Necessary balance of forest cover


Part of Forestry Leaves

Necessary balance of forest cover
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
necessary 13alance of Forest @over By VALENTIN SAJOR Chief, Division of Forest· Investigation Bureau of Forestry, College, Laguna I. INTRODUCTION (a) Why Necessary Balance.-Likened to a balanced budget with appropriate reserves to cover unforeseen deficits, there should be also in any country the necessary balance of soil cover. In order to strengthen and stabilize the economic structure of the nation, said necessary balance including FOREST COVER must be consistently maintained. (b) Scope of this Paper.-As stated in the title, this dissertation is mainly concerned with the necessary balance· of forest cover in the Philippines which according to official figures is about 12,500,000 hectares or 42% of the 29.74 million hectares land area of the country. It is within this area where the Bureau of Forestry ·will implement sustained yield management, forest conservation, soil and watershed protection, range management, parks and wildlife, reclamation and reforestation of denuded and cut-over areas. In short, the art, science and business of forest and forestry can be practiced from now and forever in said permanent forest cover. It should be borne in mind, however, that it is impossible to apply the 42% allocation for forest purposes in every province, because of the various existing conditions like watersheds, topography, soil, season, population, social economic expediency, method of cultivation employed as well as the peculiarity of crops raised in each locality. Thus, in some provinces or regions, the allocation is much less or much more than the 42 % figure for the whole Philippines. NOVEMBER, 1955. II. PHILIPPINE FOREST POLICY (a) Constitutional Mandate.-The conservation and utilization of our natural resources, of which forests and forest lands form a significant part, is expressly stipulated in Article XIII of our Constitution. It has a background dating back as far as 1863 when the Spanish Government then organized a Forest Service wherein among other things, the delimitation of public lands for disposition was aptly provided. This stipulation accounts for the almost exclusive ownership of forests and forest lands by the Philippine Republic to the extent of approximately 97.5%, leaving only 2.5% under private ownership. (b) Forest Laws, Acts, Rules and Regulatiom.-U pon occupation of the Islands on August 13, 1898 by the United States, the policy of forest conservation was made potent by creating the Bureau of Forestry on April 14, 1900. A series of Acts of the U.S. Congress and that of the Philippine Commission followed like the Spooner Amendment (March 2, 1901), the Philippine Bill (July 1, 1902 ), and the Forest Act (May 7, 1904 ). Pursuant to the Philippine Bill, the Philippine Legislature enacted the Administrative Code on February 24, 1916 which was revised in 1917. This is still our basic Forest Law as amended by subsequent Acts of the Philippine Legislature, the National Assembly and the present Congress. Special forest laws have also been passed to promote forest conservation and more efficient forest administration implemented by appropriate Pap 9 rules and regulations. Among these special laws may be mentioned the Game and Fish Law (Act 3983), Grazing Act No. 452, Reforestation Law (Act 115) and the recent creation of the Parks and Wildlife Commission. Ill. BASIC FOREST ADMINISTRATION (a) Revised Administrative Code of 1917. -The principle underlying the forest administration ever since 1863 has been the proper protection, delimitation, conservation and utilization by wise use of the forest resources of the nation. The Spanish laws were exceedingly conservative and embraced provisions which were far reaching particularly in the way of conservation and protection against human destruction and unwise utilization. Practically same were adopted in the inauguration of the Forest Service under the American Regime whei::ein the same was carried with little modifications to the Commonwealth Government and later on to the Republic. Thus, ever since and by law, the Bureau of Forestry is given the priority of determining which portion of the public domain should be retained for forest purposes and to segregate such from the rest to be alienable and disposable or lands not needed for forest purposes. (b) Implementation.