelon of Hlf·eatiety .ti>" .. A. pro1,aroue and happy nation cann~ th11ive on litlgationa. IMlng In uma mHsuN lndUo.llt::b~--H·rt.1 .t the oeo"hton tO gift~-· _: ' ' evt1n a llttla to their 1 ... fortunatti fellow man, The Christian world Marry Chrlstm .. mnd Happy New to all. ie thus, made to n:perlan.H a ..... of general goodwlll. ' ... T~11; .... -.~~~: of the ~"~ arid ~~ ·Ba; :may ~II. d~r:t their::•(·. entio~ ~~ .•rlo.g, .and ·paiin._kin1 judiciial •".' legal wqrl!c. to b11-,..,W• ~,.Nflsot.&l!cf. med.itil.U •P!i-' thti ohrince• of 1co1tllizl~ tholl'·choHn·pra•: I believe th.t Chl'letmH ie 'IOt e time to -pect new 0 bleuin9s, Reth•l't it ie •till!• of OOU'!tl-:!8 w~et ·We heY,,·1lf9,·heelth1 end whet• evw· we .... Pflvilegecl ta enjoy ~ ear.thly geode end heppJne ... ·It le a ... eon of giving, not eo much of metel'iel gift., •• of those of the iUalrlt - . fo11.glw.neu ta· OUI' e~mi-.., :comP ... i11n l-o th• unforlli"ete, 1o~dwill ·ta eli :men .... 1~:thle: ~- ..rii: eJt1,ulci aelebl'et. .Phl'let;1n .. .-.1n:' .i. • ..,lrit of thenkqi~lnii. f6; whet we. ~41ve;:11lving of· ourHlvee, rn9': from e Hn-~. of obll1eti~1 ~ut '.m·-imit11tlan of "-''m WhoH dey it ..... . (Sgd.) RICARDO PARAS Chillf· d.ustice · · · ~UPN_m• Court ls;:~lio· aeve :~jm..:if l:fece.uSo He loved uli.··',.H9 ·11ivee riothing bUt:. wtirthleee gold, who givee from" e eenee. of dut;o." To., .• 11 ~eedei-s of th• Lewye,._Jou,.n.j;1 and::in ;pj.;...ic,i.ilel', ta ell nte.~~•;• o.f}h~ p~uelo~, •. mer:i-i "C.h~l~"l·• .•!' .. : ~ ~~ppy N_ew y .. ,. .. : ! ;"($1d.) POMPEVO· ·Dl;Az Prti•r.clinif · il~diiJti' Court of Appdle · I aift ·i:l~9plY AppN°c'.iatiW of .the opporiunity afiord~d ·me to :ur:tend sh~uld come aro~hd rtigula,.fy ev~ry ,. .. r if biit 'tD ·..Jn:i~d ~. tltet abOve to my collea11uee In the low pl'ofeeeion, through the pagli~ of the Lew· blliing !.•w)reref '!Vii iarit tioue ch, ilnJoinecl\O f~;,e One" enothel' enir )icn .Joul'nel, my Wlll'meet end einoereet greetings of the .... on. Per• to fee[ Ill •l•in"st nObody, 1.~ ~ ~oqfd .be m'a~ •. ~.a"pprecl•te _bethl' h•pi.·'more th~ to "eny-:othe,. groUp of .people. the ~pil'lt o't Ct!i-istmee I erid prmc~ioe the .vlrtu'es of' Chrl•t, "there Is nO.d•lly~na thet t~e· regal dereeay conveys • tl'Uer mooning end pul'p~oe i~ the membe~ of the. prif'-1on r.hell acqiiir1i' e mer". ·h~nortid Nputi'tion~ ~iui tfi~f~liy ae• lq•I profHeion. euN Itself of • heelthie; rospect and .edmll'Atlon by the rest of OUI' . : i~ .J;· pa~ ~nd parc"el oj the. exerclee Of op; oomifton pro~OMlon thet· fCl~litwmen. Con'cOmlta~ly, lta •tenderde will iii~l~~b~Y be l'aiee~ ht l'htiilrt.a·~iii:l_ii.ilferonce"s Of Opln.lon ebould exJit-~m~·n, ue: i~ le like· : hi&~ili'-leV.le end m•ke··ue ••rn_"the ne_m•. ot.,tti::.'1uliirdlens of"T:ew wllie· ~ildiinl~llle "thet ~rtlnioeiti.., giopilg~e and m-fe;dinis ha~ been-· an_~)~•tlo~'. · . _ ' : . . ~.:~ . ~~~~([:~!.~f.~~~~t:!:;::~::~:::::~::::~:.. ·I w;oh ••• oll • Mmr Ch•;•tm .. ::~~~~;~~~;;~0 +lfllllllf.: Th•;ip,.bl!gatio.n of· the L•wyera..:.rournel· ls.:coupJed:witil!-p.6.airC,. i.'~he )I':~~-~- a~i,ij: to.end, ·He•viO"I' t•eke ffit.1M1~;Ll.ewyere;·~ClUJ'nel lnte .... t. · · • \. :· - are eheitd. \.111t" the 8euon ·b·~ing. to. the eclilol'll ~ rif· the ·LawseN ··!•;: · · · · Jc:Aiii.el .encCto'·ti'iO• wkcl..:u"~lflehly•havi. d.eelloateCl.·theil' tlme.aJld To:~he bel' it (s • l'.flrninder that le~:.livnot·.11tii.t~·-~·1~~~~ogre.:See en91'8y.end hove oontrli;uteci metel'iela for the:"p:a&liqi,lion thereof, the witfa the~~·~" of time. . It opf!ne ·fClr "the law,iero irn :unendin1 .Vis~ ..'tlOn that tho elgnal. urvicia th•t .they , .l!r9 · 1'9/lde.rlng ·to· thp, of th•. lew;_~lt ite ~•,.i®.~· ramifi~tlons .. end.".iti:e< jui-jepl'uclence 1ntt1f·. _, bonch1 to the bal' end to the notion et lerge will find edequete com· pretatlv.e of t"'- I~. T~ trea~ieee of .... .now:ftell· aiathOrr.-ghN •mple pf!rfe•n in tha tho1,1ght th•t. thei.- wo,.k·iii weli donltl. · :::.:i:f':~·~ ==~~=::.::;~ ~;~1i:,~:=:=~ -~:::·::~_._;:,.~.·~ '.; ·1~~-~•~r Vice~~:) J:·--~~~~~~2 t+te··-~~~-..:~~~u'6"8 the ~wyen denoL· Jour.nel, ~omm:i.nd.111! the ~spect: •!Jct the:Jfettfi .,,9':9' of'Mllli·llench·and th9 To ua of tha bench the Lewyere Journel he• been, ••· tcl~•Y jt is, . a. guidepost: pointing to ua the oouree to puroue in the di-roe leg•I brought to the courts fol' reeolutl•n._:- Time end' •geln cOurts of justice wore benefited by publicatlone i~ the Lew~ers Jo~l'MI on lr-teresting points of Jew. There Is no gain .. ylng th• feet thet court: doclalone there, publlehed end uftpubllohed, which hove rri'adtl re·~ .. ·· ference to citetione from the Lew)'OI'• Journel. :T .. S"enetol' :F,,d~the'L•wy•J'S"·~oUl'naliehe fut¥re is• ch••·· lenge.~ W8•h.ope .f~r- .... .i:-r .11uccteil. ·:.~· • "::1"· (Sgd.) CONRApO V. SANCHEZ Acting Exeoutht• Jw:lge Court of Fil'&t lnstenoe of Menile 61'1