Forestry in the news


Part of Forestry Leaves

Forestry in the news
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Forestry BARRIO COUNCILS TO HOLD SEMINARS • Ill CALAPAN, Oriental Mindoro, June 18-(CNS) -In order to bolster the current drive for forest protection and in the detection of smuggled forest products cut illegally in this area, District Forester Cipriano M. Vadil of this province recently called a conference among his office and field personnel. To give a wide coverage to this campaign, Vadil likewise instructed all forest guards to arrange meetings and seminars among municipal as well as barrio councils throughout the whole province where technical personnel from his office would give important pointers about forest protection and other phases regarding reforestation and improved tree propagation. Vadil further instructed forest guards of his office to inspect "with care" the boundaries of the license areas and find out if the respective licensees concerned have already complied with instructions of his office to put placards at conspicuous places especially along creeks and trail crossings. He emphasized to his field personnel to enforce the law against "kaingins" in some designated areas in the hinterlands, here. Meanwhile, the district forester expressed satisfaction over the assignment of more personnel to his office saying the patrol sectors of each forest guard will now be considerably reduced in area "thus making it possible for each guard to look after his particular sector more intensively. On the other hand, to step up revenue collections for the government, Vadil has also instructed his men to be on the alert in checking all kinds of forest products being sold or transported so that proper forest charges due to government may be collected. He has likewise demanded from all delinquent permitees here the payment of their rentals for the use of public forest lands in this area. In this collection drive, Vadil has ordered his scalers to be on the look-out for all abandoned fallen logs and all other merchantable timbers in the cutting areas of the permitees. In the implementation of the sustained yield management plan, Timber Management Assistant Gregorio Principe and Timber Management officer the News in-charge Mariano R. Peralta were enjoined to enforce selective logging by estabishing setups by tree markers. LOGGING WORK METHODS BARED CALAPAN, Oriental Mindoro, June 30--(CNS) -With the objective of helping in effectively conserving the virgin forests in this province, District Forester Cipriano M. Vadil has waged a campaign among timber concessionaires here regarding the dissemination of technical know-how in selective logging practices. This, according to him, would "prevent the denudation of forest zones here and thereby minimize the incidence of floods especially at this time of the year when the rainy season is almost at hand." He said the practice of selective logging is a joint project of the forestry office and the timber concessionaires which is being implemented by the Timber Management personnel of the forestry office of this province. The concessionaires are asked to send trainees who undergo seminars and actual field practice in the art a:nd mechanics of selective fogging. He bared that with 24 timber licensees in this area, the timber management workers of his office will "have their hands full," in this campaign especially that there are cases when there is simultaneous log-cutting in two or more areas. In this selective-logging practice, Vadil pointed out that the following work procedure are embraced: 1. Survey of logging set-ups in order to determine the location, boundaries and extent of the logging areas; 2. Sampling check in order to determine the timber content and to estimate the total number of residuals to be marked or left uncut; 3. Tree-markings to determine which trees to cut at the same time giving indications as to the diameter and classifications; 4. Residual inventorying in order to take into account the penalty to be imposed on licensees who caused injuries on residuals marked to be left within a designated area; and 5. Timber stand improvement which includes rilvicultural treatments of the forest, such as trimming of the young stand, pruning of defective ARBOR WEEK - FORESTRY DAY ISSUE ·- 1965 - Page 91 branches, removal of vines and other undesirable growths, and the seedling of bare areas. This last phase is usually done when an area has already been logged-over. Meanwhile, Vadil expressed optimism for the success of this long-range campaign on account of the favorable reaction made by timber concessionaires here. 0 0 0 WATERSHED IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM HIKED SORSOGON, Sorsogon, July 1-(CNS)-The Sorsogon Economic Development Council today S<ilught the intensification of a watershed management program for the province. Its importance was underscored by the SEDC which pointed out that such a program on a province-wide basis could attack the "problem of the lose of our two most basic natural resources, soil and water, on a watershed basis for the benefit of the aquatic resources." A watershed is the land area which contributes to the flow of a waterway and vary in size. Local Newsmen were told by the