Official Section


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Official Section
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OFFICIAL SECTION GRAND LODGE ol I-REE AND ACCEPTED MASONS of lhe Philippines August 30, 1960 MEMORANDUM TO: All Lodges under the Jurisdiction of Philippines Greeting: The Freemasons' Educational Bulletin relative to stabilizing the support ol our public schools is sellexplanatory. It is abundantly clear that unless our public schools base lhe proper financial support, it will not be possible to maintain efficient standards in our elementary and high school work. It is suggested that the contents of this bulletin be discussed thoroughly at one of your stated meetings. Il is of utmost importance that the parents of our public schools be convinced that additional financial support of our schools be made available. However, it is believed that in discussing this matter with the parents of the public school children, it might be more elective to work as individuals who are interested in community welfare particularly in hating our public schools, recieve adequate financial support. (Sgd.) LUTHER B. BEWLEY Grand Master To all Secretaries of Scottish Rite Bodies and Lodges of Perfection: Greetings: The Supreme Council of the Thirty-third and Last Degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Republic of the Philippines fully subscribes to the principle of the public educational system guaranteed by our Constitution. It is realized, however, that the public educational system of our government has been carried on under difficulties due to unstabilizud financing as evidenced by recurring annual school problems. Your Supreme Council, jointlv with the (.rand Lodge of Free and zXccepted Masons of the Philippines, launched a campaign to obtain a strong support from the* public to the end that appropriate legislation might be enacted which will establish a public school fund on more stabilized basis. The Freemasons' Educational Bulletin. a monthly enterprise of the Grand Ixxlge and the Supreme Council 33°, will undertake the dissemination of information that is calculated to focus public attention on the need of a stabilized financing program that will ’inject life into our public- school system. A limited supply of this bulletin is being sent to you with the request that the same be passed out among vour members to obtain maximum results. On al! occasions, particularly during your stated meetings, the subject of this bulletin should be fullv discussed, and efforts should be macle to enlist the interest of local civic organizations on the 59 specific needs and problems of the schools. It is desired that the monthly Bulletins be translated into local vernaculars to enable the common people to understand fully their contents. Your full support and cooperation in making possible the success of this undertaking will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely and fraternally yours, (Sgd.) CONR.ADO BENITEZ, 33° Acting Sovereign Grand Commander A A A PLEADING FOR COOPERATION Ore clings! Deeply concerned over the downgrading ol our public schools, which cannot function as a truly Irce and democratic system for the proper education and training of our youth, largely due to inadequate financial support, the Gland Lodge of Free and .Accepted Masons of the Philippines and the Supreme* Council of the Thirty-third and Last Degree, /Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rile of Freemasonrv of the Republic of the Philippines have launched jointly an educational program for (he purpose of arousing public opinion and interest to improve lhe standards of lhe public opinion and interest to improve the standards of the public schools bv providing them with sufficient and stable means of financing. It is hoped that full cooperation of the members ol the fraternity will be given this program, adopting such measures as lhe following: 1. Form Lodge committees to carry on the program in the community. 2. Discuss in stated meetings and with local civic organizations the specific needs and problems of the schools. 3. Promote campaigns among civic leaders and enlightened citizens of the communities to initiate movements petitioning Congress to meet squarely the yearly financial difficulties of lhe public schools. 