From the mail bag


Part of Forestry Leaves

From the mail bag
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
U.P. FORESTRY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Manila January 28, 1957 To the Alumni of the U.P. College of oFrestry: The financial report of the Secretary-Treasurer of the U.P. Forestry Alumni Association as of December 31, 1956 is published herewith for your information. It will be noted that more alumni have paid their annual dues in 1956 than the previous year. However, it is believed that a more creditable showing can be achieved if majority of the alumni, if not all, will contribute their share. The term of office of three members of the Board of Directors of the Association, namely: Asst. Dean Calixto Mabesa, Forester Carlos Sulit and the undersigned, will expire at the end of the present academic year. It is requested that the enclosed ballot be accomplished and submitted as soon as possible to reach the Committee on Election, College of Forestry Alumni Association, College, Laguna, not later than March 21, 1957. In this connection I would like to remind you not to Compliments of St11utB SawmiH &nmpany Bo. Medallo, Baliangao Occidental Misamis Dealers of: "FINE GRADES OF PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY" GRADUATION ISSUE, 1957 forget to make yourself in good standing by paying your alumni fees. The Forestry Alumni Homecoming will be held in conjunction with the 1957 "Moving-Up Day" celebration which will be on March 24, 1957. It is earnestly hoped that many of our alumni will join us on that day particularly those belonging to Class 1912, 1917, 1922, 1927, 1932, 1942, 1947, and 1952. I am sure that many of the alumni will be happy to meet you in the "school up the hill." The reaction that was received on the forms sent out by the Assistant Dean, Professor Calixto Mabesa, for the Forestry Alumni Directory has been encouraging. However, the Directory cannot as yet be published unless we get a much better response from the alumni, if possible, 100 per cent. So I would like to urge those who have not as yet submitted their forms to do so right away. I wish to state in this connection, that the U.P. Alumni Association has decided to publish a U.P. Alumni Directory containing about 23,000 alumni in connection with the Golden Jubilee celebration of the University in 1958. Every alumnus should help make this project a success. The necessary forms will, in due time, be distributed. (SGD.) FELIPE R. AMOS President ABSTRACT FRC>M THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE U.P. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I 1. Every person who is a holder of any degree, title, or certificate granted by the University of the Philippines, or who is a former regular student of the said University having been registered for at least two academic years or their equivalents and not having been dismissed from said institution for misconduct or for deficiency in scholarship, may, upon approval by the Board of Directors of the University of the Philippines Alumni Association, become a membe rof the Association. 2. Members shall have the right to attend and propose resolutions at all meetings, although they shall have the· right to vote at all elections only when they are· in good standing. 3. Every member shall pay an initiation fee fee of five pesos (PS.00) and a yearly fee of two (P2.00). 4. Members who pay the amount of twenty pesos (P20.00) shall be entitled to life membership. Page 77 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FROM JANUARY 1, 1956 TO DECEMBER 31, 1956 RECEIPTS: Cash on hand as of January 1, 1956 Collection from alumni and others:Forestry alumni entrance fee Forestry alumni annual fee ... Forestry alumni guest house Ahern Medal Fund Total DISBURSEMENTS: p 96.00 125.00 42.00 8.00 Pl,772,25 271.00 P2,043.25 Postage and stationery (Receipt Nos. 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, & 7) Materials for citation & diploma for 1955 D:stingushed Alumnus (Rec. Nos. 6, 8, & 9) p 36.10 9.95 46.05 CASH ON HANDS AS OF DECEMBER .31, 1956 ... . Pl,997.20 Forestry alumni entrance fee .............................. . p 607.55 476.60 564.00 349.05 Forestry alumni annual fee ........................ . Forestry alumni guest house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . Ahern Medal Fund ............................... . Total ............. . Pl,997.20 Certified Correct: December 31, 1956 VERIFIED AND FOUND CORRECT: (SGD.) TIBURCIO SEREVO Auditor University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF FORESTRY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION COLLEGE OF FORESTRY College, Laguna January 10, 1957 Dear Fellow Alumnus: The U.P. Forestry Alumni Association plans to publish en alumni directory in accordance with the clamor of many of· its members. This project was recently given a big boost by the U.P. Alumni Association because its Board of Directors (S'GD.) GREGORIO ZAMUCO Secretary-reasurer APPROVED: (SGD.) FELIPE R. AMOS President SOCIETY OF FILIPINO FORESTERS P. 0. Box 2445, Manila February 15, 1957 To the Members of the Society of Filipino Foresters: The ninth ( 9) annual meeting of the Society of Filipino Foresters will be held in conjunction with the 1957 "Moving-Up Day" celebratio11 of the College of Forestry, at College, Laguna, which will be on March 24, 1957. I am, therefJre, inviting you to attend this annual meeting. A program of approved a resolution authorizing the publication this meeting is herewith enclosed. If, for some of a book containing all the names, address, positions or occupation, etc. of the graduates of the University of the Philippines for the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the University in 1958. We would like to have complete end up-to-date information concerning our alumni. Will you please fill the enclosed form and return it to me es soon as possible? If you happen to have a photo please attach it to the form. If you know of any of our alumni who hes not yet submitted his PERSONAL INFORMATION SHEET, it will be greatly appreciated if you can urged him to do so as soon es possible. We really need the information. Any typewritten or handwritten form will be accepted. Thank you for your cooperation. Page 78 Very sincerely, GREGORIO ZAMUCO Secretary-Treasurer U.P. Forestry Alumni Association good or justifiable reasons, you cannot attend this general meeting, you may be represented by a proxy, provided you notify the Executive Secretary to that effect by giving the name of the proxy enough before the date of the meeting in consonance with Section 8 of Article XI of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society. I, of course, prefer that you attend personally this general meeting because important matters will be taken up for the welf'ire and expansion of the Society. I am sure that many of the members will be happy to meet you in the "school up the hill." The meeting may allow each member to an exchange of pleasantries and opinion as well es reminisce the old days. It is earnestly hoped that many, if not all, of the members will join us in this general meeting. Sincerely yours, FELIPE R. AMOS President FORESTRY LEAVES 9th ANNUAL MEETING S'unday, March 24, 1957 College of Forestry Auditorium Forestry Campus, College, Laguna 9:00 A.M.-REGISTRATION OF MEMBERS, PROXIES, AND PARTICIPANTS 9:30 A.M.-VISITS TO FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY, EXPERIMENT STATION, COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, PLANTATIONS, NURSERIES, AND OTHER DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CAMPUS. 12:00 Noon-LUNCHEON AT THE FORESTRY MESS HALL. 4 January, 1951 Dear Mr. Amos: Please refer to your Z-Pictures (Mail) dated December 6, 1956, forwarding certain photos which were taken during my last visit to the Philippines. These will be a precious addition to my album, reminding me always of the good friends I have in the Philippines Forest Service. You may remember that during our last discussion on the question of APFC Meeting, we originally wanted the Meeting to be held on 13 March, 1957 but later on according to your wish the date was advanced to 6 March, 1957. The Indonesian Government has now moved the F AO, Rome, to shift the date to 4 June, 1957 to suit 1:30 P.M.-BUSINESS MEETING OF THE their convenience. In a matter like this, we as SOCIETY. an organization have to go by the ,wishes of the 1. Roll Call-(proxies to be included) 2. Induction of officers and council members for the year 1957 and 1958 OFFICERS President- Felipe R. Amos Vice-President-Porfirio San Buenaventura COUNCIL MEMBERS FELIPE R. AMOS Tiburcio S. Serevo Eugenio de la Cruz Florencio Asiddao Carlos Sulit P. San Buenaventura Florencio Tamesis Teofilo A. Santos Jose Viado 3. Approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting 4. Reading of the annual report of the President 5. Reading of reports by Committee Children 6. Unfinished business 7. New business a. An amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society regardig members tendering resignation from the Society because of financial stringency or old age and other personal reasons. b. Stand of the Society on flood erosion which were flared up recently by newspapers. c. Honorary Membership of Hon. Juan de G. Rodriguez, Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and others. 