

Part of The Cabletow

The Cabletow III (3) January 1961
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Mars is emblematic of the fourth principle of nature, the qualities of which are combativeness, aggression, fiery impulse, and passion. Indivi­ duals dominated by this planet are selfish, aggressive, and cruel. The Senior Deacon corresponds to Mars, and likewise represents the animal soul of man. Mercury stands for the fifth prin­ ciple of nature the qualities of which are restless activity, intellectuality, volatilencss, and changeablencss. In­ dividuals dominated by Mercury are studious, seekers of knowledge, find­ ing delight in science, conversation and literature. The Junior Warden corresponds to Mercury, and also to the spiritual body of man’s domain. The Moon is emblematic of the sixth principle of nature, the qualities of which are purely magnetic anti formative. Individuals dominated by the Moon are mediumistic and great­ ly influenced by their surroundings. They are changeable, submissive, and inoffensive. The Senior Warden cor responds to the Moon and represent, the divine sold of man. And finally, the Sun is the planet that stands for the seventh principle of nature, the qualities of which arc­ power and dignity. Those domin­ ated by the influence of the Sun are proud, majestic, combative, discreet, magnanimous, self-confident, kind, and benign. Therefore, the Worship­ ful Master corresponds to the Sun and to the ego in man. Thus we see clearly that, in found­ ing Freemasonrv or Masonic Frater­ nity, its founders, who were the wisest sages and philosophers, had in mind the constitution and characte­ ristics of the Grand Lodge above, c.f which the Creator, the Diety, God, Masoni- Grams Masons in Germany responded to the recent earthquakes by sending approximately 17,000 DM from the United (fraud Lodges and the Su­ preme Council of the Scottish Rite. /Kmerican Freemasons responded generously to the same cause. The Masonic Service Association reports more than SI0,000 forwarded to the (fraud Lodge of Chile from Grand Lodges in the Unital States. The present Grand Master of Con­ necticut, Rev. Russell' H. Milnes, and Harold C. McAllister, Past (fraud Master of New Hampshire (1951-2), served together as Stewards of Washington Lodge No. 61 in Manchester, N. FI., twenty-four years ago. Stephenville, Newfoundland, is location of Ernest Harmon Field, a U.S. Air Force Base. The Masoniclodge in Stephenville, under England’s Provincial Grand Lodge of New­ foundland, is known as Canam (Canadian-American) Lodge No. 7219. It has been laboring for only eight short years. Its first meeting place was a wing of a large furniture store, but it has now erected its own temple devoted exclusively to Ma­ sonic purposes. Membership is made up of U.S. Airmen and Officers. "Mainlanders” fCanidian* born outside Newfoundland), and “New­ foundlanders”, natives of the island. Architect of the Universe, or bv whatever name we choose to call Him, is the Grand Master or, as we say, the Supreme Grand Mastei, whose most fitting symbol is the ma­ jestic and all-commanding Sun. 76 THE CABLE TOW January, 1961