local economic council that watershed management "involves all aspects of the productive and protective use of land and water in a valley or watershed." The SEDC declared that a watershed "is an ecological unit, a community of many facets, land, water, trees, shrubs, grasses, good crops, animals, birds, insects, fish and a human population, with multiple relationships and inter-relationships." Proper consideration of these inter-relationships can mean an increase in basic soil wealth increased crop production by an improved agriculture, increased water supplies, stabilized stream flows and reduced flood hazards, a reduction in need and cost of downstream engineering works, increased value of forest, and improved environmental conditions for game and fish. The SEDC advocated the organization of watershed improvement associations among sportmen's clubs, civic groups, farming communities and even individuals in order to attack the problems involved in watershed management from every possible angle and avoid duplication of effort. 0 0 0 MOVE TO HALT ILLEGAL LOG OPERATIONS CAMP VICENTE LIM, Laguna, June 2-( PNS) -Col. Segundo L. Gazmin, Second PC Zone comPage 92 mander, ordered yesterday his proYincial PC commanders in the Biro! region to detail at least five PC soldiers to. every ·forest sector team of the bureau of forestry to help combat illegal "kaingin" and illegal logging in the Bicol area. Gazmin's order was spurred by a request from the bureau of forestry regional director Enrique K. Santos who informed him that the bureau had launched a massive drive against illegal "kaingin" and illegal logging in the Bicol Area. Santos told Gazrnin that his office had adopted the following measures to insure the success of the campaign: ( 1) Divide each province into patrol sectors and assign in each sector two forest officers to check illegal logging and prevent forest destruction. ( 2) Inspect the Jogging operations of concessionaires with the view to enforcing the system of selective logging. ( 3) Lay out the common boundaries of timber licensees and forest concessionaires to prevent them from encroaching on each other's territory. ( 4) Establish forestry sub-stations near public forests in each province for the purpose of intercepting illegal loggers. 0 0 0 SCHEME WILL UP TEMPO OF REFORESTATION SORSOGON, Sorsogon, May 31-(CNS)-The Sorsogon Economic Development Council today proposed the establishment of tree nurseries in the province as a means of accelerating the tempo of reforestation in Sorsogon. It is apparent, the SEDC said, that supply of tree seedlings at this time may not be able to cope with the demand should an intensive tree planting program be carried out. In urging the establishment of tree nurseries, the local economic body also batted for a campaign to encourage tree planting even among private farm owners. It is not just the denuded forests that needed to be reforested but also eroded fields. "It is about time that the practice of planting trees be greatly encouraged," it added. And in order that the rate of tree planting be increased, nurseries should be established first, the SEDC said. "While there is lack of accurate statistics on how far reforestation has been carried out in Sorsogon, it is safe to assume that since reforestation was started in the province in the area of the FORESTRY LEAVES Bulusan volcano national park about the middle of 1937, not much ground have been covered up to date," the SEDC said. Tree nurseries could be established in private lands through the representation of forestry officials and the reforestation administration so that there could be an ample supply of seedlings, according to the SEDC. 0 0 0 RA WARNS AGAINST FOREST FIRE Administrator Jose Viado of the Reforestation Administration has warned against outbreaks of forest fire in the various reforestation projects established throughout the country. In a memorandum issued to all regional supervisors and foresters-in-charge in the field headquarters, Viado said that come summertime, incidence of forest fire always poses a grave danger to established plantations. Already, the Reforestation Administration has lost some 4,145 hectares of established plantations through fire since its foundation in 1960. About five million trees of various species valued at approximately Pl3 million were razed to the ground, he explained. According to the administrator, grass fire is observed to be the most common cause of wood fire. Private owners of land adjoining reforested areas do their clearing by setting grasses on fire. Uncontrolled, fire creeps toward the direction of the plantations, he said. Administrator Viado also mentioned careless picnickers and campers as potential agents of forest fire. All fieldmen must therefore redouble their efforts in guarding the reforestation projects. People entering any project should be closely supervised until they leave the premises so that accidents will be minimied. Excursionists who become unruly while inside the plantations must be told to behave and given a lecture on the evil effects of forest destruction, he concluded. - The Sunday Times-April 25, 1965 0 0 0 GRADE RULES HIT P.I. LOGS Philippine logs exported to Australia, under the grading rules, would become extremely