Peace and freedom begin at home [editorial]


Part of The Cabletow

Peace and freedom begin at home [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Sdiloilat PEACE AND FREEDOM BEGIN AT HOME Everywhere in the world people complain about the lack of peace and order, or at least, the deterioration or watering down of moral values, thus giving impetus to abuses in local and national governments. We now see the need for retrain! in conduct and wish for passionate involvement in reforming the ways in which governments are run. Let us try seeing the fact that as the home goes, so goes the govern* meni. In homes where parents allow unbriddled freedom of children to do what they please without the needed guidance, such homes are the breeding places of anarchy. Such homes become, imperceptively, the purveyors of rebellion without causes on the part of the children. There is no such thing as instant goodness or instant good manners and right conduct. They have to be taught and practiced incessantly in the home through the growing years of the children. Where children are neglected because the parents are too busy making money to keep up with the Joneses, such a home is contributing to lawlessness in the community in which it is situated. As the community is, so is the country. A GRAND LODGE NEWS At the convention of District No. 7 in Paniqui, Tarlac, of which VW Jesus Evangelista is District Deputy Grand Master, one of the activities of the clay was the conference of Grand Lodge officers with the local officials. MW Schon met with the mayor and councilors of the municipality of Paniqui and among the topics discussed were youth problems, law and order, citizen participation in government, etc. Mayor Eliodoro C. Castro was lavish in his praise of the interest Masons have in local affairs and thanked them for it. lie is confident that the interest and assistance of Masons will be a great boost to town officials in the performance of their duties. At the convention proper, among the topics discussed were dwindling attendance in Lodge meetings, coldness of the brethren towards Lodge projects and activities, construction and repair of Lodge temples, the implementation of more men in Masonry and more Masonry in men, etc. MW Camilo Osias, PGM, spoke impressively and convincingly to the hundreds of Masons and their families at the social hour after the official convention on his favorite topic. “Divine Economy.” It was well-received and MW Osias received the plaudits of his audience. l-’or the first time since he became Grand Master. MW Joseph E. Schon made an official visitation to his Lodge, Mt. Kaladias No. 91, in Dumaguete City on Ocotber 28, 1968. MW Esteban Munarriz, PGM, Grand Turn to pipe 16 The Cabletow