Are you doing your part?


Part of The Cabletow

Are you doing your part?
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
s4ze 'fyuc Pant? A Scottish Rite Mason can do his Master Mason friend no better service than to enlist him under the banners of the Scottish Rite Masonry. WILL YOU HAVE A FRIEND JOIN ONE OF OUR CLASSES DURING THE YEAR? QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. What are the total fees for the degrees? A. 1*300.00, 4° — 329, inclusive. Q. How much should accompany the Petition ? A. At least P120.00. Q. When is the balance due? A. P60.00 after the 149; P60.00 after 189; and P60.00 after the 30° Q. May the total fee be paid at one time? A. Yes. Q. How much are the yearly dues? A. P16.00 per year, or whatever rate the Bodies may have fixed subject to the approval of its members. Q. What is the Scottish Rite? A. It is one of the two branches of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed after he has completed the three degree of Symbolic or Blue Lodge Masonry. The other branch is the York Rite. The Scottish Rite Degrees include the Fourth through the Thirty-Second, with the Thirty-third Honorary Degree. Q. How large an organization is the Scottish Rite? A. There are approximately 3,700 members in the Philippines. There are approximately one-half million in the United States. Q. When should a proposition or petition for a Class be filed? A. A petition must be filed at a stated meeting at least one month before being voted upon. Q. Is Memory work required in taking the Scottish Rite Degrees? A. No. Q. How long must a Master Mason wait before he can petition for the degrees? A. At least on© year; or if less than sixth months, by special dispensation of the Sovereign Grand Commander, for members of the armed Forces of the Philippines or the United States. Q. Must a Master Mason have taken his third degree proficiency? A. Yes, but not absolutely necessary provided he has been a Master Mason for at least sixth months. Q. Is the waiting period after the date of raising or date of proficiency? A. After date of raising. - A - GOLF TOURNAMENT... FOURTH GROUP—55 years to 59. (Handicap—1 point for each year over 55 and below 60) FIFTH GROUP—Below 55 years. NO HANDICAP. LADIES GROUP—Wives and friends of Masons are invited to participate and trophies for the winner and runner-up will also be awarded. No tournament fee is required. Each participant shall pay for his, or her, green fees of P2.50, good for the whole day, and will be provided with locker, towel and shower facilities of the Muni Golf Links. Any Mason desiring to enter this tournament may register with the Secretary or any member of the Golf Compiittee giving his name, age at his last birthday, and the name of his lodge. Deadline for registration is Tuesday morning, April 26, 1966 at 7:00 A. M. PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUESTED TO REPORT ON TIME. GRAND LODGE GOLF COMMITTEE 1966 PAT. E. GONZALES ........... Chairman M. D. CIPRIANO ............. Secretary GEORGE J. REID ................... Member SATURNINO DAVID ........... Member EDGAR E. SHEPLEY ......... Member D. F. M. DOMINGO ............. Member BAYANI B. IBARROLA .... Member April 1966 21