Decree of erection of the new parish o St. Pius, San Andres Bukid Manila.


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Decree of erection of the new parish o St. Pius, San Andres Bukid Manila.
Church and churches--Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
DECREE OF ERECTION OF THE NEW PARISH OF ST. PIUS X, SAN ANDRES BUKID, MANILA We Rufino J. Cardinal Santos by the Grace of God and of the Holy See Archbishop of Manila Since the spiritual needs of the people of the Parish of Holy Family cannot be properly-attended to because of the small size of the Paro chial Church and because of the large territory of Holy Family Parish, with the consent of the Diocesan Consultors, and with the advice of the Parish Priest of Holy Family. We divide, by virtue of this letter, the territory of Holy Family, and we erect temporarily the Chapel in Onyx Ave., San Andres Bukid, as the Parish Church of St. Pius X. The limits of the new Parish are as follows: North — Railroad; South — Congressman Augusto Francisco St. East — Estero de Pandacan, Hollywood, Dr. Manuel L. Carreon and Tejeron; West - Railroad. The inhabitants within this boundary will constitute the members of the new Parish. The endowment of the new Church and of the benefice of that Parish consists in the voluntary offerings of the faithful, in the stole fees according to our diocesan taxation and lawful custom. 911 The new Church has the privilege to keep habitually the Blessed Sacrament under the usual conditions, to possess a baptismal font, to administer all sacraments and all other rights, which belong to a Paro­ chial Church. We therefore urge all the faithful of the new Parish to help and support the Parochial Church by their generous offerings and by having their baptisms and marriage done in the Parish Church, and not else­ where. Given in Manila, on this 29th day of March in the year of Our Lord, 1968. (SGD.) RUFINO J. CARDINAL SANTOS Archbishop of Manila
Date Issued
Volume XLII (Issue No. 477) December, 1968