E. Sto Tomas, manager of Fernandez, also an athlete


Part of The Sports Review

E. Sto Tomas, manager of Fernandez, also an athlete
The Sports Review Volume I (Issue No. 2) April 18, 1931
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
April 18, 1931 E. Sto. Tomas, Manager of Fernandez~ also an athlete Allhough a. lot has been said and written about the late Pancho Villa, the only Filipino lo hold a world's boxing championship, and about Young Fernandez, a near-champion who returned to the Philippines recently. mid about Speedy Dado, still barnstorming the U. S. ·rings, nothing has ever been written or said about how these boys ever :1cquired their wonderful speed and stamina in the ring, and who made them acquire these necessary elements to make of a boxer a topnotcher. Enrique Sto. Tomas is a faithful bcleiver in the sport of wrestling and the more complicated one of .1iujitsu. He started in this sport when he w9re short pants, and perfected himself so much in these lines of sport. Urnt in 1922, Mr. Sto. Tomas-Cortes was appointed assistanl instructor in jiu-jilsu in the Government's Highest l11stilution of Learning. And then again, in Hno, and nfler holding several other positions as instructor in jiu-jitsu and wrestling in olher smriller institutions and clubs, Mr. Cortes was apointed instruclor in these same lines in the Chinese Y. M. C. A• At about the same lime, the City Y. M. C. A. sought Mr. Cortes' services, bul kno\.;ing Lhal his lime was not sufficient to do justice to the institution, he lrnd to turn down the ofTer. When Pancho Villa started his career in the boxing arena, Mr. Cortes w;is inst rurnental in leaching the hoy who later \\'<is crowned a world's ehmnpion, the ways and means of acquiring sp€ed by hitting the punc·hing bag properly, and stamina by a complete course in wrestling. This explains the ability of Paneho in fighting. Later, Dado and Fernandez were made what they i1re to-day by the Sto. Tomas Cortes hralhers, and in Lhis work Enrique Sto. Tomas Cortes look great p:.irl together with his other two brothers. Mr. Cortes was graduated at the Mapua Institute of Technology in 1929 as a Civil Engineer, and since embarking in his professional career, has had l he distinction of going to the front rank amongst our local engineers. He is the Consulting Engineer for Cortes Ilermanos and the Philippine Cork and Insulation Company; was superyising engineer dtuing the construction of the He<icock Building; supervised the construeThe SPORTS REVIEW Piige .17 THEIR ATHLETIC DEEDS ARE NOT FORGOTTEN The Sports Review presents its second series of old-timers. In the above photograph are on top, Zalameda, volley-ball star off or mer years, l\iloises Lucas, Olympic shot putter and Divinagracia, crack high jumper of a decade ago. Below, Cesar Manuel 1923 Olympic tennis representative, Mariano Sang le, sensational basket-ball player and extreme right below, A. Corpus of Bohol whose record of 22 flat in the 200 meters dash has been equalled but not shattered to this day. t ion of the Santos Building, a 4slory reinforced concrete building at Calles Marcelino de Santos and Folgneras, and designer and supervising Engineer for the CortesOrhoa Folgueras, another 4-story concrete building at the corner of Dasmarinas and Rosario for Cortes-Ochoa Hermanos. Mr. Cortes is rilso a lechinal adviser on insulation rcfrigerat ion constructions, His offires are locat'ed at the Heacock Building, third floor. WANTED AGENTS IN EVERY TOWN TO SOLICIT Subscriptions for The SPORTS REVIEW LIBERAL COMMISSIONS PAID FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS CIRCULATION l\1GR.