-The implementa• tions of the necessary balance as blueprinted by the Bureau of Forestry was and still is progressively carried on along with land classification work which is practically being executed all over the Philippines. Land classification is simply the zonification of the land areas into the various essential economic uses which will redound to and promote the best interest and well-being of the people not only for the present, but also for the generations to come. The work was rather slow due to lack of trained personnel to undertake the delimitation and necessary funds for expenses. However, the passage of Commonwealth Act No. 2874 in 1919, known as the Public Land Law aided much in aug ... Page 10 menting funds for land classification. Later, Commonwealth Act No. 141, the amended Public Land Law was passed which classifies the public domain into three categories - ( 1) afoanable and disposable, (2) timber lands and ( 3) mineral lands. The phrase then in use in releasing the land, GOOD FOR AGRICULTURE, is outmoded, instead, NOT NEEDED' FOR FOREST PURPOSES is adopted. (c) Land Classification under PHILCUSA-FOA.-Then land classification was further accelerated upon the availability of the PHILC:USA-FOA joint aid effective February 1, 1952. This enabled the Forestry Office to organize 40 field parties of three forest officers each team which have been assigned to execute land classification in different parts of the Philippines as follows: 25 in Mindanao, 9 in Luzon, 4 in Visaya:;, and one each in Mindoro and Palawan. As of June 30, 1954, of the 29,740,972 hectares area of the Philippines 10,632,500 hectares or 35.75% has been classified alienable-dis'posable lands, 2,043,761 hectares or 6.87% timberlands, leaving a balance of 17,064,711 hectares or 57.38% still unclassified. IV. SOIL UTILIZATION AND CoNSERVATION (a) U tilization.-As already mentioned the Bureau of Forestry is charged to classify first publicly owned forest lands to determine the ·best permanent use, whether for forestry or for agricultural · purposes. The proper utilization of lands in order to achieve the most effective use is, therefore, very important in any economic planning for developments of a country. Countries which have misused their lanes have suffered tremendous misery, privation and sufferings. Outstanding examples of abuse in the use ·of forest lands are found in many countries, which are not only suffering from destructive floods but also spending enormous sums of money to reforest the barren areas and to control rivers, which had been unmanageable partly on account of deforested river banks Deforested areas in reserved forest lands FORESTRY LEAVES are being reforested and· the work is being pushed through as funds for the purpose become available. Deforested watersheds of destructive rivers are given preferential attention, in order to minimize floods as much as possible and to reduce soil erosion. The work of correcting torrents in this country is not as yet given the attention it deserves. Reforestation of hillsides along torrential streams is the only one being done, which will ultimately effect the correction with irrigation projects on agricultural lands. Soil conservation is under the charge of a newly created Bureau of Soil Conservation, which is doing a great deal of work along this line. The Bureau of Forestry, in its reforestation activity and in its general work of forest conservation, cooperates closely with this Bureau in conserving the soil resources of the country. The greatest enemy of our forest tonservation is the clearing of forest lands for temporary cultivation, known locally as "kaiiigin" making. Through this · process, big volume of timber worth thousands of pesos have been destroyed annually. The destruction was greatly increased during the Japanese occupation of the country, because the people not only took refuge in the forest, but also made clearings to produce food crops. The Bureau of Forestry has been exerting efforts to protect the public forest from said pernicious clearing. Clearing of forest lands for temporary cultivation is not entirely prohibited by the Bureau of Forestry. After great calamities, such as storms destroying agricultural crops. famines, etc., small areas in public forest lands are allowed for culti'l'ation after watersheds, soil condition, topography, etc... have been thoroughly examined without endangering soil erosion. For the use of forest lands for temporary cultivation, the permittee pays a nominal rental for the land (b) Protection.