Some observations on forestry education in the United States


Part of Forestry Leaves

Some observations on forestry education in the United States
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Some Observations on Education in· the Forestry United States By TEODORO C. DELIZO The writer had the good fortune of having been selected to go abroad as a participant in the Type A Technical Program of the United States under the joint sponsorship of the Foreign Operations Administration and the Philippine Council for United States Aid. The objective of the study and observation were as follows; 1. To study and observe the curricula, modern concepts of forestry education and teaching techniques which can be adapted to modernize and strengthen forestry education in the Philippines. 2. To learn the type and content of professional courses being offered at the leading schools, arrangement of curricula, educational policy, type, technique, and standards of instruction, integration of lecture work with laboratory and field work on the evaluation of candidates for professional degrees. 3. To gain experience that will enhance the participant's ability in teaching silviculture and watershed management in connection with seeding and planting in the College of Forestry, University of the Philippines. One month before the opening of classes in the State College of Forestry at Syracuse, New York, I joined the Southern Trip in connection with Silviculture course No. 116 in which graduate students participated. The aims and purposes of the trip were: (1) To acquaint students with silvicultural conditions, methods and results in regions different from New York and Northeast; (2) To give students opportuJuly, 1956 nity to discuss silviculture and forestry with experienced public and private foresters in different parts of the country; (3) To broaden the student's outlook by traveling through parts of the country different from New York and the Northeast. Forested areas that belong to the government as well as private industry in the states of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida were visited. Prcblems confronting the forest in different states and regions visited were presented and solutions discussed by men who were fully informed of the subject matter. The services of men in public as well as in private industry were made available for demonstration and seminars on the various forestry problems. It has been observed that the nations has embarked on an intensive program of studies and research to find means of solving many of the forestry problems as they occur today. Private industry, particularly those engaged in lumber, pulp and paper manufacture and naval stores are actively cooperating with the government in studies and research toward the attainment of sustained yield management, greater volume and growth production, and quality improvement. Of the overall picture of conditions obtaining in the different states that were visited, there were five distinct silvicultural management tendencies that were noted. The first is the improvement of the stand by the elimination of competition, regulation of density of stocking, proper spacing and selection of the species. In the control of hardwood competition, prescribed burning, scarification, applicaPage 29 UI\1\-Ll,;)J l 1_ u: ~~cc .. :_._-'~~-,LS tion of differdrltb &eli li:>oisons and mechanical methods had been demonstrated. The second is toward the even-aged form of forest management. This is particularly true of softwood for reason of greater simplicity of handling, and financial return. The price of softwood is on the upgrade and this will continue for many years to come. The third is toward artificial regeneration. Preference of this method over that of the natural means is on its simplicity, greater assurance of the result, and the ease with which the young stand could be handled. In the Philippines, the same method is used in our reforestation projects on denuded areas where the original forest covers were gone. On residual stands, however, different methods are used. The fourth is the apparent consciousness on the part of both public and private owners toward the improvement of the forest crop through the modern methods of forest genetics. Experimental plots are located in various parts of the nation and scientific methods of tree improvement are being carried out. Many scientists are at present engaged in this particular phase of forest improvement. The fifth is a vigorous campaign an-I research on forest protection. Fire is so far the greatest protection problem, although