8. Presentation of resolutions ADJOURNMENT REFRESHMENT GRADUATION ISSUE, 1957 host country. I shall write to you in detail as soon as I have got final confirmation of this date. Meanwhile, I thought I should keep you informed of this new development. I hope, this change would not greatly inconvenience you though, I know, such last minute changes are most annoying. In this connection, I also had your approval of the APFC Provisional Agenda. On my return, I find that our Headquarters feels that it should be rewarded in a different way and needed inclusion of one or two additional subjects. I am enclosing a copy of the revised version of the Agenda and I hope, you will have no objection to these changes. My wife joins me in sending our best wishes for the new year to Mrs. Amos and yourself. Please also convey my best wishes to other members of the Philippine Forest Service. Yours sincerely, C. PURKA YASTHA Regional Forestry Officer Mr. FELIPE R. AMOS, Director of Forestry, Bureau of Forestry, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources MANILA, Philippines * * * ASIA-PACIFIC FORESTRY. COMMISSION FOURTH SESSION (Bandung, Indonesia, March, 1957) PROVISIONAL AGENDA 1. Adoption of Agenda 2. Election of Officers 3. Current F AO activities in the region Major policy issues of regional interest 4. Forest p~licy (a) Review of national progress reports (b) Education in Forestry (c) Watershed management and shifting cultivation Page 79 Specific activities of F AO or Governments requiring consideration 5. Activities requirillll guidance from the Commission (a) Forestry and forest products research (i) Silviculture and management (ii) Forest products (b) Teak (c) Forest operations (d) Regional study of wood resources and requirements ( e) Forestry statistics 6. Matters requiring government attention or international cooperation (a) Forest inventories (b) Housing (c) Fuelwood (d) Pulp and paper ( e) Grading and standardization (i) Nomenclature (ii) Hardwood logs (non-teak) (iii) Sawn hardwoods (non-teak) 7. Future orientation of F/4.0's work in the region (a) Regular program (with special reference to 1960/61) ( b) Technical asisstantce 8. Date and place of nert session 9. Field tours* 10. Consideration and adoption of report * Field tours will be arranged before end after the session to inspect pine, acacia, cinchona, agathi~ end ether plantations in the Tangkuben-Prehu and Sukabumi areas; virgin forests et Tjibodas; the Forest Research Institute, Soil Research Institute and the Botanical Garden et Bogor; teak forests (management, reforestation, extraction, sewmilling) et Tjepu; afforestation work on degraded lend et Solo. * * * November 7. 1956 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that Mr. Eulelio C. Garduque, * who has been appointed es Instructor in Mathematics end In-Charge of Forests of the -Mindanao Agricultural Colle&e has the followinit duties: I. Teaching .Assignment: 1. Teaching mathematics and forest products utilization, conservation, and reforestation, including improvement of rangelands, pastures and wild pmee. II. Project Assignments: Page 80 1. Loe:ginR end operation of the college sawmill. 2. Organization or establishment, maintenance, end operation of a forestry nursery. 3. Supervision end management of school forests. 4. Undertaking reforestation work and the conservation of forest resources includine; the further development of the watershed of the school reservation. CSGD.) ZOSIMO MONTEMAYOR PresiJlent *Mr. Eulalio C. Garduque: 1. Class '36 Ranger Course, U.P. College of Forestry; 2. Administrative Officer, Forest District _ . o. 39 (Bukidnon Province), his official designatiC'n whether resigned November 15, 1956, with station et Meleybaley, Bukidnon. 3. Member, Society of Filipino Foresters. 4. Native of Pasuquin, llocos Norte, but re•idmg in Marameg, Bukidnon. * The Editor Sent in By V. Sejor-'17 Ranger Bureau of Forestry Manila December 31, 1956 * * "FORESTRY LEAVES" College, Laguna S i r : In order to correct the impression that might have been created in the nlinds -of readers on en abstract in the July, 1956 issue of the "FORESTRY LEAVES" (pp. 63 and 64) with the misleading title, "Found Basilen Forest Poorly Stocked Logged Over-Areas" on our Research Notes No. 17-Under-planting With Large-Leal Mahogany in a Logged-over Dipterocarp Forest, please publish the following rectification in your next issue: As indicated by the title of the research note, the main point discussed is the r.esult of underplanting large-leaf mahogany in a poorly stock dipterocerp I.egged-over area in Basilan two years after planting. The research was not to