"The greatest thing in the world"


Part of The Cabletow

"The greatest thing in the world"
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guide our conduct as a man. It creates in the mind of the owner a continuing fidelity to his trust and act as an instrument calling him for closer association to his brethren. There are interwoven in this jewel, masonic emblems representing Christian virtues, that the holder of it may not possibly perceive the deepness of its spiritual value, without himself attaining an spiritual rebirth, and cannot comprehend the meaning of its significance without himself becoming a new man. Holding this jewel is not therefore, altogether a glory or honor, if we are short of the qualities necessary to hold it. There is an obligation attached to it, in order to be worthy of its meaning. And to abide by its meaning, is a curtailment of our superfluities in life. I only hope that I can live-up to the level it holds, and which is expected of the owner of thia jewel. It is not therefore, gaining an honor, that is the concept, but becoming what I am, how I behave and conduct myself in keeping with the spirit it conveys, is all that is important of me as holder of this jewel. In accepting thia Past Master's Jewel, I do most hope therefore, that I do not accept it as an effect of a tradition of thia lodge, but by reason of hard labor and devotion to duty in the promotion of our ideals which befit the honor and glory that is in it. It is then, and only then, that I most humbly and sincerely accept'it And glady keep it for my children, and children's children to see, to hold and to adore. Thank you ever so much, my brethren. - oOo-----"THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD” Most Worshipful Grand Master, Dignitaries in the East. Brethren, Ladies and Gentlemen: Seeing in the horizon the ominous clouds of destruction which threaten to engulf the world of Christianity by the blasting of the first atomic bomb in this mad struggle for power among men and nations, I have selected "THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD” as the subject of my speech. If I were to ask you which is the greatest thing in the world, I suppose most of you, without hesitation, would say, money. Money, the God of some, the necessity of all, the goal of man and woman. Yet, some would say. power, the power to bestow misery or happiness, the power to give life or death, the power to rule the destiny of men and of the world. Page 20S THE CABLBTOW If that is what you have in mind, I would beg to say you are wrong, entirely wrong. For the greatest thing in the world since the time of creation is LOVE. Love is the beginning and the purpose of God, for God is love. Because of love, God created man in His image and he became the first seed of love. Mankind was therefore the fruit of that firet love. In connection with love, I will quote in part from St Paul 1st Epistle to the Corinthian Chapter 13 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of Angels, and have not charity, I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal." If I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains and have not charity, I am nothing." "And now abideth Faith, Hope, Charity, these three; but the greatest of these is Charity". Charity as defined in the Webster Dictionary is: LOVE, Christian Love. Now let us see what this Chritian love means to us. When we say Christian Love, we mean love which we bear for everybody, for man, for woman, or for all creation, like brotherly love. It is unlike the passionate love which a man bears for a woman, or a woman for a man. In any case these two types of love are one and the same in essence. The only difference is, that romantic love is selfish in nature in the sense that it is jealous and possessive, while Christian love is ever open, expansive and diffusive. They are however the noblest feelings any one could ever have, or feel. It is beautiful and pure, self-sacrificing and abnegating, and seeks only what is good for another. If all men should have this feeling and really love one another, there would be no conflict, no envy, no hate, no war. Instead of quarreling and wrangling, all would want to help, cooperate, and think only of what is good for others. There would be no cause, or basis, to give the Ten Commandments for you cannot do wrong, you will never do wrong to one whom you love. ■ No one would take advantage I! Go Hoc & Sons, Inc. > Geo. Merchants & Importers ’ Dealer of Shoes & Shoe Supplies > 661-667 Gandara Street Corner Nueva, Manila December, 1957 Page 209 of the weak and poor. Instead, all would be willing to share fortunes with everyone. Greed and hate will banish. No nation will subjugate another, no religion will persecute others of a different faith. In fact all religious beliefs will finally lose its identity, for all will come, meet and merge together on one common ground, that of loving God and our fellowmen. And that is what Masonry is. We do not try to discriminate religious beliefs. What we try to distinguish is whether you are a good man or not, and are willing to meet everyone on the level. For contrast, let us point to certain religious heads or groups who profess to be the only one of God. While it preaches the salvation of mankind, yet when a dead man not of their faith is brought to their temple for benediction, the same is denied a Christian blessing. Bring to their temple a couple to be united in marriage and the first question asked is, if both of them are of the same faith,—their faith. If not, they will likewise be denied a church marriage,—except, when special dispensation is secured for which an special fee is charged. But let them build a temple or church building. This time