Universal prayer for the world communications day 1970


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Universal prayer for the world communications day 1970
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
LITURGICAL SECTION UNIVERSAL PRAYER FOR WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY 1970 Celebrant: On this day dedicated to reflection and prayer for putting to good account the means of social communication for the benefit of youth, let us pray that particularly, the press, motion pictures, radio and television favour the right development of character in young people and their full emotional, cultural, and religious maturity. Reader: 1. Let us pray for the Church; that She who has been commissioned by Christ to announce the Word of Truth throughout the World, might help men to use in the proper way, the goods of this world. Let us pray. Graciously hear us Oh Lord! 2. Let us pray for all men, that in the communications media they might find help in overcoming barriers of culture, race and nationality and in promoting unity and brotherhood. Let us pray. Graciously hear us Oh Lord! 3. Let us pray for all who are engaged artistically and pro­ fessionally in the field of social communications, that they might contribute towards the education of young people for life, with the awareness that they are called to be messengers of good. Let us pray. Graciously hear us Oh Lord! UNIVERSAL PRAYER 469 4. Let us pray for young people, that they might know how to train themselves ever more effectively for putting to good account the information and communications media, thus deriving benefits for their moral and intellectual educational as well as encour­ agement in their ideals of love. Let us pray. Graciously hear us Oh Lord! 5. Let us pray for all Christians, that they might know how to avail themselves of the media of social communication, to bring to all the Christian message, and to encourage unselfishness and facilitate communing with God and other men. Let us pray. Graciously hear us Oh Lord! Celebrant: Oh God, Creator of all that is good, You Who have entrusted to man the resources of the world, graciously hear our prayer; grant that men might know how to avail themselves of Your gifts in order to spread the message of truth and love of which You are the Source. Through Christ Our Lord Amen.