insect and fungi add to the tremendous losses of forest products in some sections of the country. Fire-fighting equipment mounted on trucks and pumps that could be carried by men have been developed and improved. Studies are also being conducted on the control of some insect pest that threaten to destroy the Southern pine. Arteries of forest roads are being built dividing the forested areas into units of protection blocks. There is a research center at Coweeta, North Carolina where studies of the relationship of the forest to water and soil are being conducted. COLLEGE CURRICULA I enrolled in the S t a t e College of Forestry, Syracuse, New York, with the following objectives; (1) To learn the acaPage 30 demic structure of the forestry school. (2) To enroll in classes that will increase the participant's ability to teach Silviculture, watershed management, seeding and planting. In connection with the above objectives, efforts were made to study the academic structure of the College of Forestry both in the undergraduate and graduate level with the end in view of determining which of the principal features could be adapted to strengthen forestry education in the Philippines. Undegraduate studies. The students that may be admitted are selected from High School graduates of accredited High Schools or preparatory schools with sixteen units of preparatory work of High School grade. This requirement is very similar to that in the College cf Forestry, U.P. In the undergraduate curriculum in the College of Forestry at Syracuse, there are six full four-year program and two optional programs grouped into; (1) Forest Areas, (2) Forest Products and, (3) Optional programs. Under the Forest Areas program, are general forestry which emphasizes the developmPnt and management of the forest to the highest growth, care and use; landscape and recreational management which emphasizes landscape architecture, the art of arranging land and the objects upon it for human use and enjoyment. Under the Forest Program, are Forest Utilization-conversion and distribution of lumber and related products; Forest Utilization-retail merchandinzing and light construction; Wood Technology which has to do with the anatomy and technical nature of wood; Pulp and Paper Technology which deals with the engineering and physical sciences essential to the technology of pulp, paper and related industries. The optional programs deal with arboriculture and landscape nursery; Plastic and Cellulose chemistry which emphasizes plastic technology and polymer chemistry. In the implementation of the various programs, all freshmen are required to FORESTRY LEAVES take the same course. It is after the first year that a student enrolls for the spring camp and follows the program that he chooses to pursue. In other words, the branching out of the different programs occur after the first year. The curricula for the different programs of study are so adjusted as to give the maximum training to the student participant. It is believed that a similar system with modification could be followed for the College of Forestry, University of the Philippines. Under the present curriculum, it may be possible to stick to two general curricula, namely, Forest Areas and Forest Products. The former deals with general forestry and the latter should include Forest Utilization, Wood Preservation and Technology and may be Paper Manufacture. The branching for specialization may be effected during the last two years by selecting the subjects that must be taken up which are essential for the especialized field. Electives should be increased covering the subject matter of especialization. The list of subjects that are now followed should be reduced to only the very esse:itial ones and more elective that bear on the especialized field should be taken up. The number of units under the present curriculum is rather too heavy as compared with other universities. The number of units required for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Forestry in the School of Forestry at Berkeley, California is only 124, Michigan 136 and at Syracuse 142. In the University of the Philippines, College of Agriculture is 144, Veterinary Medicine 155, Engineering 142 and Public Administration 137 respectively. In the college of Forestry, U.P. the number of units required is 161. Before a student graduates, he has to take twosummer classes and must submit an approved thesis. It is believed that the present curriculum deserves a revision either to lengthen the course to five years, drop some of the subjects or reduce July, 1956 the