distinction of religion is conveniently overlooked. They approach everybody without first ascertaining as to what faith those asked to contribute their money belonged. The important thing is the money garnered not the source. Let them to do some charitable work in the name of their church, the same thing is repeated. No question is asked. But the amazing part of this, is that while they drain your pockets on a never ending temple building and contributions for anything they may think of, yet they would not dig from their own pockets which are bursting full of incomes from their big banks, vast haciendas and other business, for such purpose. Why preach that to attain heaven we must give away cur earthly possessions while on the other hand continue to amass great wealth for yourselves? While other people fail to see, or understand these acts of contradictions and deceits, or while others comprehend but do not question them, Masonry is ever alert to expose it. But mind you, what we expose is not their religion, for all religions are good and dedicated to the love of God and man. What we expose are the heads of that group which sow evil and hatred under the guise and protection of a religious cloak and who accuse us of being profane and Godless for questioning their irreligious and deceitful acts. With the ceremonies you have just witnessed tonight, could you Pace 21ft THE CABLETOW still believe all the lies said about us? Man’s first act on becoming a mason is to swear his belief in God. No atheist, no unbeliever can ever become a mason. All our meetings are opened and closed with a prayer to the Almighty God. On our altar lies an open Bible with the square and compasses on top. The Bible is the rule and guide of our faith, the square to square our actions, and the compasses to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds toward all mankind. They are ever lighted by three lights to banish darkness and ignorance, the light to see the good from, the bad, the light to distinguish the true from the false, the light to show us the way to eternal glory. Masonry is not a religion. Some of us are Catholics, some are Protestants, some are Aglipayans, some Buddhist, and some are of other faith. It is a Brotherhood of Men that believes in God, practices brotherly love, subscribes to the constitution of the land, love and honor the flag of his country, and cooperate with the government. It thrives on a friendly discussion and the most amiable dissertations on the merits and defects of a given subject. It exposes all things vile and evil, and assimilate everything good and worthy. This is the reason we are hated by dictatorships, any kind of dictatorhip, be they political as in the government, social as in communism, or religious dictatorship as in the church. All dictators do not like men of inquiring mind. All they want are boneless subjects, subservient associates, or bliryi and fanatical followers; but never, never a Mason who asks questions. Dictators preach what they themselves do not practice. Political dictators shout from balconies, their love for their subjects while subjecting everyone to the scrutiny of the secret police who purge all those not toeing the line. Social dictators proclaim the freedom and rule of the masses while slyly restricting your activities, prunllelp Philippine Industries by patronizing Home products We manufacture and distribute to lhe naLional needs. Nails * Barbed Wires December. 1957 Pace 211 ing your income, and stifling your voices. Religious dictators preach love and brotherhood while at the same time persecuting and spreading lies about peoples who differ from their beliefs.. How can you practice love when at the same time sow the seeds of hate? AU these are the result of not really loving our fellowmen in deed and in act as Jesus Christ have taught us to do, but of loving only our own ego, our own ambition to surpass everybody in order to rule one and al! with power and impunity, with money and slavery. Such selfish love can never attain peace and happiness within your own self. To wipe out hate, selfishness and greed, let us pray to God to give us more loving power, the power to love even those who hate or is against us that our love may strike a responsive chord within their hearts. With love in our hearts we will be able to practice that Masonic tenet of not trying to surpass anyone for our own good only, but of contriving who best can serve for the good of the many. Let us begin by praying to God for the salvation of all and beseech Him to wipe out all hatred and envy, but replace them with love in our hearts. For love can think of no evil, bears no malice, but wiD always be-ready to aid and assist everyone without distinction of race, color, creed, station, or nationality. For that is the only road, the only way to attain that Glorious Kingdom, the Heaven promised us in the Bible to our forefathers. Note: The above is the inaugural speech of Wor. Bro. Numeriano Millonado on the occasion of his installation as Master of Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial Lodge No. 136 for the ensuing Masonic Year 1958. ---- oOo----THE PAST MASTER’S JEWEL By Sidney F. Austin, P.G.M. The custom of presenting a Past Master’s Jewel to an outgoing Master after he has completed his term of office is a fairly old one but not, as some believe, of "time immemorial descent, in fact, the first mention of a past master’s jewel that I have been able to find is dated during the year 1739 and this particular jewel was intended to designate the position of the immediate past master of the lodge and it was not until the year 1777 that a presentation of a past master’s jewel was made as an appreciation of a year’s work well done. Page 212 THE CABLCTOW