-Forest protection is very essential in any forest management. Fortunately in the Philippines, we do not have devastating forest fires, like the United States NOVEMBER, 1955 except at times in the Mountain Province, to which the coniferous forest (Benguet pine) is susceptible. Insects and diseases as enemies of our forest do not come to alarming proportions because of the nature, type and composition of our forests, consisting many species growing in mixed stands, not like the pure forests of the temperate regions. Consequently, the protection of our forests from insect pests and diseases is not a big problem. Control of pests and diseases is sometimes needed in our forest nurseries, where seedlings are raised for planting purposes. Although forest fires do not occur in our broad-leaved forests, grass fires are inimical tc reproduction, especially during the dry season when the fires encroach upon newly planted ar:eas. Surface fires on newly loggedover areas cause considerable damage to existing forest vegetation. Grass fires may be controlled by constant patrol and organized fire fighting crews so that the damage may be· minimized. Illegal clearing caused by man is, of course, the greatest enemy of our forest. To control and to stop illegal kaifigin-making, a l~w is in effect, which has increased considerably the penalties imposed on the violator according to the kind of forest destroyed. V. WHAT SHOULD BE THE NECESSARY :S~ANCE? (a) .Factors.-The idea underlying the implementation of the necessary balance of soil cover is based on the result of observations all over the world that forest trees and other plant growths when undisturbed in their natural conditions are the best protective cover of the soil. Regions, therefore, which are susceptible to accelerated soil erosion should be kept under the protective cover of trees or some form of vegetation. In the directive for land classification, it is considered conservative to use 10 degrees ( 18%) as the maximum gradient of, slope for lands to be released as alienable and disposable, but in many instances we find exception as in the case , of areas devoted to the planting of coconuts, orchards where 30 or more degrees are the prevailing gradients. This condition is also true in many places in the Mt. Province where the prevailing practice of natives is the use of terraces in cultivating their farms on steep slopes. In other words, the objective is to designate and assign area to which it is inherently capable of producing the maximwn return with the least expense possible. Generally, even the area is slope from level to 10 degrees provided not sandy or stony, neither is reached by salt water, said area is suited for general farming purposes. If still forested, as soon as the commercial timber therein is utilized, it would be more advantageous and beneficial to have the land dedicated to farming. However, if it is covered with climax forest, like the towering dipterocarps, much more if it contains beautiful and unique scenery or inhabited with \Vild life especially rich flora and fauna, such land should be kept and maintained for forest purposes. In addition, areas with steep slope even the soil is rich same may be tentatively demarcated for cultivation provided terracing is to be resorted. This practice is prevalent along the Baguio-Bontoc Road. Therefore, areas that have a slope higher than 10 degrees or 18 per cent should be kept for permanent forest purposes, because such areas are -inherently adapted to the raising of forest crops and not only to maintain soil fertility and to conserve moisture, but also to prevent soil er.osion and to minimize the effect of climatic extremes. Summarizing, the factors to be consideted in maintaining the necessary balance of forest cover are as follows: (a) Watershed (b) Topography ( c) Soil Fertility ( d) Economic exigencies, like production of special timber species and minor forest products, as well as protective forest springs, game refuges, grazing areas and/ or recreational areas. Pa1e 12 (b) Multiple Usea ot Forest Lands.""""