determine whether or not the logged over areas in Basilan are poorly stocked, but to present the possibilities of underplenting large-leaf mahogany where the logged over was only in the introductory explanation es to the condition of some logged-over areas, the· site where the underplanting was undertaken end the condition of the site where similar underplanting may be employed to improve the residual growing stock. (Findings two years after planting are: 47% survival out of a total 535 seedlings planted; average sizes reached: diameter, 3.12 ems. dbh; height, 4.0 meters; ~ood growth found on moderate, welldrained slope with clay-loam soil; "chimney-like'' opening through the underbrush provided for thA seedlings favors developtnent of long, clear boles; spacing-3 x 3 meters, but could be 7.6 x 7.6 meters, es in Puerto Rico). It is regretted that the reviewer, being a nonFORESTRY LEAVES technical man, did not submit his review to the undersigned. Very truly yours, MARTIN R. REYES (co-author) * * * Republic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture end Natural BUREAU OF FORESTRY Office of the District Forester Romblon, Romblon Resources February 1, 1957 The Honorable The Secretary of Agriculture end Natural Resources Manila S i r : I have the honor to inform you that the Romblon DANREA sponsored the celebration of the third Berrio Farmer's Week in this province. Unlike previous years this year's Berrio Farmer's Week under the auspices of the Romblon DANREA with the cooperation of the public schools under District Supervisor Leocadio Madrone, the barrio councils under Municipal Secretary Ramon N. Orola and the boy and girl scouts organization, was held January 12-20, 1957 to coincide with the Romblon Town Fiesta celebration. This was made possible thru the request of the Municipal Council of Romblon that the barrio farmers week be celebrated to coincide with the nine-day town fiesta of this capital town so that more people will be able to participate in the open forums, demonstrations, discussions, etc. January 18, 1957 was set aside as the Industrial and Agricultural Fair Day sponsored also by the Romblon Town Fiesta Committee on Agricultural and Industrial Exhibits chairmaned by DANREA Chairman Muimino R. Reyes, district forester of Romblon. The Romblon Fair was the most important day of the celebration. Novelties made out of marble such as name bars, paper weights, flower vases, flower stand, tablewares, ash trays and other household articles were among the products displayed at the fair. Various industrial and agricultural ezhibits were the main attractions in the municipal fair. Barrio council organizations, the public schools, the boy end girl scouts organization initiated by the Romblon Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Employees association (DANREA) made the affair a big success. (The Romblon DANREA: sponsored the third Barrio Fanners Week and the Romblon Industrial and Agricultural Fair.) Also exhibited were baskets made out of local materials lika nito, bego, bamboo and coconuts; mats made of burl called locally "locab" end household articles made of coconut shells end ceramics. GRADUATION ISSUE, 1957 A contest on the biggest agricultural product such as farm crop, root crop, garden crop, banana, poultry and swine; the most artistic booth; the most complete booth and the most handicraft was also held. Most of the recipients of the prizes were: Alad-Logben-Cobrador and Cajimos-Agbudia-Agtongo barrio schools which tied for first place for the most artistic booth; Romblon High-Romblon ElementarySchools bcoth for second prize end Lenos-Begacay barrio school for third prize. Cogon barrio school won the first prize for the most complete booth with Alad-Logbon-Cobrador and Agnipa-Lanes-Ginablan barrio schools for second and third prizes respectively. Romblon High-Romblon Elementary schools won the prize for the best handicraft while Calavogo barrio school won the prize for the biggest rooster. Lonos-Bagecay won the prize for the biggest pig; Alad-Logbon-Cobredor won the prize for the biggest goat; the prize for the prize for the biggest coconut; Rombfon HighRomblon Elementary won the prize for the b1ggest hen; Agpanabet-Pelhi won the prize for the biggest jackfruit ( nangka); Cajinos-Agbudia-Agtongo won the prize for the biggest ubi; Sablayan-Ilauran barrio school won the prize for the biggest cacao; Aled-Logbon-Cobrador won the prize for the biggest banana tioing with Agnipa-Ginablan-Lunas. Donors for the prizes are: En~neer Salustiano S. Medeli, Municipal Secretary Ramon M. Orola, Municipal Mayor Isidro Mallorca, Mr. Simon M. Mingee, Councilor Antonio Morano, Mr. Patrotico