Brazilian bishop warn against indiscriminate birth control


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Brazilian bishop warn against indiscriminate birth control
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175 The most extensive exposition of his thought is his uncompleted 17-volume Church Dogmatics. His system of theology states that Christianity rests upon faith in a God who is supreme and transcendent, who approaches men but cannot be approached by them except on His terms. He is survived by his wife, a daughter and two sons, both theologians. In an interview with KNA, the German Catholic news agency, Father Hanes Kueng, praised Karl Barth as having contributed more than any other Protestant theologian to an understanding between Protestant and Catholic theology. Barth’s object, he said, was not the conversion of Catholics to Protestant­ ism or vice versa, but the conversion of Catholics and Protestants to the Gospel of Christ. The fundamental concerns of his theology are now “the common property of both Churches”, Father Kueng said. BRAZILIAN BISHOPS WARN AGAINST INDISCRIMINATE BIRTH CONTROL Developing countries cannot afford indiscriminate birth control policies, the bishops of Brazil said in a joint statement released at Rio de Janeiro, after their national meeting. Pope Paul Vi’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, the bishops said, is a defence of the dignity of man “and a condemnation of the civilization of profit and pleasure to which Western nations, once considered Christian, are now turn­ ing.” A set of instructions on the conduct to be followed by priests and married couples regarding the encyclical is preceded in the joint document by a statement that Humanae Vitae “is part of the teaching authority ol the Church,” and, as such must be binding for Catholics. PAPAL PEACE PROGRAMME A global programme directed towards the promotion of justice as the means of countering the “permanent threat of war” and achievement of peace by peace by channeling military spending into aid for developing nations has been issued by the Vatican to mark Pope Paul Vi’s second World Day of Peace on January 1, 196?. The document provides a suggested plan for persons responsible for the organization of the World Day of Peace on national levels in all countries. It calls for action by individuals, groups and governments and expressed the hope