The soul of golf


Part of The Sports Review

The soul of golf
The Sports Review Volume I (Issue No. 2) April 18, 1931
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
April 18, 1931 ''DISCOURAGED!!! I deny the imputation." Those· five words broke in on my hearing, poiseda moment, then went crashing down deep to strike a mighty and harmoniuos chord. There was only one place she could have found that line. She had been reading a book I know almost by heart. Instantly I realized I could talk to her in a different language. We had something in common bigger than the love of golf, as big as all outdoors. I interpreted it as an invitation to explore her deeper consciousness. I would not have dared even knock without encouragement, to enter before was unthinkable. I have read many lives of great men and great women and learned that almost invariably they had a discipline of mind, a faith in the inner self and the knowledge which enabled them to use a great power. I have suspected sueThe SPORTS REVIEW The _Soul Of Golf Page 2J: now hold many championships and bid fair to break all"exist- · ing records, Both had been terribly alone on the sea of iife learning "controt" by the self-to one who exalts in a conquest what greater appeal can there be than in· the high adventure of self mastery-here is no mean.battle." Possibly the golf course affords as good an object lesson in the futility of tinbridled passions as any place on earth. There is something insiBy MARY K~ BROWNE dious about the game wh~ch cessful athletes of the same ful men and women exercise leads players into a fatalisuse of this belief but never in their big business and tic and consequently weak before was able personally their daily lives. frame of mind, into sile.nt to verify it, never even remote- Is is as natural to call on rages completely demoralily able to approach their this power to win a game as zing- superstitions which sacred sanctuary of deeper to win happiness in any other break up concentr~tion. The than surface thoughts. Though way. effort of keeping well poised I felt positive that if one exerts a constant pressure. might penetrate without off en- The. skillful playing . of a The golfer never dares to ding the deeper consciousness game ~s an ar~ and a science. tear into that ball snuggling of successful athletes, would To wm. requ.ires mo~e than so close to mother earth, so show them exercising the faith mechamcal skill. Behmd eve- in league with old man par in their games which success- _ry courageous act must be in their combined efforts to a force of character and a l t l demoralize the habit of mind as carefully comp e e y unwary. Filipinas Compania de Seguros disciplined and trained as the The golf er must acquire somul)cles are taught to respond t f . e practical · . . . me sor o san , in certam defimte act10ns. philosophy. Where do th~y ''FILIPINAS BUILDING" 21 Plaza Moraga, Manila ----+-LIFE l HOUSE TRUST BONDS FOR FURNITURE FIDELITY & SURETY MERCHANDISE STEAMSHIPS ~ - SHIPMENTS MORTGAGE LOANS AUTOMOBILES WE INSURE: ----+---FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT: Central Office, Room No. 205 Filipinas Building MANILA Tels. 2-17-63 & 2-17-64 Post Office Box No. 745 I rather suspect that more find it or may I say fall into than several athletes have it or deliberately seek it? ?one through the sam~ train- The ·way may be pointed mg and have fi.nally hit upon out by interested friends. the s~me trail, such as: More than likely it is ferreted Tak1~g up at first every out single handed and assemsuggest10n proffered- result bled secretly in a hidden general chaos. place, than upon the "magic Gradual elimination of child- carpet-they rise and scale ish tricks and unprofitable the heights of achievement." ideas-a general tearing down. The golfing mind, that inThen a building up of· the tricate, illusive delicate and individual according to his all altogether subtle little or her especial ability to ac- piece of anatomy, functions quire the proper mechanics smoothly, in harmony, poise concentration and self' confi- and concentrated, one day dence. giving to its possessor a feelA final self mastery. ing of blessed relief from