number of units of some of the subjects presently taught. Graduate studies. It cannot be denied that the science of forestry is never static and the college of Forestry cannot remain an institution granting only undergraduate degrees. It would seem that with the more than two hundred graduates with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Forestry and others from allied technical schocJs, the college is now ready to offer a graduate school leading to the degree of Master of Science in Forestry. Many of the graduates of this college have intimated their desire to continue if and when such a course if offered. Conditions in the college have changed much so that at prescmt a Forest Products Laboratory is just a stone throw from the college building where facilities for research and studies are available. At present, however, there are no men to handle the courses prescribed outside of those offered at present but as soon as the three exchange professors from the United States will arrive, something could be done. Graduate study in this college should aim to train students on natural sciences underlying forest productivity and physical sciences which are fundamental to wood utilization technology and in the social sciences governing forest use. It should also aim at developing leaders in forestry by giving professional training in selected branches like research, teaching and in administration. They will be able to learn the techniques at1d methods of independent thinkers and constructive planners for an effective practice of forestry. Students that take up special courses in logging and lumbering may spend one summer in one of the big sawmills in Mindanao or Luzon. RANGER SCHOOL In the United States, except in one instance, all the Ranger schools operate as distinct units from the universities to which they are attached for administration purposes only. The primary objective of ranPage 31 ger school training is to develop skilled workmen who are capable of doing the less technical work of the professional forester in handling of forest lands and act as directing hands to unskilled labor. A committee on the study of ranger schools in the United States had this to say, ... "ranger schools should be established in each forest region, and the instruction should be of practical nature. It was felt that academic standards should be adjusted to the work that was to be done by the graduates. Ranger schools conducted at colleges or universities are not desirable. While such school may be included fo~· purposes of administration in a university or college, it should have a separate plant, in the woods, if possible, among the forest and industrial conditions which it is the function of the school to serve. Its standards, its faculty, its atmosphere, its morale should be its own, rather than merge with those of a larger institution. Its instructors should if possible be professional foresters so that the students may acquire a sympathetic understanding and breadth of view as to its scope and aims." Presently the curriculum of the College of Forestry, U.P. combines the training of the professional forester and that of the ranger. Considering the size of the teaching staff and the number of students, the system is unwieldy. While the economic condition of the college may not permit the complete separation of the ranger and the professional forester curricula as at present, it is necessary to divorce the one from the other for a more effective forestry education in this country. FACILITIES FOR INSTRUCTION School forest. All of the ranger schools and forestry colleges visited in the United States own their school forests where the field exercises and studies are conducted. The forest property is an integral part of forestry schools for their laboratory and field exercises. The College of Forestry, Page 32 U.P. owns no school forest. The Makiling National Park is at present used as field laboratory for the various forestry courses. At present the Commission of Parks and Wildlife has the full control of parks so that the college is just a squatter in the park and is not free to perform the different exercises and studies conducive to a thorough forestry education. It is necessary that a portion of the Makiling National Park be ceded or given to the College of Forestry if it is to render an effective forestry education for the nation. Library. The libraries of the different colleges and schools of forestry in the United States are very well stocked with books and periodicals for references. In the College of Forestry, U.P., the number of books