Campus Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

Campus Notes
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Campus F.E.D. OFFERS EXTENSION SUBJECT The Forestry Extension Deparbnent is offering this semester a subject on forestry extension. The subject is offered as an elective for students of Junior or Senior standing who have passed English 3. It is intended to acquaint students with the principles of extension work, objectives of forestry extension, and the methods and materials used in extension activities. By offering the subject to interested students, the College hopes to give the graduating foresters a basic knowledge on forestry extension to better prepare them for the varied tasks they will meet while in the service. 0 0 0 NURSERY AND PLANTATION HANDBOOK OUT The printing of the "FOREST NURSERY AND PLANTATION HANDBOOK F 0 R THE PHILIPPINES" is off the press. The handbook is authored by Prof. Teodoro C. Delizo. The handbook is the first attempt of Professor Delizo to publish a book about the care of forest nurseries and plantations applicable to Philippine conditions. Delizo will appreciate suggestions for further improvement of the book. The Forestry Extension Department which undertook the printing is now offering the handbook for sale to interested parties at !"2.50 each or at ~3.00 including mailing costs. 0 0 0 F.B.S. DEPARTMENT PROPOSES GRADUATE COURSES The Forest Biological Science Department of the UPCF has come up with 28 different but related subjects proposed for graduates and advance graduate students. Descriptions of the subjects were distributed to members of the faculty. These subjects will be offered as soon as the graduate program of the College of Forestry will be approved by the University authorities. The UPCF proposes to offer graduate studies leading to Master of Science and Master of Forestry. 0 0 0 Notes FIGAROLA, SINUES FIND TREE BARKS GOOD AID TO TREE IDENTIFICATION Damaso B. Figarola and Bernardo C. Sinues have found that looking at the bark of trees is the easiest way to identify a standing trees or tree without leaves. In their study of the 32 tree species in Mt. Makiling, they found out that no two species have the same bark characteristics. They either differ in texture, color, odor, taste, liquid exudation or thickness. Working out a key to the identification of the 32 species studied, they showed the possibility of identifying the more than three thousand trees in the country with the use of their bark characteristics. The two botanists have paved the way to easier tree identification. 0 0 0 FIRST FOREST GUARD TRAINING SEMINAR ENDS The first Forest Guard Training Seminar, sponSored by the members of the Philippine Association for Permanent Forests, Inc., in cooperation with the U.P. College of Forestry and the Bureau of Forestry, held at Tungao, Butuan City ended July 10, 1965. Prof. Domingo V. Jacalne, who had been designated Professor In Charge of Training left for Butuan City last July 7 to attend the closing exercises. The graduating trainees were awarded certificates. 0 0 0 SUNY CONTRACT ENDS The assistance contract between the U.P. College of Forestry and the State University of New York College of Forestry at Syracuse ended June 20, 1965. The contract which began in 1960 was a continuation of the assistance contract between the U.P. College of Forestry and Cornell University. The contract aimed to help in the development of the U.P. College of Forestry in modernizing the curriculum, rebuilding and strengthening the faculty through graduate study and in-service training, improving teaching methods, student recruitment, physical plant and cooperative relationship within and without the university; developing effective program bf graduate education, research and public information and acquisition of equipment. ARBOR· WEEK - FORESTRY DAY ISSUE - 1965 - Page 103 The SUNY people felt that most of their objectives have been fairly achieved and that there is no need to further extend the contract. However, Dean Hardy L. Shirley of the SUNY College of Forestry commented that th U.P. College of Forestry has not yet reached a stage in its development from which it can continue to grow and prosper without further assistance. He said it has not become truly viable and self-regenerating institution. "The College will not be truly self-perpetuating until it is prepared to educate its own faculty, its own research workers, and the top-ranking administration forester in government and industry,' Shirley commented. 0 0 0 FPRI HIGHLIGHTS ... (Continued from page 82) 0 Engrs. R. J. Miciano and M. B. Avanzado of the timber physics and engineering division on their survey of the Aras-Asan Timber Co. in Basay, Samar in connection with their study on rapid segregation of sinker logs, found the company beset with the problem of recovering sinker logs constituting approximately 35 percent of logs cut and towed to their shipyard for export. Logs for export are usually towed through the winding Basey river to the shipyard, about 15-20 kilometers from the compound where the logs are dumped. The duo theorized that magnitude of sinker logs may have resulted from the geographical location of the place being in the typhoon belt and trees were exposed to lateral stresses thus producing wood of high density or that the trees in the region may contain excessive moisture. Samples were cut from sinker red lauan for specific gravity, moisture · content and wood structure studies. They believe that £hidings in this study would help solve the problems of sinker logs .... 0 In a survey made on the abundance of lupi in Catanduanes, FPRI's I. T. Zamuco and E. C. Compliments of: PAN PACIFIC SAWMILL CO. Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija Page 104 • FIVE UPCF FACULTY ARE SLATED- FOR U.S. Four professors and one . instructor of the College of Forestry are slated to go to U.S. this year to pursue their graduate studies. They are Professors Domingo V. Jacalne, Feliberto Pollisco, Juanito D. Lamanilao, Enriquito C. de Guzman and Mr. Romulo Casilla, Pollisco, Lamanilao, and De Guzman will get their Ph.D.'s while Jacalne and Casilla will pursue their M.S. degrees. However, the date of their departure is not yet definite. They are still busy securing their necessary papers and undergoing thorough physical examinations. 0 0 0 Arnio with Engr. E. Serra of NIST found that approximately 1I3 of the total land area of the province is covered with lupi; greenweight of culms without leaves available in the area is estimated to be about 1.5 million tons. This plant has been found suitable for pulp and paper. The team recommended the establishment of sample plots to determine growth maturity, cutting cycle, etc .... 0 Technologists J. A. Meniado and M. Magsanoc of the wood technology division demonstrated the effective methods and techniques of extracting Kaatoan bangkal seeds in their visit in Zamboanga and gave advice on seed storage, germination and transplanting techniques and also on damping off diseases to technical personnel of the mills visited .... 0 The molasses"carbide dust binder discovered through cooperation work between the FPRI and the Maria Cristina Chemical Industries has proven to be very effective and economical for briquettes production. The Maria Cristina Chemical Industries, whose charcoal and briquettes production rates 1.5 tons per hours, uses this binder and derives benefit from it by reducing the cost of production and by eliminating the drying of briquettes which is otherwise indispensable for commonly used binders .... Compliments of: ISABELA HARDWOOD MANUFACTURER Alicia, Isabela FORESTRY LEAVES