The brother act


Part of The Sports Review

The brother act
The Sports Review Volume I (Issue No. 2) April 18, 1931
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 16 The SPORrs REVIEW, Five brothers, all foot-ball stars; 1 · You may not believe it dear reader, -----------------------------.....1 THE VILLAREAL BROTnERS nevertheless it is true. The Villareal boys have been for the last decade famous for their prowess on the soccer field. All of them except one were mainstays of the one time champion Bohemian eleven and four of them have been olympic luminaries· AptU 18, 193'1 yo. He played fofi-Iiack and left in during. the Olympic matches and on his return to Manila was picked to coach the University of the Philippines team. To-day h.e is among the few listed professionals and although young in years. h.e is already a ·veteran . of several international encounters. Carlos Villareal is perhaps the least known in foot-ball circles due to a bad ·break. He was the only brother not playing for the Bohemian Alberto the eldest and now deceased was perhaps the best known of the four, not because he was better than the others, but because he was the oldest having entered the game long Lejt to right: Alberto deceased Fernando, Jose and Angeling, squad. Carlos was inember of the before the others wore the cleated Carlos is not in the photo. Club Filipino teain wh.en he suffered shoes. Alberto was Olympic star when he wm; in the peak of his career. ~ose on the other hand, was a for. a fractured leg which sini;e then in 1919, 1921, 1923, and 1925. In Fernando, although light of frame war<l, and right out for the red- put him out of athletics. It was i11 · the last Olympiad held in Manila, a•1d barely weighing 105 pounds, sashed eleven. He was one time re- 1923, an Olympic .year, when the Alberto wns right half bark for the wns one d the best half-backs in the puled to be the fastest forward in accident robbed him of a berth on national squad. Alberto's foot-Im!) country. Fernando also played for the country. Angeling, the young- the P. I. squad. Carlos neverthecareer was crowned with glory after the Bohemians and although never est quit foot-ball only last year less won his .spurs in boxing. He his playings dnys were over when colorful, was very sure in his game. after the Olympics Games at Tok- was one of the best known amateur he. made himself famous as n conch. boxers in 1922 and today after nine In 1926 he whipped the Ateneo soc- years out of the game he stated that cer outfit into a championship nggre- TAKE ADVANTAGE he will train hard for the 1932, gation and that year the blue and Olympic Games at Los Angeles, white won their only national title of our P2.00 Yearly Subscription in spite of his leg which once in a in foot-ball during the PAAF meet. S LJ BS CR ( BE N Q W! while still bothers him. rn 1927, Alberto took over _the reigns . Fernando is an Insurance agent of the U, P. squad and .made of it ~e SPORTS RE .. VIEW Carlos an ·Automobile salesmant a creditable team. That same ycnr \!).l' Angeli":g employed in a banking he was selected Olympic conrh and concern while Jose or as he is. bealthough short of material, his boys WILL CHARGE HIGHER RATES WHEN ter known, Paping, a traveling sales man. The late Alberto Villareal was mnde a good showing at Shanghai. Unfortuhately the gream reaper took . IT BECOMES A WEEKLY working with the Bank of the Phi lippines Islands at the ti.:Ue of his death. a hand in Alberto's destiny just 1.;1========~===================d.I - - - - - CUT THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT The Circulation Manager, fithe ~i.1..,n;t\i ~ettien•. Room No. 1., 3rd. Floor, 428 Rizal Ave~ Manila, P. I. Dear Si.r:. ............... , P. I ....................... , 193 ... . You are hereby authorized to enter my name as subscriber to atltc ~V1.'rh1 ·1q,ettieu.:t for· · · · · · · · · · · ............. beginning with your issue of ........................ , 193 .. "·~'for which I encloae the sum of (P ............ ) Name 0 • • • 1 • ' ' 0 0 ' ' ' 0 ' 0 ' 0 ' ' ' ' • • ' I ' I 0 • ' • ' O • O o 4 o o o • o • • 1 o Io• o I o o I I o I Address o O O O o O o . ' O o o o o o o o f ' 0 O O o I o o 0 o I 0 o O 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 'o I 0 I I 0 I I 0 0 • o I .