Masonry to one who is not a mason


Part of The Cabletow

Masonry to one who is not a mason
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
AN INAUGURAL... From p.0. « together in our mother lodge. This situation should bring to the mind of every Mason that in the performance of our solemn obligation, despite differences of religions and loyalties to country or neighbors, there should arise no contention among us but that noble contention or rather emulation of who best can work and best agree. The principle of the brotherhood of man is a fake it it is based on class hatred. Envy and jealousy hamper the progress of neighborly relationship. To whisper good counsel to our ears, in the most friendly manner possible, will certainly bring about a desired reform. Hence brethren, let us attend our Mother Lodge regularly and contribute our ideas and our efforts. Let us have wisdom to contrive, strength to support and beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings. Only then can we improve neighborly consideration buttressed upon the foundations of universal harmony and truth that shall continue to live till time shall be no more. A MASONIC MISSIONARIES .... From page 4 and it is necessary and incumbent in all of us to live peaceably with all men, “to live by the side of the road and be a friend to man”, to make the members of our families belong to us, to show them how “this nation can be great again”, to hand over to them the torch of freedom which they will hold high like we do, so that we and they will be missionnaries for Masonry. A to Otte 'W&'O to ct Ulctooti Welcome address of Mayor Lorenzo Dacanay during the installation of the officers of Union Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M. at the town plaza of San Fernando, La Union on the afternoon of January 8, 1966. Ladies and Gentlemen: It is indeed my very distinct privilege this afternoon to be with a distinguished association of men who are the pioneers of our community of the great Masonic principles and ideals. As the Chief Executive of our town, I welcome you all and your guests in our midst. I am certain that our Municipal Officials and our people, whom I now represent, cherish the same fervor of warm welcome and cordiality, because they know that your presence in this Brotherhood affair will radiate among them your high standards of spirituality, fellowship, and service. My friends: This public installation of your new officers is immeasurably significant to the residents of this town. Not a few segments of our population in the past and even today entertain a very vague conception of “Freemasonry.” Sometimes a distorted picture of Masonry in action is painted from the scattered fragments of criticisms and praise which leak out from the exclusiveness of your association. Our people cannot be justifiably indicted for what they have come to know of your organization, for they have known so little of you, of the great ideals and objectives for which you stand. Now I am gladdened that through this induction ceremonies, our people and the public will have an opportunity to personally assess your congregation — to paint a picture of your association with the multicolors and clear vista of GodTurn to next pege April 1966 11 YOUR CABLETOW AND YOU. . . From P.9o 9 by the apathy of many of us. Whether you are a big or small Mason — if there is ever such a classification, please send us your personal data sheet. Wipe off that humility temporarily. We need that data about you. We intend to microfilm all those. Fifty years from now, your children or great grand children might want to know about you as a Mason. They will be glad to find a complete record about you. CORRECT ADDRESSES. Either obsolete addresses were given to us or addressees did not notify us of their change, of address. The postage we pay on second class mail matter is only for the terminal address. Many copies of the Cabletow must be gathering dust in many post offices. Before your Lodge Secretary makes his annual report, please give, him your correct address. Better still, write to us giving your new address so we can effect the change here, immediately and you will not lose so many issues. We try our best to send the back issues, but oftentimes are unable to do so when we, do not have anymore left. BATCH DELIVERIES. Some Lodge Secretaries prefer to get the issues of their Cabletow in batches from the Grand Lodge. They will please come the, first week of each month for them. liness, universality, and Service as other renowned civic and fraternal organizations in our community. I fully subscribe to the great aims and goals of “Freemasonry in action”. Our community and our country need associations such as yours to form the nucleus of our crusade to greatness. I know that a Mason is a Man of Ideals, enshrouded with the virtues of integrity, rectitude, temperance, and service. I know that membership of your organization is a challenge and a test in the discharge of your responsibilities to God, to your country, to your neighbor, and to yourself. You are a choice cluster of talents and successes in your group, each one consummately dedicated to the lofty principles of Masonry. Your organization, its ideals and objectives are not incompatible to the principles of public service. They are not inconsistent with the rules and order of society. Confident that such is your existence, I take this opportunity to assure you all that at every turn you shall be met with the full assistance and cooperation of my administration and of my own. In so in doing, I honestly feel that our electorate will not point an accusing finger at me. Thus in the name and on behalf of my people , I officially endorse the success of your movement. As I extend a congratulatory hand to the new Officers of this great organization, may I reiterate our greetings of warm welcome. We arc proud that you have chosen our community as the seat of your induction ceremonies and we join you in prayers to the Almighty for success of your crusade for a fuller life, a better community. A 12 The Cabletow