4. Translate into local vernaculars the contents of the Freemasons Educational Bulletin, the organ of the Joint Educational Program, and publish same in the provincial or community papers. The support and cooperation of the brethren in every Lodge will enhance the aim of this joint educational program. ACTION COMMITTEE ----oOo— I. COORDINATING COMMITTEE 1. Bro. Werner P. Schelclig, Chairman 2. Bro. Federico Piedad, Secretary 3. Bro. Vcnancio Trinidad, Educational Consultant and Writer 4. Bro. Luther B. Bewley, Member 5. Bro. Conrado Benitez, Member 6. Bro. Camilo Osias, Member 7. Bro. Howard R. Hick, Member 8. Bro. Henry Gilhouser, Member 9. Bro. Domingo C. Bascara, ” 10. Bro. Vicente Garcia, Chairman, PROGRAMMING AND PLANNING 1. Bro. Vicente Garcia, Chairman 2. Bro. Isayas Garcia, Secretary 3. Bro. Jose C. Velo, Member 4. Bro. Federico Piedad, Member 5. Bro. Manuel C. Garcia, Member 6. Bro. Vcnancio Trinidad, Member 60 THE CABLE TOW October, 1960 II. ACTION COMMITTEE 1. Elementary and Secondary Education — (1) Bro. Esianislao R. Lopez, Chairman (2) Bro. Luther B. Bewley, Member (3) Bro. Artcmio C. Vizcondc, Member 2. School Finance - (a) Stabilization and Equalizing of School Fund (Foundation Program) (b) Financingol Masonic Projects Bro. Domingo C. Bascara, Chairman Bro. Santiago Dumlao, Member Bro. Esianislao R. Lopez Member Bro. Vcnancio Trinidad, Member Bro. Federico Piedad. Member 3. Textbooks and other Reading Matters — Bro. Juan B. Gonzaga, Chairman Bro. Michael Goldenberg. Member Bro. Manuel C. Garcia, Member Bro. Florencio Ilagan, Member Bro. Rex I-). Drilon. •1. Religious Instruction in lhe Public Schools — Bro. Gunicrsindo Garcia, Chairman Bro. Enrique I). Tayag Member Bro. Fructuoso Balquicdrn, Member Bro. Macario Navia Mem ber Bro. Sesenio Rivera, Member 5. Community Education and Literacy (Rural Problems) — Bro. Federico Piedad, Chairman Bro. Juan S. Alano, Member Bro. Artemio C. Vizconde, Member Bro. Francisco C. Panganiban Member Bro. Roman Lorenzo, Member Bro. Vicente Garcia, Member (». Vocational Education — Bro. Luis F. Reyes, Chairman Bro. Roinulo R. Mendoza, Member Bro. Teodoro V. Santos, Member Bro. Fructuoso Balquicdrn, Member 7. Higher Education — Bro. Sinforoso Padilla, Chairman Bro. Manuel C. Garcia, Member Bro. N. B. Melocoton Member 8. Public Relations - Bro. Howard R. Hick, Chairman Bro. Saturnino David, Member Bro. Esteban Munarriz, Mem ber Bro. Jose J. de Guzman, Member Bro. Lucio R. Ildefonso, Member 9. Educational Enlightenment A gainst Communist Infiltration Bro. Vicente Orcwa, Chairman OFFICIAL SECTION 61 Bro. William B. Quasha, Member Bro. Cecilio Putong, Member Bro. Gregorio Robles, Member Bro. Mariano Q. Tinio, Member Bro. Ildefonso S. Reyes, Member Bro. Mamcrto Ventura, Member 10. Educational Leaflet Series — Organ of the Joint Educational Program — Bro. Venancio Trinidad, Chairman Bro. Jose T. Enriquez, Member Bro. Manuel C. Garcia, Bro. Federico Piedad, Contributor Bro. Vicente Garcia, Contributor Bro. Luis F. Reyes Member Bro. Luther B. Bewley, Member Bro. Vcnancio Trinidad, Member Bro. Esianislao R. Lopez, Member Bro. Federico Piedad, Member Bro. Howard R. Hick, Member Bro. Teodoro V. Sanios Member Bro. Domingo C. Bascara, Member Bro. Vicente Garcia, Member Bro. Werner P. Schetelig Ex-officio PUBLICSCHOOLS The most obstinate perennial problem of education in the Philippines today is the stabilization of the financial support of our public schools. For the solution of this problem, proposals are not wanting. It is recalled that about ten years ago, as a result of a nationwide survey of our education system by a Joint Legislative Committee, that committee embodied in its report a number of proposals calculated to place lhe school system on a stable financial basil*. Almost simultaneously a similar survey was undertaken by a UNESCO survey mission. The mission likewise found that the fundamental problem of education in lhe Philippines is how to stabilize ihcfinancial support of the system. To implement its recommendations, the UNESCO mission sent to the Philippines Dr. Gayce Morrison, an outstanding American authority on school financing to work out a concrete proposal for the consideration of the authorities concerned: Dr. perintendent Fructuoso Yanson and Dr. Pedro Guiang ,now assistant director of the Bureau of Public Schools, evolved a plan which is now known as the Foundation Program. The program was submitted to congress in the form of a bill was taken upon it consideration, but no action was taken upon it. When lhe Board of National Education was organized it up-dated the Foundation Program and re-submitted it to Congress for action, but no action on any of the foregoing proposals was taken. In 1955 the late President Magsaysay, perturbed by the vexing perennial problem, created a special committee headed by the then Secretary 62 THE CABLE TOW October, 1960