Gravel and sand


Part of The Cabletow

Gravel and sand
Fung, Oscar L.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GRAVEL AND SAND WB OSCAR L. FUNG (7) PM z/ ** 'TftaAoHie rfcttoitiea Dagohoy Lodge No. 81, F. & A.M. passed a unanimous resolution expressing their thanks and gratitude to Wo. Bro. Alfonso Lecaros, one of the founders and a moving spirit in the construction of its lodge building which stands to this day; for his initiative and untiring efforts in accomplishing the two important events in Tagbilaran City years ago. Ihe cornerstone of the new Bataan Lodge No. 101 Temple was laid in simple rites in Limay, Bataan, recently. Bro. Joel C. Juco, Senior Warden of the Lodge, donated the 250 sqm. lot for the building. Other brethren of the Lodge pledged their donations of hollow blocks, G. I. sheets, lumber, gravel, sand and cement. Others pledged their financial support to this worthy project. It won’t be too long now when Bataan Lodge No. 104, will move into its new home. Wor. Bro. Conrado Yuvienco of Mount Mainani Lodge No. 40, died recently after a lingering illness. Funeral rites were conducted on March 11, 1967 by a special team headed by VW Hertnogenes P. Oliveros, SGL. WB Hcrmogencs Sotto of F. D. Roosevelt Memorial Lodge No. 81 was laid to rest in Gen. Trias, Cavite after funeral services held last March 5, 1967. WB Sotto died in the United States. He was a dual member of Bagong Haw Lodge No. 97 in Cavite. WB Marciano D. Sayoc of Pilar Lodge No. 15 and Wor. Bro. Antonio Rieta of Ibarra Lodge No. 31 of Imus and Kawit, Cavite respectively, also laid down their working tools recently. Cavite lost four Masonic pillars in one month. Our sincere condolence to the families and friends of the above-named deceased brethren. The late Astronaut Virgil (Gus) Grissom, command pilot of the abortive Apollo Moonshot last January 27 was a member of Mitchell Lodge No. 228, Mitchell, Indiana. He was raised by the Lodge on May 19, 1919. On September 14, 1963, he was the exemplar of the degrees when he became a Knight Templar. A member of the back-up crew of the space flight, which will continue the work of Bro. Grissom and his men is Bro. Donn F. Eisele, of Luther B. Turner Lodge No. 732, Columbus, Ohio. The crew is Captained by Astronaut Waller Schirra, JrAt the dedication of the LodgcIIall of Mindoro Lodge No. 157 in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, MW Mauro Baradi, PGM and Ambassador on duty with the United NaTum to page 15 APRIL, 1967 13 will demonstrate that we are not going to drift with the tide and be carried away by the current but that we will try to anticipate the needs of our respective religions, our country, our youth and our fellow men and create a united fraternal crusade which will show that patriotism, decency, moral responsibility, parental guidance and teacher responsibility can live, and must live, to combat the popular unconcern regarding morals and patriotism that exists today in our modern society. A RELIGIOUS FREEDOM MARKED IN SPAIN Madrid, March 2 — (UPI) — Jews and Roman Catholics knelt together in prayer Tuesday night for the first time in Spain's history to mark a new era of religious freedom. They joined in Psalm 126 — the song of exiled Jews returning to the land of God: "When the Lord turned against the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.” They heard the leader of Madrid’s Jewish community, Max Mazin, praise the late Pope John XXIII as “a good, generous, inspired and providential pontiff.” The service brought 700 Jews and Catholics together in the church of Santa Maria in downtown Madrid to mark the passing of a law giving non-Catholic denominations religious freedom in Spain. Between the Roman Catholic prayers and Jewish psalms, the worshippers knelt together to praise their tommon God. "I felt I was hearing something going back through the ages, something buried in consciences, a heartmoving appeal from the beginning of mankind,” one Catholic said. Manila Chronicle, March 3, 1!>67, page 3, cols. 2 & 3. GRAVEL & SAND. . . From page 12 lions, spoke for over two hours on Masonry in daily life, in national and international life. He had his large audience practically in the palm of his hand and they asked for more. The mayor of San Jose, who had spoken before him, asked to make a few remarks after MW Baradi’s address only to announce publicly that he was applying for membership in the fraternity. • • • Our congratulations to WB Ceferino M. I’icache who was elected Rotary International District Governor nominee for the 1968-69 term. He was elected early last month at the annual convention of District No. 308 which was held in Baguio. District 308 comprises the Rotary Clubs in Luzon and Palawan. WB Picache is a Past President and one of the organizers of the Rotary Club of Quezon City. He is a Past Master of Nilad Lodge No. 12. The Capitol Masonic Corporation, formerly the Capitol Masonic Temple Assn., Inc., has just received the building permit for the construction of the first unit of a series of commercial buildings to be constructed on its lot behind the Quezon City Hall complex. The unit is a twostory building consisiting of eight store spaces on the first floor and eight offices on the second floor. It is estimated to cost 1*150,000.00. WB Elias Ruiz, corporation architect, is in charge of the bidding which will close on April 12, 1967. The Board of Directors, at its meeting on April 18, 1967 will decide on the lowest and most advantageous bid. Turn to page 26 APRIL, 1967 15