Anuncios Judiciales
Part of Semana
- Title
- Anuncios Judiciales
- Language
- Spanish
- Source
- Semana Volume I (Issue no.16) Abril 7, 1949
- Year
- 1949
- Fulltext
- SEMANA-34 7 de Abril, 1949 ANUNCIOS JUDICIALES REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF RIZAL ANSELMA C. VDA, DE FABIE, Plaint-if!, CON~TANCIO J. EUSEBIO Y MARJA C, EUSEBIO, Defendants. CIVIL CASE No. 630 :r:--------:1: NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of execution dated February 23, 1949, issued by the Court in the above entitled case, the dispositive part of which reads as follows: AL SHERIFF DE LA PROVINCIA DE RIZAL' Salud: POR CUANTO con fecha 21 de Agosto de 1948, el Juzgado ha dictado su decision en la causa arriba tituladn, cuya parte d~positiva e<s co1no sigue: "WHEREFORE, judgment. is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff, sentencing the defendants to pay the former the sum of THREE THOUSAND PESOS (P3,000.00)., with interest thereon at the rate of one ( 1 % ) per cent per month from March 1947 until· fully paid, plus the amount of Five Hundred Pesos, (P500,00), as · attorneys fees, plus the costs. Shoultt the d"efendants fail to pay any or all the said amoWlts within ninety (90) days from this date, the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal, will sell at public auction the property described in the complaint and apply the proceeds of such sale to the payments of the aforesaid amounts"; POR CUANTO, la referida decision ya es final y ejecutoria; POR T ANTO, en cumplimiento de la mencionada decision, y no habiendo los demandados pagado hasta la fecha las cantidades expresadas en dicha decisi6n, no obstante haber transcurrido el plazo de 90 dias concedido a ellos por el Juzado, se le ordena que venda en public&" sub=ista el terreno descrito en la demanda, quc se describe como sigue: "A parcel of land shown on plan of subdivision a'S Lot No. 1, Block 50, Psd-1650, being a portion of Lot A-2-B-4, Psd-1577, G.L.R.O. Record No. 3562, situated in the Barrio of San Francisco Del Monte, Municipality of San Juani del Monte. Province of Rizal Bounded on the NE. by Lot No. 2; on the SE. by Lot No. 15; on the SW. and NW. by road. x x x Containing an area of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN (527) Square Meters, more or less." de acuerdo con los Reglamentos, debiendo aplicar el producto de dicha venta al pago de las cantidades mencionadas en la decision arriba acotada. y las costas ademas de sus honorarios y gastos legates por esta ejecucion; que haga entrega de las cantidades cobradas, con exclusion de sus honorarios y gastos legales, a la demandante o a su abogado Sr. Delfin A. Viola, y que devuelva este mandamiento dentro del plazo de 60 dias, contados desde es ta fecha, con las di· Ji<fW~jTti~eR~F~Rf:~i:h~e~~dersigned Provincial Sheriff of Rizal. hereby gives notice that subject to the Provisions of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder and for cash, at the main entnnce of the Office of the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal, located in the Municipal Government Building of Pasig, Province of Rizal, at 10 :00 o'clock in the morning of April 18, 1949, all the property of defendants Constancio J. Eusebio and Maria C. Eusebio, as mentioned in the above quoted decision. Pasig, Rizal, March 2, 1949. VALENTIN TECH Provincial Sheriff of Rizal Publication-SEMAN A March 24, 31 & April 7, 1949 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF RIZAL ANSE(.MA C. VD.A., DE FABIE, Plaintiff, CONSTANCIO J. EUSEBIO Y MA.RU C. EUSEBIO, Defendants. CIVIL CA.S.E No. 631 z--------x NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an order of execution dated Febr11ary 23, 1949, issued by the Court in the above entitled case, t.he dispositive part of which reads as follows: AL SHERIFF DE LA PROVINCIA DE RIZAL' Salud: POR CUANTO con fecha 21 de Agosto de 1948, el Juzgado ha dictado su decision en la causa arriba titulada, cuya parte dispositiva cs como sigue: "WHEREFORE, judgment is herr:by rendered in favor of the plaintiff, sentencing,, the defendants to pay the former the sum of ONE THOUSAND (Pl,000.00) Pesos, with interest thereon at the rate of one ( 1 % ) per cent per month from March 1, 1947 until fully paid, plus the amount of FIVE HUNDRED (P500.00) Pesos, as attorney's fees, plus the costs. Should the defendants fail. to pay any of all the said amount, within ninety (90 days from this date, the Provinr'q_1 Sheriff of Rizal, will sell at public auction the property described in the complaint and apply the proceeds ol such sale to the payment of the aforesaid amounts"; POR CUANTO, la referida decision ya es final y ejecutoria; POR T ANTO, en cumplimiento de la mencionada decision, y no habiendo los demandados pagado hasta la fecha las cantidades expresadas en dicha decisi6n, no obstante haber transcurrido con exceso el plazo de 90 dias concedido a ellos por el Juzgado se le . ordena que venda en publica subasta los terrenos descritos en la demanda, que se describen como sigue: ''A parcel of land (Lot No. 43 of the consolidation and subdivision plan Pcs-552, being a portion of th<; consolidated lots Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block No. 10, Psd-127, G.L.R.O Record No. 917) situated in the burio of Cubao, Municipality of San Juan del Monte, Province of Rizal. Bounded on the NE, by Lot No. 44 of the consolidation and subdivision plan; on the SE. by Lot No. 56 of the consolidation and subdivision plan; on the SW. by Lot No. 42 of the consolidation and subdivi11ion plan; and on the NW, by Lot No. 97 of the consolidation and subdivision plan. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY SQUARE METERS (260) more or less"; uA parcel of land (Lot No, 46 of the consolidation and sU:bdivi&ion plan Pcs-352. being a portion of the consolidated Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block No. 10, Psd-127, G.L.R.O. Record No. 917) situated in the Banio of Cubao, Municipality of San Juan Del Monte, Province of Rizal Bounded on the, NE. by Lot No. 47 of the consolidated and subdivision plan; on the SE. by Lot No. 53 of the consolidated and subdivision plan; on the SW. by Lot No. 35 of the consolidated and subdivision plan; and on the NW. by Lot No. 97 of the consolidated and subdivision plan. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY SQUARE METERS (250)' more or less"; de acuerdo con los Reglamentos, debiendo aplicar el producto de dicha venta al pago de las cantidades mencionadas en la decision arriba acotada, y las costas, ademas de sus honorarios y ga!ltos legates por esta ejecucion; que haga entrega de las cantidades cobradas, con exclusion de sus honorarios y gastos legates, a la demandante o a su abogado Sr. Delfin A. Viola, y que devuelva este mandamiento dentro d~l plazo de 60 dias, contados desde esta fecha, con las diligencias de su cumplimiento. Now, Therefore, the -undersigned Provincial Sheriff of Rizal, hereby gives notice that subject to the Provisions of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, and for cash, at the main entrance of the Office of the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal, located at the muni-' cipal government building of Pasig, Province of Rizal, at 10:00. o'clock in the morning of April 13, 1949, all the properties Qf the defendants Constancio J. E·usebio and Maria C. Eusebio as mentioned in the above quoted decision. Pasig, Rizal, March 2J 1949. VALENTIN TECH Provincial Sheriff of Rizal Publication-SEMAN A Ma~ch 24, 31 & April 7, 1949