World peace day


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

World peace day
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WORLD DAY OF PEACE1) 1 L’Osservatore Romano, July 22, 1971. On January 1, 1972 the 5th World Day of Peace was ob­ served. The theme of the celebration was: “If you want Peace work for Justice.” This theme harmonized with the theme of the recently concluded Synod of Bishops” Justice in the World.” The Synod provided the idea and authoritative proposals and stirred up among the People of God a considerable increase of attention on this matter. On the other hand, the World Day of Peace ensured that the work of the Assembly of Bishops would be followed up in practical ways. In a way, the World Day of Peace complements the Synod by its own original ap­ proach concerning a poinf upon which the survival of mankind is staked, namely, the link between justice and peace. To show how closely they are linked, the Bible tells us:” Justice and Peace now embrace.”. (Ps. 85:10) Peace is something different from the established order or crder at any price. An apparent order, free from civil or inter­ national agitation, can conceal and give legal status to real dis­ order. Today, all forms of oppresion are listed and vigorously protested against, especially by the young, and peace is thought of as the passing from alienation to liberation. That is in har­ mony with the traditional representation of justice which at­ tributes to her three embles: Her blindfolded eyes indicate that she should not act out of respect for individuals but should remain incorruptible and refrain from all discrimination. Her scales denote equitable distribution of goods among individuals and peoples. By goods we mean not only material wealth but also power, responsibility and opportunities — in short, whatever develops one’s being. Her sword, finally, recalls that justice is a combat; it is won only by struggle; it involves risk. In fact, it is not enough to “declare” justice. It must be made to reign. WORLD DAY OF PEACE Fighting for justice demands, first of all, victory over self. Before being preached, justice must be practised. Protest against society comes after protest against self by each indivi­ dual. The theme of the January 1st World Day of Peace restores to a place of honor the notion of sacrifice and is based on Cha­ rity. Justice, like Peace, is the fruit of Love. What is the objective of the World Day of Peace observ­ ance? To give peace a content of justice and to give justice a content of peace. Otherwise, there would be false peace and false justice. In this issue of the Boletin Eclesiastico, we offer to our brother priests and readers the Synodal Document on Justice in the World and other synodal speeches which contributed the ideas that made the World Day of Peace a meaningful observance. The second theme of the Synod, Justice in the World, was discusseo from the 20th Congregation in the evening of October 19th to the 29tr. Congregation in the evening of October 29th. One hundred nineteen Fathers intervened in the discussions. Twelve Language Groups studied and reported on the subject. Archbishop Teopisto Alberto from the Philip­ pines was given the honor of presenting the Report at the start of the discussions. He also gave the Summary of the synodal discussions. Archbishop Antonio Mabutas, Bishop Julio Labayen and Bishop Mariano Gaviola spoke during the discussions. Bishop Mariano Gaviola gave the Report of the English Group B. Three lay people were invited to ad­ dress the Synodal Fathers, namely: Miss Barabara Ward fLady Jackson), Assistant to the Special Secretary for theme, Mr. Candida Mendes and Mr. Kinhida Mushakoji, both Auditors cf the Soecial Secretary for the theme.