!" Since forestry embraces the art, science and business of whatever can be produced from the forest for the use of man, its multiple uses appear unnecessary to enumerate. Suffice it to mention here, that aside from the conservation and utilization of forest products, forests mitigate the effect of destructive floods, prevent soil erosion, temper extreme weather conditions, preserve aesthetic values and unique scenery as well as forest grazing areas both for wild life and domestic animals. Land uses under special use permits will be discussed more under Section 1838 of the Administrative Code as one of the appendices. Trends in Other Countries.-The 42% figure for the necessary forest cover is the minimwn requirement for the entire Philippines. The objective is to make it more rather than less. In other countries like Canada and Japan, the percentage of the necessary balance for forest cover is over 50%. The latest report shows, however, that Japan is already 60 % compared to 42 % in the Philippines as necessary balance of forest cover. VI. CONCLUSIONS, REMARKS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS (a) Conclusions.-As of June 30, 1954, of the 29,740,972 hectares area of the Philippines 10,632,500 hectares, or 35.75% has been classified alienable and dispos,ble lands; 2,043,761 hectares, or 6.87% as timberland; leaving a balance of 17,064,711 hectares, or 57.38% unclassified. It should be noted in this connection, that barely 7% has so far been classified as permanent forest areas, while more than 50% to be exact about 57% is still unclassified. These figures are broken down into 52 provinces and cities including 12 sub-provinces. That our forest resources have been destroyed to a level resulting in lower than the safe minimwn requirements, and that many provinces suffered, especially during the Japanese occiipation. This includes established FORESTRY LEAVES forest reserves proclaimed national parks, communal forests and communal pastures which are already classified as permanent forest areas. That immediately after the war, and up to the present, our lumbermen and other forest users have been asking the question as where to cut and operate after their present licensed areas have been already operated. In other words, our formerly inexhaustible forest resources are no longer there. As a matter of fact, the history of forest and forestry is characterized for the last 50 years, by the reduction of our forest cover from 70 to 50%. In area, this is equivalent to 20.8 to 16.5 million hectares, respectively, and that they are no longer ideally distributed throughout the Philippines as they should. (b) Remarks.-As can be gleaned from the foregoing facts and figures, it is very clear that something should be done. This is described by former Department Secretary Araneta, as published in newspapers that our forest resources are no longer inexhaustible. "If we are farsishted, if we understand the problem fully in all its gravity, and implications, we must act boldly and fast to chanse the course of events in the administration, protection and conservation of our forests. Vegetative Cover Under Bureau of Forestry (Forests & Forest Lands) Production Forest Production-Upland Reforestation Forest Grazing Lowland Fresh Water (Marsh) Salty (Mangrove) Protection Forest From Commercial From Non-Commercial Under Bureau of Lands (Non-Forest Lands) Cultivate-Alienated Potential-Unclassified From Commercial NOVBllBER, 1955 From Non-Commercial From Cogonal Grand Total The problem must be tackled from the two angles of conservation and reforestation." Thus, it is believed that the holding of the First National Conservation and Reforestation Conference this year, is very timely. And as already mentioned something must be done to change the course of events in the administration, protection, and conservation of our forest resources. ( c) Recommendations.