especially those used as references is very little. It is necessary that the number of volumes for books used as references should be increased in accordance with the number of students. Visual aids. It was observed that colored kodaslides are popularly used to supplement lectures. The number of slides for the colleges is steadily built up by the arrangement that the film is supplied by the college and the faculty members take the pictures in connection with their field trips. The slides, however, will become the property of the college. I understand that the colleges have special prices for colored films from the Kodak company. This phase of instruction has not been given encouragement here because of the high price of films. The college should secure concessions with the Kodak company for reduced price for college use in order to popularize the use of visual aids in instruction. There is an up-to-date projector in the college for kodaslides which can be used to advantage with this arrangement. School collections. The schools and colleges of forestry in the United States have exec_ellent collections of fungi, insects, birds, botanical materials, forest products and other materials product of the forest. In FORESTRY LEAVES our college, we have no insect collection of our own so that students enrolled in Forest Entomology take the course in the College of Agriculture. The handful of collection of forest fungi is not properly kept for lack of facilities. The botanical collections, wood and seed samples, are, however increasing steadily. It is about time to consider the extreme necessity of having our entomological and pathological departments to bolster our own collection and improve our teaching techniques in connection with forest protection in the college. In the event that a complete separation of the ranger and undergraduate curricula could not be affected due to financial or other causes, the following are suggested. In the implementation of the undergraduate curriculum, however, additional faculty members would be necessary. Terminal Ranger curriculum, following the description of courses presently offered in the College of Forestry, U.P. FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Spanish 10 ---------------------------------------------English 1 -------------------------------------------------Botany la -------------------------------------------------Dendrology la ---------------------------------------Mathematics la -------------------------------------Forest Engineering - la ----------------------·Introduction to Forestry -------------------Military Science la -----------------------------Physical Education la -----------------------Physical Education 2a -------------------------SECOND SEMESTER Units 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 (1.5) ( 1) ( 1) Units Spanish 11 ·----------------------------------------------- 3 English 2 -------------------------------------------------- 3 Botany lb ------------------------------------------------ 3 Dendrology lb ---------------------------------------- 3 Forest Management 1 -------------------------- 3 Forest Engineering lb ----'-------------------. 3 Military Science lb ---------------------------- (1.5) Physical Education lb -----------------------·-- ( 1 ) Physical Education 2b _____________________ ,____ ( 1 ) SUMMER: Field Practice-6 weeks; 6 credit. July, 1956 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Spanish 12 -----------------------------------------------Mathematics lb -------------------------------------Wood technology -----------------------------------Silviculture I -----------------------------------------Forest Administration la -------------------Forest Physiography _, ___________________________ _ Military Science 2a -----------------------------Physical Education 3a -----------------------Physical Education 4a -----------------------SECOND SEMESTER Units 3 3 3 3 4 2 (1.5) ( 1) ( 1) Units Spanish 13 ------------------------------------------------ 3 Forest Economics '-------'·"---------------------- 3 Lumbering I -------------------------------------------· 4 Forest Products -------------------------------------- 4 Forest Administration lb ------------------ 3 Military Science 2b -----------------------------· (1.5) Physical Education 3b ------------------------ ( 1 ) Physical Education 4b ------------------------ ( 1 ) Graduate Rangers may be admitted as irregular juniors under the undergraduate curriculum prov.ided they have averages of· 3 or better. Undegraduate curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Forestry(B.S.F.). Only