Official Section


Part of The Cabletow

Official Section
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OFFICIAL SECTION CIRCULAR NO. 1 Series of 1960 — Ofilada To All Masters, Wardens and Brethren of Subordinate Lodges Greetings: In response to the clamor of many lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction for a sort of emergency fund to ease financial straits available to all masons and their families, a corporation known as the Acacia Mutual Aid Society, Inc. has been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and duly licensed bv the Insurance Commissioner of the Philippines. The Acacia Mutual Aid Society, Inc. offers different non-medieal life insurance plans — the Whole Life, the 20 Pay Life, the 20 Year Endowment, the Pure Endowment and the Endowment at 70. All these plans provide security commensurate with the capacity of a brother Mason to pay. The cost is minimal. Firstly, because the Society neither incurs any underwriting expenses nor pays medical examination fees. Secondly, it has but small office staff, yet efficient enough to cope with all the phases and activities of the Society. The admission Membership Fee is PIO.00 for each new member. The applicant must be of good standing in his Lodge. Monthly contribution ranges from Pl.00 to P16.00 and the maximum face amount of the Membership Certificate that mav be issued to any member is 1*6,000.00. Each certificate has a table of guaranteed values — cash surrender value, paid-up insurance, and extended term insurance. All certificates arc participating except the Pure Endowment, and, in case of death bv accident, the benefit shall be double its face value. The Board of Trustees is composed of: Most Wor. Bro. Howard R. Hick Bro. Luis R. Salvosa Most Wor. Bro. Macario M. Ofilada Most Wor. Bro. Esteban Munarriz Wor. Bro. Jose C. Vclo Bro. Eduardo L. Claudio Bro. Gumersindo Garcia, Sr. Chairman Vice Chairman Member Member Member Member Member The Officers arc: Bro. Luis R. Salvosa M.W. Bro. Esteban Munarriz Bro. Benjamin T. Aranicgo President and Actuary Vice President and Treasui Acting Secretary 166 THE CABLE TOW April I960 The Society has its office at the Paridel Masonic Temple. The staff is available at all times to attend to your inquiries, fumish you with application blanks and help you in every possible way to perfect your application. This is calculated to do away with the almost daily phenomenon in the office of the Grand Secretary and the Grand Master, of widows and orphans of our deceased brethren seeking financial assistance. Support the Acacia. It will fill a void in our Masonic life. I urge each and every' brother in this Grand Jurisdiction to join the Acacia Mutual Aid Society, Inc. It is the concrete version of the Masonic virtue of Relief — Relief from us directly to our loved ones. If you are already a member see that your monthly contributions are paid up to date. Philippines, February 3, 1960. Attest: MACARIO M. OFILADA ESTEBAN MUNARRIZ, PGM Grand MaStCr Grand Secretary NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE PHILIPPINES Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of the Philippines, a corporation, will be held at the Plaridel Masonic Temple, 1440 San Marcelino, Manila, on Tuesday, April 26, 1960, at 4 :00 o’clock P.M. for the election of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said meeting. ESTEBAN MUNARRIZ Grand Secretary A N N O U A’ C E M E ,V T The registration of delegates will start on Saturday, April 23rd, at 9:00 a.m. and will continue daily until 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday. April 26th. To avoid unnecessary snags and facilitate the work of the Committee on Credentials, delegates from Manila and suburbs are enjoined to register as early as possible to give way to delegates from distant Lodges. Delegates from Provincial Lodges are also enjoined to register immediately on arrival at the Plaridel Masonic Temple. Only a limited number of delegates can be billeted gratis at the OFFICIAL SECTION 167 Grand Lodge dormitory. Accommodations will be on first-come firstserved basis. Meals of the delegates are at their own expense, except dinner at the Plaridel Masonic Temple on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings which will be served free to all delegates and members. The Grand Lodge canteen will serve meals at moderate cost. Coffee and soft drinks will be served free during the communication. There will be a bus each morning at the Plaridel Masonic Temple from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to take visiting brothers sightseeing in and around Manila. Wor. Bro. Florencio llagan, Chief Administrative Officer, office of the Grand Secretary, will be in-charge. Delegates who are tennis enthusiasts can avail themselves of the use of our two tennis courts, free of charge. The Bowling Alleys wil also be available for delegates from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon daily during the communication also free of charge. Everything is being done to make your stay with us as comfortable and as enjoyable as possible. If there is anything else we can do toward that end, please do not hesitate to tell us. If you have any complaint to make, by all means please do so freely. Do not keep it in your breast. We repeat we want you to enjoy your visit and stay with us to the fullest extent. PROGRAM Saturday — April 23 — 9:00 a.m. Tuesday — April 26 — 3:30 p.m. Sunday — April 24 — 8:00 a.m. Monday — April 25 — 7:00 p.m. Tuesday — April 26 — 1:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m Wednesday — April 27 — 9:00 a.m 10:00 a.m 1:30 p.m 4:00 p.m Thursday — April 28 — 9:00 a.m 10:00 p.m 2:00 p.m 4:00 p.m 8:00 p.m Registration of Delegates with the Committee on Credentials — Tennis Tournament — Grand Master's Banquet for the Grand Lodge Officers in honor of the District Deputy Grand Masters and Lodge Inr spectors at the Scottish Rite Temple — Lodge of Instruction — Laying of Wreaths of Flowers at the Monument of Brother Jose Rizal at the entrance to the Plaridel Masonic Temple — Opening of the Grand Lodge — Sightseeing — Job’s Daughters exemplification — De Molay Degree work — Resume Session — Rainbow Girls exemplification — Conferring of Past Master’s degree — Forum on Masonic Education — Resume Session — Installation of Grand Lodge Officers 168 THE CABLE TOW April 1960