the frailties of human nature Two of America's greatest golfers were fine shot makers, then the next golf day finds one seven years, the other it a seething whirlpool of four years before they won unadulterated treachery, full top honors. Even though ad- of unpleasant and loathsome mittedly more mechanically thoughts, hate and fearskillful than their oppon.ents disgust and discouragement neither had acquired the win- yes, they all enter into thi~. ning habit of mind. Both Continued on page 23 April 18, 1931 Ceferino Garcia, the pop11lar Tondo boy, who after a couple of years in retirement staged a successful comeback a month ago when he bested Buffalo Joe Hall at the Olympic Stadium will be called upon to defend his welterweight crown against the youthful Frankie Malinao of Cebu, Al . Kessel's hope for championship honors, at the Avenida Rizal swat emporium to-nite. On paper Ceferino looks liken sure cinch of coming out on the long end of Lhe fray The SPORTS REVIEW Ceferjno Oorcio f Stokes His Welterweight Crown Against Fronkie Molinao, Cebu Slugger as he is no doubt the more fight fans experienced battler of the A good semi-final between two. Then too. Pering as he is Young Dencio and Dommy popularly known in, caulif- Reyes, and a fair card of prelilower row defeated the dusky minaries support the chamb~ttler from Buffalo, the same pionship affair. · man who gave Malinao his -+··----, first . set.-back in the local ·The Soul of Golf ring. Malinao's recent vie- (Continued from page 21) tory was scored over poor "thing called golf" as much aging Irineo Flores. the last as they enter ·into life. of the Flores fighting clan. Since the troubles of the Malinao's victory over the golfer are all "self-gotten, veteran leather pusher was no wounds all self inflicted-and doubt decessive, but he met in pain self brought"-this very Flores only a shell of the act emphasizes his loneliness former ha.rd-hitting Neong. and makes it more import-· Frankie has not got a punch ant than ever that he be worthy to brag about but he is fortified and sustained by cool under fire and very e- something. With some it is feelive with his jab. Cefe- a faith, with others a phirino. on the olher hand is losophy, with most it is simclever, with more polish in ply a calm which comes from his foot-work and capable of being in spiritual harmony standing a heavy barrage of with the universe. In no other fists. His punch is rather activity of life is the indiordinary, but his one-Lwo to victual more ·blessed with the face is annoying and if scenic beauty than on our he keeps up his style, will golf courses, and this beauty easily defeat Kessel's pro- alone, should bring calm and tege. The Sports Review happiness to the golfers' soul. picks the ch amp ion Page 23 TONIGHT'S PROGRAM Ma in Event· Ceferino Garcia vs. Frank Malinao 12 Rounds, 147 Pounds Welterweight Chainpionship Semi-Final Young Dencio vs. Dommy Reyes 8 Rounds, 112 Pounds Special Event Joe Eagle vs Kid Bayani 4 Rounds, 118 Pounds Main Preliminary Fighting Yaba vs. Ben Antura () Rounds, 120 Pounds Preliminaries Joe Rigner vs. Strong Corbett 4 Rounds, 140 Pounds Young Peralta vs. Camel Joe 4 Rounds, 112 Pounds Curtain Raiser Tony Martinez vs. Young Tarley 4 Rounds, 118 Pounds to retain his crown, although Malinao is expected to give a good account of himself. Alberto Gretez, Spanish figh ter who blew into town last week with the 'purpose of staging a few bouts in Manila will be on hand to challenge the winner of tonight's. fight. The Spaniard VE-TS IN is a welterweight and judging by his record in Autralia where ' he cleaned up with ease he will be welcomed by local ~ @~ Vt:-TS•N GOURHH POWDER rCllDfl.MWRIW {)[lQCI .S!.:f.ll.:Un.t:.~ VE-TSIN is a hydrolysed product of vegetable portein in every vegetable at the time when il begins to bud. It gives raise to TASTE. VE-TSIN is most nutritious; most suitable for the following 8 purposes. 1. For Tea Houses. 2. For Household. 3. For Traveling. 4. For Interior. 5. For the Sick . 6. For the Aged. 7. For summer Use~ 8. For Children. OW YONG ·PUN SHEK Sole distributor of VK-TSIN for lhe Philippines P. 0. Box 696 . 424 POBLETE TEL. 2-27-48 MANILA, P. I.