students that have an average of 3 or better may continue after the sophomore year. The description of courses_ follow those that are offered at present in the college. FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER English I -------------------·----------------------------·Spanish 10 -----------····-------------------------·------· Botany la -------------···-------··--------------·--·--··Chemistry la ---·---·--·-----·---------·-··-·--------·· Mathematics II --------------·---·-·--------·-------· Introduction to Forestry ----------·--------· Military Science la -------------···-·-------····· Physical Education la -----'··-·-··------···-· Physical Education 2a ·-··----·--··-···--------Units 3 3 3 4 3 2 (1.5) ( 1) ( 1) 18 Page 33: SECOND SEl\IESTER English 2 __________ --------------------------------------Spani~h 11 Botany lb -----------------------------------------------Chemistry lb -----------------------------------------Mathematics III ------------------------------- ___ _ Forest Engineering Ia _______________________ _ Military Science lb -----------------------------Physical Education lb -----------------------Physical Education 2b _______________________ _ SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Physics 11 ---------------------------------------------Spanish 12 ---------------------------------------------Dendrology Ia ---------------------------------------Forest Engineering lb ______________________ _ Forest Physiography ---------------------------Zoology -----------------------------------------------------Military Science 2a -----------------------------Physical Education 3a -------------------------Physical Education 4-a -------------------------SECOND SEMESTER Physics 12 -----------------------------------------------Spanish 13 -----------------------------------------------Dendrology lb ---------------------------------------Silviculture I -----------------------------------------Forest Economics ---------------------------------Forest Soils --------------------·---------------------Military Science 2b -----------------------------Physical Education 4b -------------------------Physical Education 4b ·············-·------------Units 3 3 3 4 3 2 (1.5) ( 1) ( 1) Units 3 3 3 3 2 3 (1.5) ( 1) ( 1) 17 Units 3 3 3 3 3 3 (1.5) ( 1) ( 1) 18 Students that follow this curriculum will follow either the Forest Utilization curricula after the sophomore year. - A. FOREST AREAS TIIlRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Mathematics 8 (An. Geometry) Forest Pathology ·--······--------------------------Surveying la ·----------------------------------------Silviculture 2 -----------------------------------------Wood Technology I '----------------------------Electives -------'-----------·-----·------------------------Page 34 Units 3 3 3 3 3 2 17 SECOND SEMESTER Statistics II Forest Entomology -------------------------------Surveying lb -----------------------------------------Forest Soils (Advanced) ___________________ _ Electives -------------------------------------------------Units 3 3 4 3 4 17 SUMMER: Forestry work-6 weeks, 6 units. FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Business Law I ______________________ : ______________ _ English 3 ------------------------------.-------------------· Forest Administration ·------------------------Forest Management I -------------------------Research Problems -----------------------------Electives ---------------------------------------------------SECOND SEMESTER Business Law 2 ·------------------------------------Forest Protection ---------------------------------Forest Policy and History -·-------------Forest Management -----------------------------Research Problem -------------------------------Electives ---------------------------------------------------Units 3 3 3 3 2 3 17 Units 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Suggested electives in addition to those already mentioned in the catalog -for the current school year for the College of Forestry and Agriculture. 1. Recreational land administration- (2) 2. Principles of Wild Life Management (2) 3. Soil and water conservation- (3) 4. Range Management- (2) 5. Reforestation- (3) 6. Forest Tree Seeds-(3) 7. Regional Studies-(2) 8. Recreational land use and activities(2) 9. Plant materials- (2) 10. Human relations in forestry 11. Advanced forest administration- (2) 12. Plant anat-Omy- (2) 13. Advanced forest protection~ (2) 14. Statistics 12-(3). 