Gravel and sand: a report on masonic activities


Part of The Cabletow

Gravel and sand: a report on masonic activities
The Cabletow XLIV (10) October 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GRAVEL AND SAND NBM We can no longer hold it. In April 1067, at the general annual meeting of the members of Cabletow, Inc., they ap­ proved the increase in subscription rates from ?3.00 to fi.OO and from $1.30 $1.50. Wc had hoped that by scrimping here and saving there, wc could hold on to the did rates, hoping that prices would go down or at least remain steady. Instead, prices rose and have been rising ever since. Labor rates have risen; production costs have risen; post­ age rates have risen. We can hold it no longer. The Board of Trustees, at its meeting on September 24, 1068, voted to adopt l'/ic new rates approved by the general membership last year. The Board resolved to request the Grand Lodge to make the new rates effective in 1060 on the basis of the 1068 annual reports of Lodges. Bro. Geminiano Alvarado, Senior Warden, Magat Lodge No. 68, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, attended a Jobie meeting for the first time on July 14, 1968. lie was so impressed by the ceremonial work of the Daughters, he was glad he allowed his daughter, Zenaida, to join Bethel No. 2, Manila. International Order of Job's Daughter.-. Not only that, he vouched for his two nieces who later joined the Order. We hope there will be more like Bro. Alvarado. If they attend meet­ ings of DeMolay Chapters in Manila, Oiongapo, Clark Field, Cavite, Guimba. Nueva Ecija. Guam, Okinawa and Tokyo; As-emblies of Rainbow girls in Manila, Clark Field, Cavite, Guam and Okinawa ; Bethels of Job’s Daugh­ ters in Manila. Oiongapo. Dumaguete Citv and Guam, they will know how much Masonic ideals these young peo­ ple learn thru their activities and cere­ monials. * * * * For the second time since he as­ sumed office in April 1968, MW Joseph E. Schon, Grand Master, spent a week-end on his hacienda in Canlaon City, Negros Oriental, the last few days of September. In the last five months, he has spent his time visiting Lodges and Masonic districts in many parts of the country and over­ seas or overseeing the administrative work in the Grand Lodge. When in Manila, he makes radiophone contacts with Sis. Helen Bennett Schon, who holds the fort in Canlaon, directing the work on the farm thus. MW Schon was glad to be on the farm the last week-end of September as inten­ sive work had to be done to prepare for the sugar milling season and the harvest of the rice. HALI'-A-CENTURY OB TUB MINIS­ TRY; Two ministers of the Philippine Methodist Chitrch being pinned gold •medals as testimonials of their hav­ ing served their church for fifty wears each. At left. Rev. Bro. Dionisio M. Gelaeio with Mrs. Gelacio pinning at right, Rev. Bro. Mariano L. Gines, Mrs Gives pinning and in the background, Bishop Bro. Jose L. Valen-ia. Turn to next page OCTOBER, 1968 11 The Philippine Bodies, AASR, held its mid-year reunion on Septem­ ber 26, 27 & 28, 1968 at the Jose Abad Santos Hall, Plaridel Temple. Six degrees were given in full form while the rest were communicated. Team leaders of the different degree teams are: 4°, Bro. Gabino de Castro, 32°; 14°, Bro. Honesto R. Nunez, 32°; 18°, Bro. Ramon G. Gonzales, 32°; KCCH; 20°, Ill. Mateo D. Cipriano, 33°; 30°, Ill. Pedro R. Francisco, 33°; 32°, Ill. Bayani B. Ibarrola, 33°. Success of the reunion is attributed to Bro. Primitivo Ricafrente, 32°, KCCH, Venerable Master of Lakandula Lodge of Perfection; Bro. Cornelio Aguirre, 32°, KCCH, Secretary of Philippine Bodies; and Ill. Do­ mingo F. M. Domingo, 33°, Director of Conferral. Luzon Bodies, AASR, held a spe­ cial reunion on October 16 & 17, 1968, Scottish Rite Temple, Taft Avenue, Manila, to enable brethren in the Armed Forces, especially those com­ ing from South Viet Nam, to join the Shrine Conferral on October 19, 1968. The conferrals started at 1:00 PM of each day lasting far into the night. Bro. Romeo Pasco, 32°, KCCH, Secretary of Luzon Bodies, an­ nounced that the 1968 Year-End reunion and conferral will be held on November 16, 23, 30 and December 8. VW Pablo C. Mariano, recently re­ turned from a trio abroad after at­ tending an international conference on social work and human freedom in Finland. Bro. Mariano is President of the Philippine Association of the Deaf and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Associated Wel­ fare Agencies of the Philippines. Bro. Mariano is presently busy supervising the construction of a tworoom school house in Barrio Tipas, Taguig, Rizal, his hometown. He is donating the school house to his bar­ rio in memory of his father and mother. A EDITORIAL . . . From page 2 the passing away of a brother, or when widows and orphans seek assistance, Lodge treasuries are found to be as empty as Mother Hubbard's cupboard. On occasions of real need, brethren who are well off and readily and easily contribute to entertainment, sometimes hem and haw before giving to charity. After all, vanity and false pride are the root of most of this show of wealth and affluence. These, we would rather see eliminated. Let us not burden our affluent brethren with unnecessary expenses even if they would gladly give. Let us all burden ourselves instead with what is necessary in our Masonic life. Let us have simple awards and simple entertainments. Let us go easy with candidates, lest they gather a wrong impression of our charity. Let us not overtax our candidates with this kind of giving that en­ courages sumptuous parties and dinners to the neglect of teaching them real charitable giving. Simplicity characterized the Lodge life of our ancient brethren. It is high time that we rediscover ourselves and return to simplicity which Maso­ nic ideals and traditions require of us. — A. S. Galang. 12 The Cabletow