V. Morano, Mrs. ~uz N. Fondeville, Mrs. Elisa Madali, Engineer Francisco LI. San Luis, Captain Julio Alayon, Dr. Anttonio Ylagan, Mrs. Sofronia N. Solidum, wife of Provincial Governor Manuel L. Solidum is chairman of the Committee on Prizes, Romblon Town Fiesta. The Romblon DANREA booth was the model of all other booths in the Romblon Fair in which the bureaus of Forestry, Agricultural Extension, Animal Industry, Plant Industry and Mines were represented. Chairman Maximina R. Reyes of the Committee on Agricultural and Industrial Exhibits was assisted ably by Teodorico Montojo, DANREA Secretary; Felix T. Muyo, Adult Education Supervisor; Abraham Regalado, municipal agriculturist; Eugenio Gutierrez, DANREA Treasurer; Herminio A. Llena, DANREA Pro; Emiliana Gavino, Social Welfare aide; all the deputy forest guards of Forest District No. 25, Romblon and all barrio council chairman of Romblon. Very respectfully, For the DANREA Chairman: TEODORICO MONTOJO DANREA Secretary Page 81 THE IMPLEMENTATION ... (Continued from pa'*' 43) growing stock which are ctestroyed or injured and not compensated by equivalent non-designated trees. b. For a serious violation of the conditions in the license, rule, regulations or instruction, after due warning, a portion or the whole of the forestry bond shall be confiscated, the operation suspended, or the license cancelled, depencting on the gravity of the violation. Program Of Implementation. - Our lack of men with the basic technical training for this work is attributed to the fact that we are hastening the delimitation of the permanent forest which is a pre-requisite to the stability of timber production areas where selective logging under management plans for sustained yield shall be enforced. Mor. of the foresters are in land classification parties for this purpose. However, we are drawing B.S.F. and Ranger graduates of the College of Forestry, University of the Philippines, for management work in addition to the men already in the service who are available for the project. It will take some time before we can possibly cope well with the full-dress implementation of selective logging in all license areas. Full-scale implementation is programmed to be undertaken in the order of the following groups of licensees: ( 1) Twenty six ( 26) timber licenses having 20,000 hectares and over of fore st areas each, covering 1,220,000 hectares in 14 provinces. (2) Thirty seven (37) timber licenses having 10,000 to 20,00 hectares each, coverareas each, covering 5 17 ,900 hectares in 18 provinces. (3) One hundred (100) timber licenses having 5,000 to 10,000 hectares each, covering 685,600 hectares in 18 provinces. ( 4) One thousand two hundred focy five ( 1,245) timber licenses below 5,000 hectares each, covering 1,146,000 hectares in 44 provinces. Page 82 Tree marking is now being conducted: in 10 timber license areas covering about 275,000 hectares in 3 districts. There is included in the proposed Budget for 1958 now under consideration by Congress a 15 million-peso bond fund of which 3 million pesos will be ear-marked for natural reforestation through selective logging. If approved, the implementation of the selective logging program will be in~ensified and accelerated. A Selective Logging Bill is being submitted to Congress for enactment. A Selective Logging Regulations will soon be in effect. These will strengthen the said program. It should not be interpreted, however, that just because tree marking is not yet initiated in a license area, care should not be exercised. It should be borne in mind that there is an existing cutting rule to the effect that undersized trees cut and damaged shall be invoiced and paid for at four times the regular rate. Young thrifty trees irrespective as to whether they are marked or not, if cut or carelessly destroyed, are subject to this rule. This will be taken care of, in the meantime, by inspection done periodically by forest officers in license areas where tree marking is not yet instituted. This program entails more efforts anti sacrifices on the part of timber licenses, in order that it will succeed. Most of our timber licensees know and believe in the soundness of 1:his program, both on the standpoint of the stability of their business and continuing usefulness of the forests. We are confident, therefore, that they will do their share of the responsibility. The Bureau of Forestry, as custodian and manager of the forest resources, will see to it that 1:he forests will be left in good condition, through the enforcement of selective logging, to render all the benefits for the enjoyment and prosperity of most of 1:he people in the long run. FORESTRY LEAVES