15. Mathematics 10- (3) 16. _Mathematics 11- (3) (Continued on page 54) FORESTRY LEAVES Some Useful Derivation and Application of Diameter Growth of Commercial Dipterocarp in the Basilan Working Circle (From the first periodic growth data taken from six sample plots)* by MARTIN R. REYES Forester, Bureau of Forestry Growth is a basic data needed for determining the yield in a working circle to regulate the cut on a sustained yield basis. The table presented here summarizes some useful figures from the data gathered in six sample plots (one-hectare and 2-1/4hectare plots established in 1950 in a 22year old logged-over by steam donkeys, and two 1-hectare plots established in 1950 just after logging by tractors) in the southwestern. These plots were remeasured in 1954 and central western portions of the Basilan Working Circle. The derivations are briefly explained to serve as a simple guide in their use or preparation of similar tables for other forest tracts. Column (2)-These are the periodic annual growth in diameter (dbh or dab) in centimeters, reckoned at diameter class when first measured in 1950. These figures are derived from smoothed free-hand curves. From seedling to 35 cm. diameter class, the curve for plots established just after logging was used; from 40 cm. diameter class and over, the curve for plots established 22 years after logging was used. Total diameter increment of trees in dia. class (No. of trees) (No. of Yrs. between measurements) Example: For diameter class 30--Total diameter increment: 41.40 No. of trees considered: 15 15 x 4 PAI=-----41.40 .69 ems. actual, which was plotted; from smoothed, free-hand curve, .72 ems. Column (3), Years in class.- (For seedling to 5 cm.-dia. class, 11.4 years: this was derived by extending the curve to the zero line of the diameter class ordinate) . Column (4), Age at diameter class.years from seedling to a certain diameter class (Col. 3) are added and the sum is the estimated age at that diameter class. Example: To compute for years a 30-cm. tree stays in this class until it "graduates" to the next diameter class: Diameter class interval, 5 ems. Years in class PAI, .72 6.94 years *Established in 1950 by Foresters I. Achocoso, F. Asiddeo, L. Diez end R. Velbuene; remeasured in 1954 by Foresters M. Reyes, L. Diez end Rengers H. Esteves end J. Cruz. July, 1956 Page 65 Thus, age for 20 cm. class tree is found by Column (6), Number of years to reach summing up seedling-11.4, 5 cm. class- 50, 60 and 70 cm. diameter.9.09, 10 cm. class-8.62, 15 cm. dia. class30 8.06 and 20 cm. dia. class-7.58, which is Ex.: How long will it take a ' cm. 44.75 years. (Col. 1) residual to reach 60 Column (5), Diameter reached after 5, centim~ters in diameter? Add 10, etc. years. Ex.: What will be the appro- years m class. (Col.. 3) from ximate diameter of a residual 30 cm. dbh 30 cm: class lme until 35 cm. (Col._ 1) 30 year~ after logging? Add con"). class line. It is 33.88 years. secutively years ~n class. (Col. 3) from ai.ilii';J!, Some application of the derived figures olttas down the lme until a sum nearest '(j will be shown in the next issue. - · 30 years is reached; interpolate for year difference and add the centimer so found to the next diameter class. The sum is the diameter reached. Thus, sum of added years in class (Col. 3) from 30 cm. class nearest 30 years is 29.64 which is at line for 50 cm. class. The diameter (approx.) reached is the next line down, or 55 centimeters. Difference of 30 and 29.64 years is .36. .36 of 1.18 cm. increment rate at 55 cm. (Col. 2) is .42 cm. Adding .42 cm. to 55 cm. gives 55.42 cm. ,-Compliments of Gaton Lumber Mill Sawmill atSipalay, Neg. Occidente! Vic.ente B. Tan Balud, Masbate Dried Fish Dealer and General Merchant Yu Kim Chiong Balud, Masbate Dried Fish Dealer and General Merchant Page 66 George Bernard Shaw was having lunch in a London restaurant one day, when an orchestra struck up a particularly noisy tune. Without any intermission, it followed with another, Shaw called the head waiter and asked, "Does the orchestra play anything on request? "Yes sir," the man replied,'' Is there something you would like them to play?' "There is," said Shaw," Ask them to play dominoes until I have finished eating." JOSE LEE KONG M·anager Gen. Lucban St. Lucena, Quezon Andres Near lyam Bridge Si at Firewood Dealer Aloneros, Quezon I ----! Estelita 0. Pasamba 0. T. Licensee I Atimonan, Quezon I __ ! FORESTRY LEAVE~ (1) (2) Diameter PerioClass die ems. Annual (d.b.h. or Incred.a.b.) ment (Cm.) Seedling 5 .55 10 .58 15 .62 20 .62 2S .6'.) 