uncompetitive with Borneo and Malaysia logs. One of the consequences of the new grading rules (Forestry Administrative Order No. 19-2) adopted by the Bureau of Forestry governing exportation of logs to foreign countries is the elimination of "veneer 3" as a grade which is now classified as "sawlog l." The Philippine Lumber Producers Association has been reliably informed that on the basis of classification, a duty of 17 .5 per cent is imposed on sawlogs by the Australian government as against five per cent on peelers and Yeneers. Consequently, Philippine logs which used to be veneer 3 paying five per cent duty now would pay 17.5 per cent as sawlogs. - Manila Bulletin-June 13, 1965 0 0 0 CONSOLIDATION OF 3 FORESTRY OFFICES URGED Consolidation of three government forestry offices into a forestry commission for effective coordination of their activities has been advocated by the University of the Philippines forestry alumni association. The offices sought to be merged are the bureau of forestry, reforestation administration and the parks. and wildlife office. A bill to this effect is pending in both the lower house and the senate. It calls for the creati.on of: a forestry commission to be headed by a forestry 'commissioner. Placing these units under one head, according to Nicolas P. Lansigan, president of the Alumni association, is expected to bring about a much desired coordination of functions and lorestall overlapping of jurisdictions. Under a unified set-up, a more economical use of plant facilities and efficient utilization of funds and limited personnel would also be possible. - Manila Bulletin-April 6, 1965 0 0 0 STRESS FOREST CONSERVATION Forestry officials yesterday exhorted private woodland owners to observe forestry practices in order to ensure the perpetual usefulness of private forest to augment the wood requirement of the country. Forestry assistant director Juan L. Utleg said vegetative cover of private woodland must be maintained for their timber crop and the many benefits derived therefrom such as maintenance of spring, srade of animals, conservation of soil and fertility of the land. ARBOR WEEK - FORESTRY DAY ISSUE -1965 Page 93 Utleg said it was high time private woodland owners helped in the forest conservation program of the government. They should not continue with the general run of cutting and selling the timber and demolishing the forests to convert them to agricultural and pasture lands. He said not all areas under forest are suitable for agriculture. Rolling hills may be good for pasture but those with rough topography are only suitable for timber production, he added. The assistant director appealed to private woodland owners to remove only those trees of marketable sizes leaving the young ones uninjured to keep the forest alive. He said woodland owners should conserve their forests because of the attractive monetary returns for their timber crops. 0 0 0 RIVERA EXHORTS LUMBERMEN DAVAO CITY-Former acting director of forestry Apolonio F. Rivera exhorted loggers to adopt strictly the forest conservation and protection program of the government through the selective logging system in order to ensure the perpetual utilization of the country's forests. Rivera was the keynote speaker at the opening of the third regional selective logging seminar at barrio Maco, this city, June 21. According to Rivera, the sustained yield management program of the bureau if properly adopted by the loggers will create a favorable atmosphere that would reconciliate forest utilization with conservation thereby enhanced a continuous balance of wood harvest and wood growth. Rivera, who is dubbed as the best non-career man ever to head the bureau of forestry, was responsible in putting back the office into the good graces of the public. The dynamism that was generated by his leadership was so sweeping and penetrating that ti has spurred every forestry employee to do his very best. The former director of forestry said the bureau. had prepared a five-year forestry development program intended to accelerate action on forest protection and conservation. Even if he was no longer in the bureau he would continue contributing his share in forest protection and conservation, he said. The selective logging seminar currently being held at barrio Maco of this city is attended by concessionaires, logging foremen and company foresters from the provinces of Bukidnon, Misarnis Oriental, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, Davao, Cotabato and Agusan. This is the third in a series and Page 94 is designed to acquaint loggers in Mindanao with the concepts of the sustained yield management under selective. logging. Meanwhile, forestry assistant director Juan L. Utleg, who is concurrently officer-in-charge of the agency said he would pursue the policies and programs started by Rivera in the bureau. He said aside from enforcing the sustained yield management program other projects would be given more impetus such as the timber inventory, land classification and the establishment of permanent forests to ensure maximum protection of the country's forests. - Manila Bulletin-June 20, 1965 0 0 0 CHAILENGE HECHANOV A ON FORESTS Vice President Emmanuel Pelaez challenged the scretaries of finance and agriculture the