Davao City marks charter anniversary


Part of The Philippines Herald

Davao City marks charter anniversary
The Philippines Herald March 15, 1970
Davao City (Davao del Sur) -- Anniversaries, etc.
Davao City (Philippines) -- Newspapers
Philippines -- Periodicals
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Davao City Marks Charter Anniversary Davao City caps the last two days of its “Araw ng Dabaw” festival with games ana ceremonies. The celebration, which began March 10, ends on Monday. Sponsored jointly by the city government and the Davao Jaycces— which coordinates parti­ cipation of the private (Sector—the week-long festivities commemorate the 33rd year of existence of this progressive south­ ern metropolis as a char­ tered city. This year’s "Araw" theme is "Tayo ay Dabawenyo,” the same as in the two previous celebra­ tions. Activities Anniversary activities are geared along the ci­ ty’s progress in agricul­ ture and other Industries, as well as in culture, sports, beautification and other aspects of the ci­ ty’s rise as the trade and cultural center of Minda­ nao. Chosen to symbolize the unity of the people of Davao is the "Mutya ng Dabaw,” who will reign over the festival. March 16 was proclaim­ ed as Davao City’s found­ ation day in Executive Order No. I by Mayor Ellas B. Lopez three years ago, barely three months ................. l,IIHilllll,lllllllll'>i|i'iii’iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiinimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii Message A city without an Identity is like a man with­ out a soul. That is why we endeavor to make this our beloved city not only the center of our material aspirations but also the seat of our af­ fections. But we cannot achieve this goal unless we join hands and work together. The celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the • City of Davao, more than anything else, can de­ monstrate this unity that we desire and the coope­ ration that we seek. But a communitj' can­ not aspire for greater progress unless and un­ til its people and its lea­ ders grasp the factors for development and harness the human and material resources for the common good. Let this day therefore remind all of us that we can transform our dreams into reality and our hopes to fulfillment only If we work together as one people, using our cwn Ingenuity, our own strength and our will to achieve the goals we have set. This can only be possible If our citizenry shall truly involve themselves in our collective efforts and total commitment to the tasks of community and nation-building. On this auspicious occasion, let me reiterate my faith and confidence on the capacity of our people to rise equal to the challenge facing us to­ day as we strive to attain progress and prosper­ ity for all. (Sgd.) ELIAS B. LOPEZ Mayor Davao City after he assumed office, in order to inculcate among the residents “a sense of pride and be­ longing to this city which they have chosen as the seat of their af­ fections and aspirations.” Holiday President Marcos has since set the day as.de as a special public holiday for Davao City. A golf tournament for ladies, and soap-box and bicycle races have been scheduled for Sunday morning. A public band concert will be held at 5 p.m. by the Dapecol band at the Rizal Park. This will be followed by the proclamation and co­ ronation of the "Mutya ng Dabaw” and her prin­ cesses at the auditorium of Palaruang Lungsod Dabaw. Davao’s "Mutya” will be crowned by Miss R^ehel Arkoncel, 1969 Mutya ng Dabaw, assisted by Mayor Lopez. Araw A diana at 4 p.m. will usher in “Araw” activities on Monday. After thanksgiving ser­ vices in all city churches, city officials will raise the flag at Rizal Park. At 8 a.m. Mayor Lopez will plant the anniversa­ ry commemorative tree, also at the park, while sirens blow and bells ring for one minute. A civic-military parade will be held at 1 p.m., followed by the launch­ ing of the “Araw ng Da­ baw” balloon. A literarymusical program at Rizal Park will cap the after­ noon activities. The first day "f the fes­ tival — “Araw ng Kalusugan” — began with a pu­ blic hike around the city led personally by Mayor Lopez at 4:30 a.m. Hike Particip ants in the physical fitness hike were national and city offi­ cials, employes, teachers, students, officials and members of civic and re­ ligious organizations and the general public. The route led from Ri­ zal Park to Quezon Bou­ levard, Magsaysay Park, Magsaysay Avenue, Recto Avenue, Palma Gil Street, Palaruang Lungsod Da­ baw, Legaspi Street, Ge­ neral Luna Street, Quirino Avenue, Bangkero­ han Market, Magallanes Street on to Legaspi Street, San Pedro Street and back to City Hall. Painting, photo and es­ say-writing contests were held later in the morning, as well as basketball, softball, volleyball, swimming, tennis and boxing games. Art Show At 10 a.m., the Davao Agro-Industrial Fair was formally opened, and at 6 p.m., a one-man art show of modern paintings by Butch Soriano, art di­ rector of the Ateneo de Davao, was inaugurated at the USIS Library. March 11 was "Araw ng Kalinisan,” launched with an “Operation Linis” by the city executive. A walkathon, a band concert, an ikebana film Tlie dancing fountains in front of the Davao City Hall. showing and an amateur singing contest were fea­ tured during the day. “An Evening of Plays” at the city park starting at 7 p.m. highlighted “Araw ng Kalinagan" on Thursday, the third day. Two one-act plays were presented by the Da­ vao City High School and Mayor Elias Lopez Architect9 Of Davao City By L. M. DE LA SERN1 Meet Elias B. Lopez, the architect of a city. Mayor of Davao, the "world’s largest city area­ wise,” Lopez’s single ob­ session is to “place all things in order now that I have the opportunity to render public service to the people.” After one year and a half, he is well on tlie way to achieving his goal. What has Mayor Lopez accomplished? Projects He has not only involv­ ed the citizenry of Davao in the city’s beautifica­ tion projects; he has ac­ tually made them partici­ pate in the administra­ tion of local government. He has “given comfort” to the public by remov­ ing sidewalk vendors, widening all metropolitan streets and by implemen­ ting orderly vehicular traffic. He was able to acquire for the city the Davao Metropolitan Waterworks System which had been under the administration of the National Water­ works and Sewerage Au­ the Davao Historical So­ ciety. The plays were pre­ ceded by a concert by the University of Mindanao band at the park. On Friday, “Araw ng Kabataan," saw the oath­ taking and installation of youth city officials at City Hall by Mayor Lo­ pez. thority. Expansion (This teat encouraged him further to secure a P8.5 million guaranty from the Development Bank of the Philippines for the expansion and completion of the city waterwork system.) He set up school build­ ings in all the city’s bar­ rios, built roads in the rural areas and asphalted and cemented all city streets. He has relocated a big number of squatters from public and private lands. All these things he was able to do only 18 months. Objectives But Lopez’s task is far from finished. The mayor’s objectives extend beyond physical improvement of the city; he is after the city’s so­ cial and economic rede­ velopment. “I want to see a Dav/a I can be very proud or,” Lopez said. A natural leader, Mavor (Continued on Page 4) Sunday, March 15, 1970 DAVAO CITY SUPPLEMENT Page 3