Grand lodge communication agenda


Part of The Cabletow

Grand lodge communication agenda
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Fifty-First Annual Communication... the Grand Lodge of the Philippines come April 22. 1967. Registration of delegates start on that day although the of25. It ends on April 27 alter the installation of the newly elected officers. MW Esteban Mumrriz, Grand Secretary, made the request that delegates and observers register early so that the first session can stirt promptly without any hitch. As in the past, all sessions start at 4:00 PM and are resumed at 7:00 PM after dinner. Only a limited number of delegates will be billeted free in the dormitory and two Lodge rooms in the temple. The rest of the delegates will have to get their own accommodations elsewhere. Coffee and soft drinks will be served free during the sessions as are suppers on Tuesday and Wednesday and light refreshments on Thursday, but delegates will have to eat their other meals anywhere they like. MW Wilmarth will offer a dinner at the Scottish Rite Temple on Sunday. April 23. 1967 at 7:00 PM for Past Grand Masters, Past Grand Lodge officers, District Deputy Grand Masters, Grand Lodge Inspectors and overseas brain between sessions of the Grand Lodge, the other Masonic corporations will have their annual general meetings and election of directors. Among them are: The Acacia Mutual Aid Society, Inc., The Cabletow, Inc. and the Capitol Masonic Temple Assn., Inc. AGENDA 1. Opening of the Grand Lodge by the Deputy Grand Master and other officers of the Grand Lodge. 2. Admission of Master Masons. 3. Reception of the MW Grand Master. 4. Reception of Past Grand Masters. 5. Flag Ceremony. 6. Invocation. 7. Roll call of Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, and Past Grand Officers. 8. Report of the Committee on Credentials. 9. Roll call of lodges; report on quorum. 10. Recess for corporation meeting. 11. Messages. 12. Welcome address by the MW Grand Master. 13. Roll rail and reception of Grand Representatives. 14. Presentation of the Grand Representatives to the Grand Master by the Grand Marshal. 15. Welcome address to the Grand Representatives. 1G. Response, one of the Grand Representatives. 17. Introduction of the Guest Speaker. 18. Address—Guest Speaker 19. Reading and approval of the Minutes of the 50th Communication, unless dispensed with. 20. Report of the Most Worshipful Grand Master. 21. Report of the Grand Treasurer. 22. Report of tae Grand Secretary. 23. Report of the Grand Lecturer. 24. Appointment of Regular Committees: Charter, By-Laws, Special Committee on reports. 25. Grand Oration. 26. Presentation of petitions, motions and resolutions. 27. Report of Regular, Standing, and Special Committees. 28. Report of the President of the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Children. 29. Report of the Chairman, Building Committee. 30. Report of the President, Acacia Mutual Aid Society. 31. Report of the Chairman on School Books. 32. Presentation of Accounts and Budget. 33. Miscellaneous business, if any. 34. Appointment of election tellers and clerks. 35. Election of Grand Lodge Officers, and members of the Board for General Purposes. 3G. Announcement of Appointed Officers. 37. Resumption of the Grand Lodge business. 38. Recess for Corporation Meeting. 39. Installation of the Grand Lodge Officers. 40. Closing of the Grand Lodge. Tho Cabletow