other night to help President Macapagal adopt measures designed to pep up the nation's wood industries. Pelaez challenged Secretary of Finance Rufino Hechanova, Senator Gaudencio Antonino and Rep. Vicente Pimentel, who were among the special guests at the dinner conference held at the Manila hotel, to request President Macapagal to certify to a bill exempting logs sold to local processing plants from the imposition of the seven per cent sales tax. Pelaez also challenged Secretary of Agriculture Jose Feliciano to make good his promise to approve renewal of timber licenses to which Feliciano had pledged when he spoke before the convention's opening plenary session Monday. Pelaez also told Secretary of Public Works Jorge Abad that he had noted in his trips around Mindanao that loggers had built roads at a cost almost one-filth of the cost incurred by the depart(Ilent of public works. Pelaez told the dinner session which officially closes the fifth national convention of the Philippine Chamber of Wood Industries that the log producers and wood processors were the "constitutional managers" of the patrimony of the nation, particularly the forest resources. The Constitution, he explained, imposes upon every Filipino the primary obligation of conserving the patrimony of the nation. "And as you are the group directly involved in the exploitation and development of our forest resources, it is your foremost duty to conserve these resources as constitutional managers." FORESTRY LEAVES Pelaez assisted by Gaudencio S. Maiialac, chamber president, presented industry awards to Secretary Hechanova, Senator Antonino, former Public Works Secretary Brigido Valencia, Rep. Pimentel, Valeriano Bueno and Lorenzo Sarmiento. Hechanova received the award for President Macapagal. This afternoon, Maiialac and Juan Utleg, acting director of forestry, will award the delegates their certificates for attending the three-day series of seminars held in Los Baiios, Laguna. President and Mrs. Macapagal will tender tea in honor of the delegates at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Malacafiang social hall. - Manila Bulletin-April 9, 1965 0 0 0 WOOD IS VERSA TILE MA TERI AL COLLEGE, Laguna-(PNS)-Wood reputedly is a versatile material in the construction business. It has even invaded fields where steel or concrete is required. In its mere form, however, wood cannot, in all cases, displace other construction materials, considering the fact that it finally decays and is vulnerable to fungi and insect attack. To obiate this disadvantage in the use of wood, technologists at the Forest Products Research Institute in Los Baiios has developed a chemical treatment to make wood more durable, more resistant to fire or chemical action, water repellent, stronger and harder. F.P.R.I. researchers confirm that the use of creosote or borax render the wood decay-prof. This work eventually has set a wider field of wood utilization. Where wood has been considered of limited use in construction works a few years ago, it now has been regarded by many as one of the more permanent construction materials. 0 0 0 ESTABLISHMENTS OF SEED ORCHARD URGED COLLEGE, Laguna, May 18-(CNS)-The establishment of seed orchards in the Philippines is indispensable in forest tree improvement since they serve as sources of certified seeds and laboratory for genetic and breeding experiments, according to Bernardo C. Sinues instructor in forest botany and dendrology of the UP College of Forestry here. In the Philippines, said Sinues, there is an urgent need of establishing a seed orchard in every region. "This would have pave the way to the accumulation of essential research materials besides serving as a temporary source of relatively superior seeds," he claimed. "Otherwise, it would be economically advisable to maintain a small seed orchard that is manageable by every reforestation project." The UPCF instructor added that this is now a dire necessity inasmuch as the climax species are already being planted to some areas. 0 0 0 REPORT GROWING DEMAND FOR P.I. FOREST PRODUCTS Secretary of Commerce and Industry Cornelio Balmaceda received a report yesterday about increasing demands for Philippine lumber, plywood and veneer in the U.S. The report, from Benjamin Domingo, Philippine commercial attache in Seattle, Washington, said 50 per cent of Philippine exports cleared through the port of Seattle consisted of Philippine lumber. In December 1964, Domingo said, Philippine lumber exports had gone up to 20,439 tons and this was followed by logs and poles with 9,828 tons and · the fourth largest Philippine export - plywood and veneer--,'3,295 tons. COLLEGE, Laguna, June 5 - (PNS) - The Philippine wood industry has a bright future in the world market according to Dr. Hardy L. Shirley dean of the college of forestry, New York state university. Shirley said this was particularly true of wood carvings and furniture made in the Phiippines. In an interview with officials at the U.P. college of forestry here, Shirley said that Philippine forests had shown capabilities of restoring themselves even after logging operations have ended. Shirley cited the "tremendous recovery of the residual stands of forests in Mindanao." He said, however, that the Philippines stUI lacked trained