( 1) That the permanent forest areas as necessary forest cover ( 42 % ) should be determined as soon as possible. Bearing in mind that barely 7% only has been so far, demarcated as timberland. (2) Likewise, in order to provide land for the landless, more alienable and disposable lands should be classified and certified because at present, of the 56% earmarked for agricultural lands, barely 36% has been classified. ( 3) Our 33 national parks throughout the country set aside including forest reserves, should be re-examined because during the Japanese occupation many of them were practically cleared and/or squatted and even exploited by sawmill operators and illegal cutters. ( 4) The necessary balance both soil and forest cover of the Philippines is as follows: Area in Hectares Percent (12,515,200) (42.08) 6,935,200 23.32 3,976,400 13.37 1,390,600 4.68 955,500 3.21 612,700 2.06 (169,300) ( .57) (443,400) (1.49) 5,580,000 18.76 4,775,800 16.06 804,200 2.70 (17,225,772) (57.92) 8,180,072 27.50 9,045,700 30.42 3,559,500 11.97 2,759,000 9.28 2,727,200 9.17 ( 29,7 40,972) (100.00) Page 13 Because of the disturbances of our forest resources, the bringing up-to-date of the actual SOIL COVER of the Philippines including Forest Cover is strongly recommended before revising the blueprinted NECESSARY BALANCE OF FOREST COVER as presented in this paper. Republic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources BUREAU OF FORESTRY Manila The Area in Hectares of Each Province in the Philippines With Its Actual Necessary Balance of Forest Cover for the Purpose of Utilization and Protection (Computed as of June 30, 1953) Province Abra Agusan & Butuan City Albey & Legaspi City Antique Bataan Batenes Betengas & Lipe City Bohol Bukidnon Bulacan Cegeyan Cemarines Norte Cam. Sur & Nega City Cepiz & Roxas City Cetenduenes Cavite & cities of Cevite & Tegaytay Cebu & Cebu City Cote be to Davao & Davao City Ilocos Norte Ilocos Sur._, Iloilo & Iloilo City Isabela Le Union Laguna & San Pablo City Leneo & cities of Dansalan & Iligen Leyte & cities of Ormoc & Tecloban Merinduque Mes bate Mindoro Occ. Mindoro Or. Misamis Occ. & Ozemis City Misamis Or. & Cagayen de Oro City Mt. Prov. & Baguio City Neg. Occidental & Becolod City Page 14 (Actual Necessary Balance of Forest Cover) Production Forest Protection Forest Area Percent Area Area Percent Area Percent Toto! Total Land 84,900 205,400 43,200 92,300 63,800 8,000 42,400 128,200 236,iOO 52,100 199,700 34,500 75,300 100,100 8,100 16,200 106,700 405,800 489,800 91,800 102,300 80,500 256,400 28,400 22,500 146,700 126,500 13,000 143,200 164,800 144,200 43,500 92,100 426,300 178.200 22.29 19.25 16.75 34.32 47.65 40.44 13.74 31.43 29.37 19.70 22.21 16.07 14.11 22.69 5.64 12.57 21.91 17.67 25.12 29.35 38.10 15.18 24.33 20.68 18.69 21.37 15.85 14.12 35.18 30.66 30.67 20.96 23.52 30.15 23.02 68,400 463,600 12,600 43,600 25,300 1,600 17,800 15,600 154,500 74,300 239,500 51,lf)O 58,300 65,600 32,900 7,100 38,200 553,700 311,400 61,700 18,100 43,500 250,700 5,300 15,600 200,500 109.,000 7,600 27,200 105,200 92,000 35,400 97,700 292,700 136,400 17.95 43.44 4.89 16.21 18.89 8.09 5.77 3.82 19.22 28.09 26.65 23.81 10.93 14.88 23.01 5.51 7.85 24.11 15.97 18.22 6.74 8.20 23.78 3.87 12.96 30.70 13.64 8.26 6.69 19.57 19.56 17.04 24.94 20.71 17.62 153,300 669,000 55,&00 135,900 89,100 9,600 60,200 143,800 390,600 126,400 439,200 85,600 133,600 165,700 41,000 23,300 144,900 959,500 801,200 153,500 120,400 124,000 507,100 33,700 38,100 347,200 235,500 20,600 170,400 270,000 236,200 78,900 189,800 719,000 314,600 40.24 62.69 21.64 50.53 66.54 48.53 19.51 35.25 48.58 47.79 48.86 39.88 25.04 37.57 28.65 18.08 29.76 41.78 41.09 45.32 44.84 23.38 48.11 24.55 31.65 52.07 29.49 22.38 41.87 50.23 50.23 38.00 48.46 50.86 40.64 380,989 1,067,102 257,905 268,927 133,900 19,780 308,587 40'7,837 803,840 264,439 898,813 214,663 533,605 441,011 143,084 128,858 486,850 2,296,791 1,949,895 338,679 268,535 530,449 1,053,986 137,290 120,375 666,809 798,690 92,027 407,001 537,550 470,243 207,651 391,681 1,413,622 774,064 FORESTRY· LEAVES Negros Oriental & Dumaguete City 153,600 28.89 70,400 Nueva Ecija & Cabanatuan City 100,000 18.21 76,800 Nueva Vizcaya 193,801> 28.48 176,000 Palawan 262,600 17.81 359,700 Pampanga 73,800 34.46 9,400 Pangesinan & Degupan City 65,100 12.43 38,800 Quezon 286,900 24.00 276,100 Rizal & cities of ·Manila, Pasey & Quezon 26,900 12.90 39,200 Romblon 33,500 25.24 19,400 Semer & Celbayog City 236,500 17.19 177,700 Sorsogon 18,000 8.77 19,900 Sulu 86,500 30.75 32,700 Surigao 235,500 29.52 120,900 Tar lac 104,200 34.25 20,700 Zam bales 158,900 43.59 73,600 Zemboenga del Norte & Zambo. City 228,000 26.45 171,100 Zemboanga del Sur & Basilen City 218,400 26.45 163,900 TOTAL 6,935,200 23.32 5,580,000 Note that the 42.08% for the whole Philippines is grouped into Production (23.32% ), end Protection ( 18.76%) forests. The former is divided into Upland, Reforestation, Forest Grazing and Lowland Forest. The last covers Marsh and Mangrove areas. The percentages by provinces under two groups (A-Above 42%) and (B-Below 42% ). They are listed from the highest (67%-Bataan) to the lowest (18%-Cavite). A. Above 42% 1. Bataan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 2. Zambales . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3. Agusan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4. Nueva Vizcaya . . . . . . 54 5. Lanao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6. Mt. Province . . . . . . . . 51 7. Antique . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 8. Mindoro Oriental . . . . 50 9. Mindoro Occidental . . . 50 10. Cagayan . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 NOVEMBER, 1955 13.24 224,000 42.13 531,640 13.98 176,800 42.19 549,168 25.87 369,800 54.35 680,393 24.39 622,300 42.20 1,474,576 4.38 83,200 38.84 214,193 7.42 103,900 19.35 523,383 23.09 563,000 47.09 1,195,658 18.79 66,100 31.69 208,575 14.62 52,900 39.86 132,704 12.93 414,200 30.12 1,375,098 9.68 37,900 18.45 205,450 11.62 119,200 42,37 281,321 15.16 356,400 44.68 797,583 6.80 124,900 41.05 304,232 20.19 232,500 63.78 364,558 19.84 399,100 46.29 862,167 19.85 382,300 46.30 825,750 18.76 12,515,200 42.08 29,740,972 Note that the 42.08% for the whole Philippines is grouped into Production (23.32%), and Protection (18.76%) forests. The former is divided into Upland, Reforestation, Forest Grazing and Lowland Forest. The last covers Marsh and Mangrove areas. 11. Bukidnon 12. Batanes 13. Misamis Oriental .... . 14. Isabela ............ . 15. Bulacan ........... . 16. Quezon ........... . 17. Zamboanga del Sur .. . 18. Zamboanga del Norte . 19. Ilocos Norte ........ . 20. llocos Sur .......... . 21. Surigao ............ . 22. Sulu .............. . 23. Palawan ........... . 24. Negros Oriental ..... . 25. Masbate ........... . 26. Cotabato .......... . B. Below 42% 1. Davao .............. . 2. Tariac ............ . 3. Negros Occidental 4. Abra ................. . 49 49 48 48 48 47 46 46 45 45 45 42 42 42 42 42 41 41 41 40 Page is· 5. Camarines Norte .... . 6. Romblon .......... . 7. Pampanga ......... . 8. Misamis Occidental .. . 9. Capiz ............. . 10. Bohol ............. . 11. Nueva Ecija ........ . 12. Rizal ............. . 13. Laguna ............ . 14. Samar ......... . 15. Cebu .............. . 16. Leyte ............. . 17. Catanduanes 18. Camarines Sur ...... . 19. La Union .......... . 20. Iloilo ............. . 40 40 39 38 38 35 32 32 32 30 30 29 29 25 25 23 21. Marinduque . . . . . . . . . 22 22. Albay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23. Batangas . . . . . . . . . . . 20 24. Pangasinan . . . . . . . . . 19 25. Sorsogon . . . . . . . . . . . 18 26. Cavite . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 LITERATURE CITATIONS 1. Administrative Code-Act 2711, Revised (1917). 2. Constitution of the Philippines -Art. XIII (1946). 3. Forest Resources of the Philippines, Bureau of Forestry-Manuscript ( 1954 ). 4. Oliveros, Severo ( 1954) The Criteria Used m Determining the Release of Lands of the Public Domain-Manuscript. 5. Sajor, Valentin ( 1952) Preservation and Exploitation of Our Forest, The Filipino Forester, Vol. IV, Pp. 42-48. 6. - - ( 1952) Forest Grazing in the Philippines. PROCEEDINGS, Sixth International Grassland Congress, State College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Vol. II. 7. Soriano Doroteo ( 1953) The Necessary Balance of Soil Cover of the Philippines-Manuscript. 8. Statistics of the Bureau of Forestry including Maps ( 1954 ). 9. Tamesis, Florencio ( 1951) First Progress Report of Philippine Forestry, F AO Conference, Mysore, India-Manuscript. 10. Various Philippine Newspapers and Periodicals, Past and Present. THE DEAN COMPANY 666 Lake Shore Drive Chicago 11, Illinois U.S.A. 1 Paga 16 MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY VENEERS AND LUMBER DIVISIONS: OLYMPIC MANUFACTURING COMPANY Cresham, Oregon THE DIXIE VENEER COMPANY Portsmouth, Virginia FORESTRY LEAVES