Your Cabletow after four months


Part of The Cabletow

Your Cabletow after four months
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Newly-Installed Officers of Bontok Lodge .Vo. l.'tO. In. the photo. Irani left to right: Uro. Ernesto Mendoza, Treasurer; Uro. Guillermo T. flcrsamin, Senior Warden; C.F.I. Judge Hon. Cristobal Alejandro, guest speaker; WB. Celerino T. Ruiz, Master Elect; VU’/J. Marcelino P. Dysangco, JGL installing officer; Bro. Rnfino Chungalao, Junior Warden and WIL Victorino N. Ringor, Secretary Second row standing, same order, Bro. Rafael de Leon; WB. Santiago Balagot, PM (70) ; t!7?. Severo G. Pimentel, WIL Eliseo C. Belen, PM (77) master of ceremonies WB. Dcmas C. Trinidad PM, IV/?. Honcsto C. Belen PM; Bro. Aurelio Macabeo, Tyler and Bro. II. IL Dawag, Senior Warden; Rio Chico Lodge, U I). Third rotv same order standing, Bro. J. K. Gomez, Bro. V. M. Pangilinan, Bro. Sancho 4. Gacrlail (Rev.) chaplain, Bro. G. de Vera; Senior Deacon, Bro. V. T. Ugan; orator, Bro. A. Avelcs, and Bro. 1. V. Bandonil; Senior Steward. Last row standing, Bro. C. I). Herrera, Bro. P. R. Falcon, Bro. Capt. L. Rafanan, Bro. zl. B. Salvador, Han. Board Member Bro. Gaspar Ponchtnlan, Bro. S. S. Saguid and Bro. IL Calaou. The installation was held publicly in the Provincial Capitol Session Hall of Bontoc. A A YOUR CABLETOW AFTER FOUR MONTHS This is a report on what the Board of Trustees has done with your Cabletow since, January this year when it started its new life as an autonomous body. You will please remember that The Cabletow, Inc., publishes The Cabletow magazine in the interest of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, Inc. On this thesis and inspiration, The Cabietow, Inc. stands or falls. BUDGET CONSCIOUSNESS. As in the past, we, operate on a close-shave budget. Under the circumstances, we count the centavos and see that every gram of its copper is wisely spent. Hence, we have only one employee paid the minimum wage. The rest of us do Turn to next p»8® April 1966 OFFICERS, QUEZON CITY LODGE NO. 122 Firxt Row-Sitting rio,n nil: — lira. I'nnicisco Gasnar, Almoner; L'ro. Rafael Soriano, Auditor; Emiliano Ozaeta, Treasurer; Uro. Jesus Venzon, SW; WB Agcrico V. Amayna. Jr., WM; Oscar Enux. Cruz, JW; WB Ernesto F. Baiba, I’M, Secretary; H7,’ l’acifico Biyili, I’M, Chaplain; and IJ'ZJ Felix M. Garcia, I’M, Tyler. Second Rom — Left to right; -- standing — Bro. Conrado C. Veneration, JS- Bro. Jo-- S. Navarro, .-S; Bro. Chris Malahay, JD: WB Atilano Nunez, I’M, Custodian of Work: Bro. Alfredo .4. Reyes, SB; Bro. Joven Padolina, Organist; and Bro. Leo J. Santos Marshal. our stint as a labor of love. We, write and sit on borrowed furniture. For sometime we used our own writing machines or typed on some of the unused typewriters in the offices nearby until one day RWB Wilmarth sent us a typewriter which he wangled from Calte,x as a donation. We have a camera and strobo, also donations of Caltex. We heard a rumor that the Grand Lodge wants us to assume, the deficit for 1965 and when that becomes consumatum est, you will understand why we will not be able to put out the June and December isc.ies in 1OGR. T’’* tn-be-denleted budget must be adhered to. We may succeed in reducing production cost and time, but it is difficult to succeed against the other fellow’s success. PROFESSIONALIZING THE MAGAZINE. We have always believed that The, Cabletow is not a high school magazine that comes out when and if. and if it does, it is full of poetry and pontifications. We are glad to say that the January, February and March issues came cut in the fourth week of the months of their currency. This April issue came nut in the second week of April. We work by deadline unless unavoidable circumstances set in. We are glad to state that we have been getting many articles and contributions. We are hoping that more articles based on research and scholarship will come The Cabletow A’KBLr IXSTALLED OFFICERS OF FIIAXKI.IX DELAXO ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL LODGE XO. Hl, F. .4. M. FOR THE MASOXIC YEAR 1PGC, From left-Front row: 1177. Danilo Sotto, IBM ; H7.’