men to handle highly technical jobs in the wood industry. -The Manila Bulletin-June 6, 1965 0 0 0 MOVE TO IMPROVE FOREST INCOME COLLEGE, Laguna, April 14-(CNS) -The planting of economic tree will be stepped up for t/ie dual purpose of reforesting vast areas of denuded land and getting additional income. ARBOR WEEK - FORESTRY DAY ISSUE - 1965 Page 95 This was announced recently by Administrator Jose Viado of the Reforestation Administration in a recent radio chat with U.P. College of Forestry extension specialists here. According to Viado, the Reforestation Administration has already planted some 100 hectares of denuded land in Cotabato to rubber. An additional 400 hectares are slated for mass planting to rubber trees. The reforestation boss further said that the drive to plant trees of economic importance is in line with the objective of the Reforestation Administration to sustain itself financially within the next ten years. Viado also urged that kaingin farmers, instead of cutting trees, can do well to plant economic trees in denuded forest lands. Besides rubber, farmers can plant lurnbang, ahnaciga, paper mulberry and Albizzia falcata to get extra cash. These trees, said Viado are of industrial importance and are vigorous and fast-growing. He said that in the case of rubber trees, tapping can be done in six years. Besides, rubber latex is a non-perishable product and can be stored for long period or transported to distant places. Viado also pointed out that there is growing demand for natural rubber, despite the competition posed by synthetics. .. .. COLLEGE, Laguna, April 14-(CNS)-Studies made at the UP college of forestry here show definitely that scientific management and improved forestry . techniques result in much bigger profits and better conservation. According to the UPCF researchers, a forest will no longer be regarded merely as a natural resources to be cut at random and left alone to grow by itself. "The forest of tomorrow will be planted, cultured, fertilized and systematically harvested much like any other crop," revealed the UPCF researchers. .. .. .. SEEDLINGS IN PLASTIC BAGS BETTER THAN IN EMPTY CANS COLLEGE, Laguna, May 8-( CNS )-Forestry silviculturists of the U.P. College of Forestry here have found that planting seeds in plastic bags are better than buho or empty cans. Prof. Teodoro C. Delizo and Ireneo L. Domingo of the U.P.C.F. said that with the use of these bags weeding is not required because the roots of seedlings are undisturbed during transplanting Page 96 and that survival is high. They added that plastic bags will soon replace buho and empty cans in reforestation project: According to the UPCF silviculturists using plastic bags for potting seedling have the following advantages: 1) they are easy to prepare; 2) they are easy to secure; and 3) they are easy to handle. Plastic bags used at the UPCF nurseries are 7 x 8 inches. These bags are filled with prepared soil. Then on planting time, all one needs to do is to immerse the bags in water than cut the bottom part of the bags and plant them in holes of about 8 inches deep. Findings show that the percentage of survival under controlled conditions is about 90 per cent. 0 0 .. FOREST GUARDS PROTECT AREA SOUGHT COLLEGE, Laguna, April 22-(CNS)-The bureau of forestry is badly in need of forest guards to protect the remaining forests of the country from illegal loggers and smugglers, according to Assistant Director Juan L. Utleg of the bureau of forestry. Utleg revealed that at present the bureau of forestry has only 700 forest guards to protect more than 13 million hectares of forest land. "This means that every forest guard must have to protect about 19 thousand hectares of forests," he said. According to Utleg this is hwnanly impossible considering the lack of transportation facilities. He said, a forest guard should protect only 2000 hectares if he is to protect the area effectively. The assistant director further disclosed that the problem was aggravated when the forest guards of the Emergency Employment Administration were laid off. "Thus, the lack of forest guards has literally hampered the protection of important forest areas of the country,' he claimed. When asked what the bureau of forestry has done, Utleg said that they are again recommending additional funds for forest protection. He hopes Congress will approve the request for more funds . • • .. PLANTING OF ALBIZZIA URGED COLLEGE, Laguna, May 15- (CNS) -The large-scale planting of the fastest growing tree in the Philippines for conunercial purposes has been reconunerided by the forestry extension specialists of the UP College of Forestry here. FORESTRY LEAVES According to them, Albizza falcata which is today considered the fastest growing tree in the country can easily make 1"28,000 in IO years out of a hectare of sub-marginal land. "This is possible because Albizzia falcata can gro~· a foot taller a month and attain a height of 80 feet in six years," they claimed. The UPCF. extension specialists said Abizzia falcata has an amazing growth rate which is six times faster than the apitong, lauan. narra, yakal and others. It can accumulate 659.3 cubic meters of wood per hectare within six years and an a"·erage annual growth of 134 cubic meters. Ireneo L. Domingo, silviculturist of the UPCF said the fast growth of Albizzia falcata is natural because it is favored by a good climate in the Philippines. To be more or less assured of success in Albizzia falcata raising, Domingo suggested that it is advisable for the farmer to raise the seedlings in the nursery before finally setting them permanently in the field. 