30 .72 GROWTH FIGURES DERIVED FROM SAMPLE PLOTS IN LOGGED-OVER AREAS IN THE BASILAN WORKING CIRCLE . (FOR COMMERCIAL DIPTEROCARPS*) ill'NIV,ERSITY or TIIE PIIILIPPINES LIBRARY -------------------··---··-----------~~-~~=-=-=-·=='===============================-=-'--=-==-;===================-=·-~-=-=-~-~=-=-~-=(3) (4) Years Age at in Dia. Class Class 11.4 9.09 8.62 8.06 (Years) 11.40 20.49 29.11 37.17 5 10 7.75 10.53 12.91 15.86 18.10 21.28 Diameter lS 20 6.98 9.73 (Centimeters) 2S 30 (S) Rerched 3S 40 45 y A f t c r SO SS 60 E A R s (6) Number of Years to Reach 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Diameter class: 50 cm. 60 cm. 70 cm. 12.62 15.55 18:6s 21.87 . 25.17 29.62 32.16 35.78 39.48 43.S8 48.13 53.24 S8.97 65.29 72.26 79.70 76.97 85.88 93.44 13.43 16.42 19.52 22.80 26~14 29.59 33.17 36.82 40.59 44.74 49.46 54.74 60.67 67.21 74.29 81.87 89.78 98.03 65.S7 74.48 82.04 ·----18.96 22.19 25.51 28.96 32;51 36.15 39.85 43.98 48.59 53. 77 S9.54 65.96 72.97 80.45 88.33 96.51 104.99 56,48 65.39 72.95 24.58 28.01 31.52 35.13 38.83 42.84 47.28 52.29 57.92 64.13 70.97 78.3S 86.12 95.87 102.63 47.86 56.77 64.33 7.58 44.75 23.30 26.67 30.12 33.72 37.39 41.23 45.44 50.21 SS.63 61.65 68.26 75.42 83.07 91.03 99.33 39.80 48.71 56.27 7.2S S2.00 28.45 31.98 35.60 39.30 43.37 47.89 5198 58.67 64.95 71.96 79.32 87.14 95.27 104.33 32.22 41.13 48.69 -------------------6. 94 58.94 33.60 37.26 41.09 45.28 50.03 55.42 63.03 75.17 82.81 90.75 99.05 24.97 33.88 41.44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----------------------------35 .74 6.75 65.69 38.70 42.70 47.12 52.11 57.71 63.92 78.10 85.84 93.94 102.34 18.03 26.94 34.50 ---------~-------------------------- --+----------------------------------------------------------40 .83 45 .95 50 1.07 55 1.18 6.02 S.26 4.67 4.24 71. 71 44.15 48.78 53.98 59.78 66.23 73.26 88.65 96.8S 11.28 20.19 27.75 76.97 49.75 5S.08 61.07 67.63 74.74 82.36 91p8 98.56 5.26 14.17 21.73 ----------------------------------------------------------81. 64 s5.39 61.40 67.99 75.12 82.76 90.71 99.oo 119,93 8.91 16.47 8S.88 60.97 67.SS 74.64 82.25 90.16 98.44 -:: 4.24 11.80 ·, 60 1.28 • 3.91 89.79 66.49 73.54 81.06 88.9S 97.17 .I 124.66 7.56 6S 1.37 3.6S 93.44 71.96 79.38 87.21 9S.34 103.80 !' 3.65 70 1.4S 3.4S 96.89 77.34 85.0S 93.12 101.49 7S i.5\ 3.31 100.20 82.63 90.57 98.86 , 80 1.S6 3.21 103.41 87.86 96.03 104.SO 8S 1.60 3.13 106.S4 93.07 101.44 90 1.64 3.0S 109.S9 98.28 9S 1.68 2.98 112.S7 103.4S 100 1.71 2.92 llS.49 * Tangile, AiiJin, White Lauan, Mayapis, Kalunti, Manggasinoro. (Nato also included). Acknowledgment: Curve and readi*&s by Forester E. T. Tagudar; computations by Forester D. Antonio and Ranger F. isarrer. PRICES. OF LUMBER (DIPTEROCARP SPECU ~.S ONLY) AVERAGE MONTHLY WHOLESALE PRICE (BY PRODUCERS) AVERAGE MONTHLY WHOLESALE PRICE PER T HOUSAND PER THOUSAND BOARD FEET OF LUMBER (ROUGH) FOR BOARD FEET OF LUMBER (ROUGH) FOR THE lf'ERIOD PERIOD FROM JULY, 1955 TO MAY, 1956 FROM JULY, 1955 TO MAY, 1956. MONTH A pi tong R. L. Tang. Palo. W. L. Maya. A pi tong R. L. Tang. Palosapis w. L. Guijo Yiakal Narra 1955 July ....................... P175 i"200 i"200 P175 i"175 P175 P182 P240 P245 P182 P210 ~305 'P~05 P600 August .......... ·········· 175 210 210 175 175 175 177 197 220 200 195 330 73 600 - September ·········· ....... 165 200 200 165 165 165 176 206 226 186 203 320 76 600 · - - - October ................... 178 210 210 178 175 175 177 200 220 190 190 326 76 600 November ................ 175 210 210 175 175 175 185 215 227 193 Wl 339 90 600 December ................. 175 210 210 175 175 175 181 230 215 195 192 330 75 600 ,_ 1956 January ····· .............. 180 210 210 180 180 180 200 222 217 205 195 325 28 600 February .................. 180 210 210 180 180 180 195 218 218 195 195 323 ~4 650 March .................... 185 220 220 185 185 185 218 227 220 196 202 331 1132 650 April ..................... 185 220 220 185 185 185 195 216 217 202 185 320 25 650 May .. ... . .. . .. ... ... ..... 185 220 220 185 185 185 195 216 217 202 185 320 ~5 650 Note: The data contained herein are gathered from sources believJ to be reliable. I AVERAGE MONTHLY RETAIL PRICE PER THOUSAND BOARD FEET Apitong R. L. P220 P260 205 243 213 241 207 24:7 210 250 218 250 221 249 224 252 22_5 250 220 247 220 247 OF LUMBER (ROUGH) FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY, 1955 TO MAY, 1956. Tang. Palo. P265 P200 238 212 241 215 247 207 245 210 238 220 249 227 252 221 249 220 247 226 247 226 W. L. Guijo Yakal Narra i."'220 P335 P435 P650 215 346 450 650 199 346 447 650 210 245 447 650 220 244 450 650 217 347 453 650 221 348 458 650 218 249 454 650 219 348 452 652 215 345 449 650 215 345 • 449 650 Prepared by MANUEL R. CASTRO Div. Forest Concessions and Sawmills