The Jo-De-Ras Section


Part of The Cabletow

The Jo-De-Ras Section
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE JO-DE-RAS SECTION DEMOLAY RAINBOW The Supreme Session of the International Order of Job’s Daughters was held in Topeka, Kansas, on August 14-18, 1968. It was reported that the Session was successful and the delegates to the convention had a wonderful time in the corn state. Mrs. Velina E. Wilson, the Supreme Guardian in whose term the Session was held and presided thereat, is a native Kansan. She visited Bethels in Manila, Olongapo and Dumaguetc cities last March and April. It will interest Jobies in the Philippines that the headquarters of the Order is now located at the Masonic Temple in Omaha. Nebraska and that Mrs. Doris Benson, Past Supreme Guardian, is Supreme Secretary. It will be recalled that Mrs. Benson, during her term as Supreme Guardian, visited Bethels of the Order in Olongapo, Manila and Dumaguetc in 1965. Out in Cagayan Province, Gov. Teresa Dupaya is enthusiastic about the new twist allowed by Pres. Marcos in that young boys are hired to work as laborers in public works projects. Gov. Dupaya says that boys and girls who are treated bv their parents as senoritos and senoritas in their homes are finding themselves as men and women, responsible, industrious and honest. They acquire pride, through their employment, in the work they are doing for the promotion of progress in their localities. In Dumaguetc City, projects for helping cultural minorities in the mountains of Negros Oriental have been referred to the Action Committee for implementation. The projects have the support of the Commission on National Integration and the Presidential Assistant on Cultural Minorities. To work in the projects, they need voting men and women who are willing to live in the mountain communities to teach the mountaineers how to plant crops, cook wholesome meals, build homes, acquire good health habits, to read and write, or otherwise make them good citizens who will stay put in their communities, develop themselves and their communities, instead of wandering about. WB Timotco Oracion, Worshipful Master of Mt. Kaladias Lodge No. 91. in Dumaguete. is over-all coordinator of the projects. 'This is a local story of how the other half lives. The other half we refer to are the wives and children of Masons who are drawn to membership in the Eastern Star, the Amaranth. DeMolav, Rainbow and Job’s Daughters, or not at all. for lack of Turn to next page NOVEMBER, 1968 19 the facilities in their localities. The first half, or better half, of course, are the Masons. Where Masons and the other half of their families work together for the good of Masonry and the Concordant Orders, there is bound to be peace and harmony in the families concerned. Gone are the days, we hope, when the Masons, the heads of their families, were loved and hated by them: loved as being the husbands and fathers, and hated for being Masons. Youth organizations adhered to Masonry need Mothers’ Clubs. The mothers of the DeMolays of T. R. Yangco Chapter, in Olongapo City, have formed themselves into a DcMolay Mothers’ Club. When the DeMolays are in meeting at the Masonic Temple, or working outside on sonic community-improvement projects, their mothers are there too. They prepare refreshments for the boys. They help raise funds for the projects of their DeMolays. They give sound adviec. when sought by the boys. After doing something for the boys, the mothers feel proud of themselves and of their boys. If all DeMolav chapters, Rainbow assemblies and Job’s Daughters bethels have mothers’ clubs, and also lathers' clubs, our Masonic young people will have ideals to live for and live up to. Sis. Jcsusa Liulan. Honored Queen. Bethel No. 2, Manila, and Sis Zenv Alvarado, also of Bethel 2. are to be congratulated for their good on-thespot decision when at 1:00 PM. October 26, 1968, just as the chairs and food were to be unloaded on the lawn of some Dad and Mom to prepare it for the fund-raising party at 6:00 PM. they were told that the)- could not hold the party there. They and their other sisters hustled and looked around town for another place to hold the party that night. They finally got the permission of Dad D. F. M. Domingo and Mom Virgie Domingo to hold the party on their lawn and home in Blue Ridge, Quezon City. By 9:00 o’clock the Jobies, with the help of DeMolav brothers and Rainbow sisters, had the party going on the new site. It was a highly successful affair, enjoyed by all of the Dads & Moms present, let alone the presence and participation of so many DeMolays. Rainbows and Jobies and their guests. They are thankful to Dad &• Mom Domingo for being so kind and helpful in the solution of a pressing problem. They also thank Sis. Minnie Domingo, Past Worthy Advisor of Perla Assembly. Order of Rainbow, who helped them in fixing the place and in managing the kitchen chores. Dad Eugenio Padua, Associate Bethel Guardian of the Manila Bethel, donated the services of the Red Fox combo, composed of his two grand sons and their friends. Some twenty-six DeMolav brothers of Leon Kilat Chapter in Dumaguetc City travelled to Iloilo City on Friday, November 15, 1968 to initiate over twenty boys in Iloilo City into the Order of DeMolav preparatory to the institution of a DeMolav chapter in Iloilo on November 16, The newest DeMolav chapter is sponsored by 1 loilo-Acacia Lodge No. 11, Kalantiaw Lodge No. 1S7 and the Panav Bodies, AASR. The Dumaguetc DeMolays were accompanied by Dad Sammv Malayang, Chapter Advisor, and other members of the Advisory Board. Expenses for travel, lodging and meals of the Dumaguetc DeMolays were borne by the Iloilo and Dumaguetc Masonic groups. A 20 The Cabletow