0 0 0 THE 'KAINGINERO' AND THE CONCESSIONAIRE A convention on the problems caused by the "kaingin" was held several days ago by government foresters, lumbermen and associations interested in forest conservation and reforestation. A convention not only of this particular problem but also of the system of granting of forest concessions has long been overdue. Attention was drawn to the wanton destruction of the country's forest when floods began to plague the countrysides, although it would be inaccurate to blame the "kaingero" entirely for this calamity. Some three years ago, when floods washed away whole villages at the foot of the Zambales-Bataan mountain ranges, photographs were shown of bald mountainsides, the handiwork of the "kaingero" who burned large areas of forest land to convert them into farms. The error of his ways was there for all the world to see and condemn; the "kaingero" was the readily available vilain. But the greater villain, although hidden from easy view, is the greedy forest or timberland concessionaire, who cuts all the trees he want, with or without the permission of the honest forest ranger or with the tacit permission of the dishonest one. Forestry regulations are strict and effective enough to insure the conservation of the country's forest resources and their replacement through proper and adequate reforestation, if they are enforced. But they are not, either because the concessionaires take advantage of the lack of government foresters or because they have already amassed wealth to enable them to buy off some of them. After the war, the industry became ten times more productive through the wanton violation of the forestry laws. The gravity of this situation is best shown up by the fact that the "kainginero" is a lone and impecunious operator, while the concessionaire is not. The solution of the problem posed by forest destruction lies in a careful re-study of the system of granting forest concessions. Should the government limit the granting of concessions to a few individuals or entities, giving them sizable areas at a fairly long period of time? Under this system, the concessionaire will not be tempted to cut trees indiscriminately because he is afforded enough time to recover his investment with a fair enough margin of profit; he will be forced to engage in selective logging, because of stricter demands for reforestation work on his part, and because of the abolition of cut-throat competition from wild-cat operators. These are among the compelling reasons which will endorse the adoption of this system. ·-The Manila Chronicle-March 16, 1965 0 0 0 TAMESIS BUCKS BIG ANNUAL LOG EXPORT COLLEGE, Laguna, April 4-(CNS)-Florencio Tamesis, first Filipino director of the bureau of forestry and concurrent general manager of the Nasipit Lumber Co., Inc., express disfavor over the increasing annual log production and exportation of the country during a recent interview with ex" tension specialists of the U.P. college of forestry here. Asked how he would reconcile the increasing wood cutting for export and effective forest conservation, Tamesis said he believes that by curtailment of our production, the country could main tain continuous and better market for log exports. The present rate of increase is alarming in the sense that we are wasting considerable raw material for a lower value, he said. Instead, Tamesis has favored the reduction of the number of forest concessionaires the government will be in better control of the production and utilization of the forest. ARBOR WEEK · FORESTRY DAY ISSUE - 1965 Page 97 The former director cited the 1"30,000 daily wood waste occurring in the forest as a result of the inability of the licensees to take advantage of the full utilization of the trees. " " " UPCF PUBLISHES MONTHLY CIRCULAR COLLEGE, Laguna, March 31- {CNS) -A Conservation circular devoted to the cause of forestry is published monthly by the extension of the UP college of forestry in cooperation with the Joint Committee on Public Education and Information in Forestry. Interested parties specially public school teachers who may want to avail of the informative circular can contact Prof. Domingo V. Jacalne of the UP college of forestry for free copies. The managing editor of the Conservation circular is Anacleto C. Duldulao who is also the concurrent editor of the Forestry Leaves. Advisers are Prof. Domingo V. Jacalne, Prof. James Elwood Davis and Dean Gregorio Zamuco. 0 0 0 RESETTLEMENT OF KAINGINEROS URGED COLLEGE, Laguna, April 12- {CNS) -The resetlement of kaingineros on lands suited to permanent agriculture has been proposed as one of the possible solutions to kaingin problem, according to Dr. John Hugo Kraemer, former visiting professor and advisor of the UP college of forestry here. Dr. Kraemer also believed that the existing laws on forestry are adequate. However, he urged the rigid enforcement of these laws. Likewise, the former l<isiting professor said that the cause of forest conservation to be successful must have the support of all officials concerned and the public at large. Asked about his observations of forestry in the Philippines, Dr. Kraemer said that the Filipinos are not practicing intensive forestry. 