Rabbi urges Pope lift masonic ban


Part of The Cabletow

Rabbi urges Pope lift masonic ban
Dugan, George
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
By George Dugan In a Protestant Pulpit, lie Cites Common Principles A rabbi, preaching in a Protestant pulpit yesterday, called on Pope Paul VI to lift the ban on Roman Catholic membership in Masonic lodges. The preacher was the Rev. Dr. William F. Rosenblum, a Jewish grand chaplain in the fraternal order and rabbi emeritus of Temple Israel. He delivered the sermon at the annual Masonic service of worship in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church at 55th Street. Rabbi Rosenblum hailed recent reforms instituted by the Ecumenical Council Vatican II and added: "It may well be that the time has come for His Holiness to lift the ban which has been in force for some dficades against membership of Catholics in our Masonic lodges. 'No Reason’ for Ran Now “Whatever may have been the reasons tor the imposition of this restriction early in this century, there is no reason for it to continue in our time and in our world. “Masonry emphasizes two important principles that are important to all mankind — the belief in God and the right of every man to be free. These are principles which the Catholic Church supports as well. “Catholics can be good Masons and Masons can be good Catholics.” The rabbi recalled that at the recent World’s Fair, Masons and the Knights of Columbus marched together in a demonstration of fraternal camaraderie. “There is no reason,” lie said “why they should not meet together and work together in our Masonic precincts — for God, for freedom and for peace.” An editorial in the current issue of America, the Jesuit weekly, dealt with the same issue. It noted with approval that earlier this month, in Sharon, Mass., Supreme Knight John W. McDevitt announced that the Knights of Columbus are “eager to extend to brothers of the Masonic Order an embrace of friendship, understanding, trust and charity that will bring us to new heights of ecumenism in fraternalism.” A Reprinted from the New York Times —oOo— The Golf Committee at its first meeting held March 10, 1966, approved the following for the golf tournament, in connection with the 50th Annual Communication, to be held at the Afuni Golf Links on April 27 and 28, starting on both days at 7:00 A. M. Participants will be assigned to the groups in accordance with their ages. A handicap of one point will be given a participant for every year over the starting age for each group. Trophies will be awarded to winners and runners-up in each group,. A trophy will also be awarded to the participant whose 36-hole gross score is the lowest. FIRST GROUP—70 years up. (Handicap—1 point for each year over 70) SECOND GROUP—65 years to 69. (Handicap—1 point for each year over 65 and below 70) THIRD GROUP—60 years to 64. (Handicap—1 point for each year over 60 and below 65) 20 The Cabletow