. Andres Aguada. PM. Chaplain; WB. Alberto Presa, PM. Secretary; Bro. Santiago Tuangtuang, SW; WB. Martin Adorador, Master; Bro. Antonio M. David, JW; WB. Catalina Cabacungan, PM. Marshall; Bro. Ignacio Manglicmot, Jr. Deaeon; Bro. Jose David, Sr. Steward; Second row: — H77. Urbano Bello, PM. Auditor; WB. Hilario Esguerra, PM. Installing Officer; Bro. Charles E. King, Jr. Steward; WB. Gregorio Leyba, PM. Tyler; Very Worshipful Marcelino Dysangco, Master of Ceremonies; and WB. Menandro Alejandro, PM. Pintong Bato Lodge (■visitor.) our wav. One of our aims is to bring the Grand Lodge closer to the blue lodges, or the blue lodges closer to the Grand Lodge. To do this, we request Lodge Secretaries and members to send in news of what their lodges are doing. We need more news about the lodges and the brethren — they are that important to us. We also aim to make the Cabletow a Masonic family magazine, with news and articles readable by every member of the, family. With your assistance, we doubt not that we will succeed in our plans. OUR REPOSITORY OF FACTS ABOUT YOU. With this issue, 43.200 copies of the, request to continue receiving the Cabletow and the Masonic Personal Data sheet have been put out. As of today, April 10. we have received ------------- properly, improperly and inadequately filled sheets. We should have at least 10,0000 of those by now. You can conclude for yourself iust how many of us are interested. You may not be, but we are. So, please cooperate with us. For research now and in the future, these personal data sheets are of inestimable value. They will be more so in after years. As one looks at those practically empty cards — just name and lodge — one is appalled Turn to page 12 April 1966 YOUR CABLETOW AND YOU. . . From P.9o 9 by the apathy of many of us. Whether you are a big or small Mason — if there is ever such a classification, please send us your personal data sheet. Wipe off that humility temporarily. We need that data about you. We intend to microfilm all those. Fifty years from now, your children or great grand children might want to know about you as a Mason. They will be glad to find a complete record about you. CORRECT ADDRESSES. Either obsolete addresses were given to us or addressees did not notify us of their change, of address. The postage we pay on second class mail matter is only for the terminal address. Many copies of the Cabletow must be gathering dust in many post offices. Before your Lodge Secretary makes his annual report, please give, him your correct address. Better still, write to us giving your new address so we can effect the change here, immediately and you will not lose so many issues. We try our best to send the back issues, but oftentimes are unable to do so when we, do not have anymore left. BATCH DELIVERIES. Some Lodge Secretaries prefer to get the issues of their Cabletow in batches from the Grand Lodge. They will please come the, first week of each month for them. liness, universality, and Service as other renowned civic and fraternal organizations in our community. I fully subscribe to the great aims and goals of “Freemasonry in action”. Our community and our country need associations such as yours to form the nucleus of our crusade to greatness. I know that a Mason is a Man of Ideals, enshrouded with the virtues of integrity, rectitude, temperance, and service. I know that membership of your organization is a challenge and a test in the discharge of your responsibilities to God, to your country, to your neighbor, and to yourself. You are a choice cluster of talents and successes in your group, each one consummately dedicated to the lofty principles of Masonry. Your organization, its ideals and objectives are not incompatible to the principles of public service. They are not inconsistent with the rules and order of society. Confident that such is your existence, I take this opportunity to assure you all that at every turn you shall be met with the full assistance and cooperation of my administration and of my own. In so in doing, I honestly feel that our electorate will not point an accusing finger at me. Thus in the name and on behalf of my people , I officially endorse the success of your movement. As I extend a congratulatory hand to the new Officers of this great organization, may I reiterate our greetings of warm welcome. We arc proud that you have chosen our community as the seat of your induction ceremonies and we join you in prayers to the Almighty for success of your crusade for a fuller life, a better community. A 12 The Cabletow