0 0 " PWO BRASS DENOUNCES GOV'T ANEW COLLEGE, Laguna, April 10 - {CNS) - The indifference of the national government to improve the Parks and Wildlife Office was denounced anew by Marcelo A. Buncio, officer-in-charge of the PWO. Page 98 Buncio said the government and lawmakers have forgotten that they have created the Parks and Wildlife Office in this country. All problems of the office emanate from ·lack of funds, he added. "The Parks and Wildlife Office has never been given enough funds to carry on its vital functions," declared Buncio. According to the parks head, the meager appropriation of the office did not allow for the hiring of necessary personnel to man the central office and the 42 national parks and game refuges. He said the office cannot even buy equipment and materials necessary in carrying out the objectives of the office. "Most disgusting is the fact that the PWO does not even have a decent building of its own," declared Buncio. "It has long been housed in an old congested and dilapidated building in Binondo. As a consequence of the lack of funds, said Buncio, the Philippines has remained to be a parkless country in spite of its 42 national parks. 0 0 0 FELICIANO URGES WOOD INDUSTRIES EXPAND OUTPUT Jose Feliciano, secretary of agriculture and natural resources, urged the nation's log producers and wood processors yesterday to strive for "optimum production on a sustained basis." In an address before the opening plenary session of the fifth annual convention of the Philippine Chamber of Wood Industries, the agriculture secretary explained that the campaign toward maximum output of wood products should be carried out in such a manner that forest resources are conserved and made perpetually useful. Feliciano called on the country's lumbermen and loggers to expand domestic processing of wood products as a means of opening up more job opportunities for the Philippines' growing population and of bringing additional profits to investors. He set 2.6 billion board feet a year as the target of production sufficient to put the logging industry on a more or less stable footing. He lashed out at forest destruction caused by "kaingineros" professional land grabbers and unscrupulous loggers. The cabinet official explained that the responsibility of forest conservation and wise utilization of wood products rests partially on the shoulders of the government. FORESTRY LEAVES However, he continued, while government should provide the atmosphere, the major responsibility rests upon those licensed by the government to conduct logging operations. On this score, he pointed out, forestry development areas should be managed by responsible concessionaires. Feliciano challenged the members of the Philippine Chamber of Wood Industries headed by Gaudencio Maiialac to undertake the task of promoting the conservation of the nation's forest wealth and of forestering collectively the various methods in the wise utilization of wood and timber products. He gave to the loggers the responsibility of influencing the making of policies, rules and regulations by the government on the development of the nation's forests. Answering a complaint aired earlier by Surigao Governor D. 0. Plaza that loggers were faced with the grim prospects of foreclosures on their mortgaged properties, Felici~no said the department of agriculture and natural resources would give priority attention to loggers and their problems, and would help prevent foreclosures of mortgages. Answering another complaint aired by Feliciano Sarmiento, immediate past president of the chamber, that renewals for timber licenses had not been acted upon, the secretary of agriculture said he would sign the papers "as soon as possible." In his welcome address, Governor Plaza deplored that the nation's natural resources, particularly forest products, were not being fully utilized as a means to solve the unemployment problem due to government indifference and neglect. Plaza, the convention's chairman, added that the country's economic set-backs "could have been avoided if only our government officials had the welfare of our businessmen at heart." "Unfortunately, he went on, "the attitude of some of our government form of government of ours, public officials are the servants of the people.'' "In other countries," he continued, "businessmen are accorded high respect and considerations befitting a master because these businessmen are the citizens that pay the salaries of the government employees through the taxes that they pay." "In our country," he said further, "not even the President of the Philippines should be our master, for the people did not elect a master, but a manager to manage the affairs of our country." Reacting to Plaza's charge, Secretary Feliciano said he is not one of the government officials alluded to. Maiialac, President of the sponsoring chamber, gave an objective appraisal of the country's wood industries. 