Prayer and the Mason


Part of The Cabletow

Prayer and the Mason
Nieva, F. A.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Prayer and the Mason By Dr. F. A. NIEVA According io my observation and findings alter meeting several persons ol different races and creeds and after studying conscientiously and thoroughly their individual idioevneracies, culture and the way of life they lead during niv travel around lhe world before and alter the war, I sincerely believe that it is imperative lot parents of persons in prisons and in mental hospitals to fervently Pray for their children so that they may be guided by God to do the right thing through their Brains. I suggest, this as a wav of life, because I observe that any ac tion, whether good or bad com milled bv any person or individual, is purely the will of God. who has made his Brain that guided him to do such action. If an Engineer invents a machine in human form, with a mechanical Brain in its head, any action committed by that machine, whether lamentable or deplorable, is attribute able* to the Engineer and he should be made to answer for whatever damage committed by the mechanical Brain he* has made. Wo the people in this world, should give due consideration to. compassionate with, and help the unfortunate nersons who received from God defective Brains. As Jesus Christ said: ‘‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” So, we must thank God that we have been blessed bv Him to have better Brains than others. However, human being should always try his best to be good, but, if, in one way or the other he makes a mistake, that is lhe will of God; I have found out that any person or individual becomes absent-minded for at least 5 minutes within the period of 21 hours So. human beings, should not forget the power of prayer, because prayer is the citadel and bulwark with which to light the battles of life. Therefore everybody must prav, to improve his mind in suc h a wav as to make him think always to be a good man and a better citizen. And to be a better citizen, he should remember, lhe fervent prayer of President Washington which is the following: “I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider lhe most enviable of all titles, the* charac ter of an honest man.” For these reasons, I believe it would not be out of place to suggest that every Mason, from lime to lime, might kneel, meditate, pray, and be alone with God for the welfare of human beings, in accordance with the philosophy ol life. Human beings should pray not only in time of danger and in need, but, they must also pray even in their davs of abundance and in the lively feeling of pleasure and happiness, joused by a good fortune. A man should put his fust in God. As President Quezon said: “Have faith in divine providence that guides the destinies of men and nations ” President Eisenhower on Julv 30th. 53 1956, signed a bill to make "In God We Trust" a national motto, thus making it Federal law. What good does it do to pray? Wc pray, not because we are sinners, desperate, weak, and afraid of tomorrow, but because we trust God to forgive us of our sins, to be present in our desperate moment, to give us strength and to go with us into tomorrow. Besides, in trusting God, man will be released from many physical, mental and emotional chains that bind him. Because Godliness is the road to happiness. This is the bond between God and human being, and io strengthen that bond, he prays. He must speak to God with all his heart, with all his mind, with all his soul and God will answer him. In this world, there are two sides to every angle, not only does God recognize His responsibilities toward human, but God also asks of him an enthusiatic response, he, too, must recognize his position of trust, he must do something about it. He must magnify the glory and the only way he can do this, is by direct action by working with God. These suggestions, may become the way of life not only of the Brethren, but of all human beings, who after all arc lhe children of God living in one world, which I sincerely believe would be the beginning of the permanent Peace on Earth. AAA RESOLUTION No. 6, of Ser. I960 Whereas, Life Insurance is essential to every person who is cognizant of his responsibilities to himself and to his loved ones, and Whereas, Life Insurance cannot be avoided in that when not taken, an individual pays it in terms of misery, worries, misfortunes, etc., but when taken, relief, solution to emergency, peace of mind, and joy are derived, and Whereas, Life Insurance is a form of INVESTMENT, PROTECTION, SECURITY for old age, and SAVINGS, all redound to the welfare of an insured and his loved ones, and Whereas, the Acacia Mutual Aid Society, Incorporated, managed and capitalized by and organized exclusively for Masons and their families alone, provides all the above mentioned benefits and other considerations given by other Life Insurance Companies, and Whereas, as explained verbally by Wor. Bro. Benjamin T. Arniego, Secretary of the Society, in Masonic Meetings and outlined in leaflets sent out to Masons by the Acacia Mutual Aid Society, Incorporated, the Membership Certificates issued by the Society, are very cheap, and can be conveniently carried by any Mason; On motion by Wor. Bro. Pedro S. de Guzman, P. M. and duly seconded by Bro. Juan Arce, it was Resolved: To request all members of the Memorial Lodge No. 90, F. & A. M. and their qualified families to apply for membership in the Acacia Mutual Aid Society, Incorporated. Resolved Further: That applications for membership be made by our members as soon as humanly possible to be entitled to the benefits so granted by the said Society. Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be furnished Acasia Mutual Aid Society, Inc., a copy for the Cablecow for publication. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (Sgd.) APOLONIO V. ZABAT, P.M. Secretary 54 THE CABLE TOW October, 1960