Decree on clergy attire confirmed.pdf


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

extracted text
DECREE ON CLERGY ATTIRE CONFIRMED The Holy See has recently confirmed the decree issued by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, governing the clcrgv attire for use in the country by priests, religious brothers, and major seminarians. The decree was formulated during the annual meetings of the Philippine Catholic Hierarchy in 1967 and 1968, and embodies the fol­ lowing regulations. Any priest or religious brother mav use in the Philippines the new clerical attire besides the traditional cassock and clergyman’s suit, subject to the nonns as follows: 1. For liturgical and sacred functions, only the cassock can be used: 2. For fonnal social functions, only the cassock or the clergyman's suit can be used: that is, when the occasion calls for lavmen to use coat and tie or the “barong tagalog”; 3. The new clerical attire which may be used outside liturgical and formal social functions is described as follows. a) Both the trousers and the shirt must be in any dark onetone color or white; b) The color of the trousers need not have the same shade as the color of the shirt; c) The shirt may have long or short sleeves. Its collar of even width is folded outwards to form an outer lapel with both ends buttoned to the neck-line to support a short Roman collar to be inserted into both ends of the lapel. 457 The shirt may also have a military collar of even width, with two bottons fastening both ends. 4. Religious priests, even of exempt Orders, are bound by these same norms when using the new clerical attire with previous consent of their Superiors; 5. Religious brothers are also bound by these same regulations, except when their Generalates have adopted their own attire. 6. The attire for major seminarians shall be left to the judgment of the metropolitan Archbishop, together with his suffragan bishops; 7. A proper sanction may be applied by the local Ordinary in case of non-compliance with the foregoing nonns. However, in case of violations by priests from other dioceses, this may be reported to their respective bishops.
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