0 0 0 A.F.P. HIKING LOGGING DRIVE The defense department and armed forces went full blast in the drive against illegal logging in the Angat watershed in Bulacan over the weekend. Not content with just sending a company of army and Constabulary Rangers, Secretary of Defense Macario Peralta, Jr. dispatched two more companies from the first infantry (Tabak) division in Laur, Nueva Ecija to the Angat watershed area to plug entry and exit of illegal loggers. At the same time, the defense chief ordered dispatched airforce reconnaissance and spotter planes to pinpoint kaingineros and illegal loggers. In the anti-smuggling drive, Peralta instructed Brig. Gen. Flaviano P. Olivares, constabulary chief, to transfer out individuals or even the whoie company, who were suspected by the community of having . familiar or undue relations with known smugglers. Olivares was told to reassign the officers and men, or the whole company to areas and stations they could possibly have nothing to do with the smuggling drive. Olivares was likewise directed to withdraw P. C. security to politicians or individuals known to be giving security to smugglers. 0 0 0 NWSA, FORESTRY BRASS HELP SOUGHT IN FIGHT MALOLOS, Bulacan, Mar. 2-(PNS)-Gov. Jose M. Villarama yesterday sought the help of 'National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority and Bureau of Forestry officials in his campaign against illegal loggers in the province. NWSA and Forestry officials will accompany the governor and constabulary authorities in an inspection of forests in San Ildefonso, San Miguel and San Jose del Monte this week. Earlier, Villarama arranged with Philippine Air Force authorities for the use of a helicopter to view the place where illegal loggers operate. Hovvever, ~ governor's plan was not pushed through. ARBOR WEEK - FORESTRY DAY ISSUE -- 1965 Page 99 Lt. Col. Cesar V. Lucero, prO\"incial PC commander, told the governor that it was advisable to use the road in going to the mountains despite the rough terrain because it was impossible to spot illegal logers from the air. The operation of illegal loggers in the three municipalities was bared by Vice Governor Salvador Santiago during a recent session of the provincial board. Santiago told the governor that an official of a law enforcement agency in the province was the owner of several trucks being used in hauling illegally felled logs. Villararna was understood to ha\·e directed former San Ildefonso Mayor Alberto V. Laigo, chief provincial police investigator, to check if the loggers operating in the three municipalities had permits issued by the Bureau of Forestry. F AO RELEASES ... (Continued from page 90) ing of fruit trees and vines. Young tree seedlings and saplings have been protected from goat-grazing. There are some 400,000 goats in the country, about a quarter too many for the land to support. Though reduction of the goat herds would solve some of the forest problems yet, in many of these areas, goats are the only animals which can find enough to eat. One of the areas is centred on Barouk where terracing experiments are being carried out and where existing groves of cedars are being encouraged· to spread. Thousands of seedlings are being planted and roads are being bull-dozed throughout the area as the nucleus of a twentymile wide national cedar park. In the Mount Hennon areas, oak tree forests are being encouraged. In Compliments of GUILLERMO GEALON ENTERPRISES LOG EXPORTER Office: Kibawe, Bukidnon Concession: Kibawe, Bukidnon Page 100 Villararna also warned saVl<mill operators not to buy illegally cut logs under pain of having their respective establishments closed. The governor said he had received reports that logging firms has been selling logs to a number of sawmills in the province. IBA, Zambales, Mar. 2-(PNS)-Col. Proceso J. Arevalo, provincial PC commander, has reported to Gov. Manuel D. Barretto the rampant illegal cutting of timber within the Olongapo watershed. In his report, Arevalo said that 43 logs had been confiscated by elements of the 125th PC company and forestry personnel in this province. Arevalo said that the logs, which were cut from Mt. Susung Dalaga and Sitio Panlibing both from Zambales were taken to Dinalupihan, Bataan. 0 0 0 other areas, torrent control and water storage is being carried out, combined with range improvement, which could lead to increased livestock production. Lebanon is typical of much of the Mediterranean region. Populations are expanding at a faster rate than incomes and food supplies. The eroded mountains of the Middle East, the desert wastes of North Africa are only just being kept at bay. If the population shift from the hill-villages to the towns can be slowed down, then the newcomers can be assimilated into urban industrial life without excessive overcrowding and unemployment while, at the same time, those who are left on the fanns have a fighting chance of increasing crop yields and cash incomes. Lebanon's Green Plan, aided by the United Nations agencies, is an attemptsimilar to others being carried out in every Mediterranean country - to make life more worthwhile for the mountain people. Compliments of PLARJDEL LUMBER CO., INC. LOGS & PLYWOOD EXPORTER Office: Sanninto Bldg., Recto Ave. Davao City Concession: Kibawe, Bukidnon & Carmen, Cotabato FORESTRY LEAVES