Filipino boxers campaigning abroad


Part of The Sports Review

Filipino boxers campaigning abroad
The Sports Review Volume I (Issue No. 2) April 18, 1931
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 14 • Felix Ignacio What has become of the filipino boxer in the United States? is the question that most any time can be heard in local tin ear circles. How do they stand in the world market of fisticuffs? How about the brown boys fighting in· other foreign countries. These questions are being asked by our fans who a decade ago were used to hear of successful fights staged by the almond eyed fighters. Pancho Villa won a world title and Elino Flores came close to winning another~ Clever Sencio gave the then flyweight champion Fidel La Barba several close calls, while Nacionalista at his best was a potential card on the Pacific Coast. Pete Sarmiento defeated the champion Phil Rosenberg in a no decision fight and then cleaned up all opposition in the division but never had the fortune of winning a world's crown. He made good money but squandered it as fast as he made it. Johnny Datto, Cleveland filipino featherweight defeated Battling Battalino before the Hartford flash won the crown from Andre Routis, and after the frenchman dropped his title to the italian-american champion. Datto also gave the Parisian a neat lacing, but the filipino was never lucky to get the cham'i'he SPORTS' RpVIEW Filip,ilto .BoXe·f'#. Camp~ignini"'~ • broad Success Seenfs: FaT ·off For Most of thempion in the· same ring with has been beaten recently by him. To-day Datto is only a string of third raters. lgnaa shadow of the real fighter cio Young Fernandez and he was'three years ago. He Speedy Dado, two great prosApril -18, 193t still boxes once in a while peels started like wild fire. Luis Logan but he has faded from the Dado's string of K. O.'s in "big time" bouts. Lope Te- the Pacific Coast were impre- celebrity almost overnight· norio the crack lightweight sive but his defeat by News- :When he. kayoed. Al Singer boxer who a few years ago boy Brown after· he had de- m one round but I~ a ret.urn posted a forfeit to meet the cisioned the California cham- go, the Bronx hghtwe1ght then lightweight champion pion washed him out as a turned . the tables on lgnatz. Sammy Mandell when he was contender for Midget Wol- After his defeat qy the Newconsidered the leading con- gast's crown. Fernandez was Y.orker, Fernand~z lost decestender to the championship is sailing on smooth sea until si~ely to the Cuban wonder., also out of the big mo- he met Battling Battalino and Kid Chocolate and later .on ney. He continues fighting Kid Chocolate. The fili- was knocked out by Batthiig to earn himself a living but pino featherweight became a Battalino. I:Je subsequent1~====~==================:1 ly came out second best in his bouts with Kid Francis, ALWAYS THE BEST O'RACCA CANDIES MADE IN THE PHILIPPINES OF PHILIPPINE SUGAR BY FILIPINO LABOR ----+--O'RACCA CONFECTIONERY P.O. Box 481 830-840 T. ALONZO, MANILA Tel. 2-89-40 Eddie Shea, Vic Burrone, and other more or less well known boxers. Fernandez· was traveling with a fast crowd and lost out. To-day Manila fans have Fernandez in their midst. He is still a great performer no doubt but his championship aspirations have been nipped in the bud. N acionalista is also expected in Manila as he too has been eliminated ,as a contender. Pablo Dafio who only a year ago appeared in every Ranking in the United States as one Of the five best flyweights in the world has seemingly faded out of the picture. His defeats by Young Tommy and Little Pancho in Manila have no doubt taken the pep out of him. Today there are many filipino boxers abroad, in quest of success but apparently none of them ha~ yet reached the top. Lew Pacion, Kessel's for -April 18, 1931 mer meal ticket has settled down in Waterford where he is fighting preliminary bouts. Cris Pineda the slickhaired Pampanga bantamweight has joined Pacion's stable according to recent press dispatches. Neither of the two has scaled the heights although Waterford sports writers predict rosy futures for the two brown boys. Fighting Ignacio, a mere curtain raiser performer in local rings seems to have landed somewhere in the pugilistic map, but not quite. According to an interview by a United Press man, Ignacio has a chance of fighting either Midget Wolgast or Frankie Genaro for the crown should he improve constantly as he is actually bettering his style. Ignacio has met and defeated well known flyweights in the Pacific Coast but none of · them is in Genaro's class. With proper handling, Ignacio may yet uphold the filipino's reputation as a first class fighter Speedy Dado made a naLope Tenorio The SPORTS REVIEW me for himself when he de- and eggers" in Barcelona and feated Newsboy Brown but other Spanish capitals, but hishandlers pulled the biggest lately nothing has been heard boner of a lifetime rematching of him. He left for the UniDado with the man he;had de- ted &tates recently where he feated. The return bout pro- will hook up with Leon See, ved fatal to the filipino be- famous manager. and ·trainer cause he was kayoed in the of foreign boxers including .. ninth round of their ten round the Gargantuan boxer Primo encounter with a lucky punch. Camera. Carlos Logan who According to news reaching left a very unfavorable imManila, Dado was leading by pression when he left the a comfortable margin when Philippines as he was knocked the "Newsboy" produced the out by an unknown British sleeping pill. sailor is also in the United Rito D. Punay classy fea- States. He will join his brotherweight who left the Phi- ther in the boxing racket.. lippines two years ago He will start from the bottom. fought several main events According to his manager. in Oregon and California Recently Peping Javellana, but after a few fights no well known filipino sportsthing was heard of him since. man took along with him a Pete Sarmiento who was a stabie of four boxers. Whesensation five years ago tried a come back last year but was easily vanquished by a fifth rater in a San Francisco ring. He is an e'.evator boy in Chicago to-day with slim chances of -ever ther these will be able to scale the heights is problematical. Just as things stand, Young Tommy seems to have Page 15 Lew Pasion recovering his once upon a time prestige. Besides those above mentioned, there are a dozen or so filipino boxers campaining in American rings with little or no success at all. a fighting chance. Miling may also land some-where but Young Firpo and Young Uzcudum are liable to drown in the turbulent seas of American fisticuffs There have. been attempts Speedy Dado was another hope, but his recent defeat by Brown put him in moth Battling Bolo, Kid de los Reyes, Fighting Bulahan, Johnny Alba, Kid Avelino. Johnny Ladao A. Carreon, F. Imperial, and other boxers we do not recall just now are among the rank and file but their chances of being something someday are pretty slim. Jimmy Hill former welterweight champion of the Philippines won several bouts in Honolulu but was side tracked later on when he started to lose his fights. Don Cordero, another hard hitting welterweight won the championship of Porto Rico, but apparently the standard of boxing in Porto Rico is not at all encouraging as Cordero met defeat in the hands of second raters in Honolulu. Luis Logan was quite a success . in Spain He started toppling over· the "hamt . th fl . ht balls for the present. Tommy o regam e ywe1g crown . · f th ld h. h 1 t. 1s the newest cruzader to o e wor w 1c was os t. ti Ph·1· · 'th p try .for the most coveted o 1e 1 tppmes w1 an- h h \ r·il ' · 1 d th crown. He may turn t e c o 1 a s unhme y ea , t . k d t 1 f ·1 . nc an ye le may ai • but Clever Senc10 who was It . h d · b h' h ·11 IS a ar JO w IC WI the nearest to make the grade . h 1 1 t f 1 ver . . d reqmre a w o e o o c e passed . away w~1en he die fighting ·. and engineering. after his bout with the Terre Pancho Villa's only come once Haute terror, Bud Taylor. in a life-time it seems.