In memoriam, Edwin E. Elser


Part of The Cabletow

In memoriam, Edwin E. Elser
The Cabletow XXXVIII (1) July 1962
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
IN MEMORIAM EDWIN E. ELSER Died July Born on February 21, 18C7 at Hartford, Connecticut. Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on August 18, 1897, at Southern California Lodge No. 274. Affiliated with the CorregidorSouthern Cross Lodge No. 3 on April 11, 1912. Worshipful Master of CorregidorSouthern Cross Lodge No. 3 in 1914. Grand Master, Grand Lodge of the Philippines, 1921. 17, 1962 Founder of Los Angeles Priory in 1927. Founder of Knights York Cross of Honor and was its first Order of the Eastern Star Order of the Eastern Star, ini­ tiated October, 1904, Mayon Chapter No. 1. Worthy Patron in 1915 and 1921. Order of the Amaranth Order of the Amaranth, Far East Court No. 1, on August 7, 1918. Royal Patron in 1920. York Rite Conferred the Royal Arch Degree in November, 1905, Luzon Chapter. I High Priest in the Same Chapter in 1918. Royal and Secret Master, January 20, 1915 at Oriental Council No. 1. Illustrious Master of the same Council in 1919. Knight Templar, March 17, 1908, Far East Commandery. Emminent Commander in 1915. Order of High Priesthood on August 17, 1918. Red Cross of Constantine, Asoka, Conclave on September 28, 1927. Illustrious Sovereign in 1930. Knight York Cross of Honor, Pennsylvania Priory No. 6, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Scottish Rite Venerable Master, Mount Arayat. Lodge of Perfection in 19211922. Wise Master, Manu Chapter of Rose Croix in 1924-1925. Commander Confucius Council of Knight Kadosh in 1917-1918. Master of Kadosh, Gautama Com­ mandery in 1923-1924. KCCH, October 16, 1923. Coroneted, Inspector General Honorary, 33°, December 20, 1933. Sovereign Grand Inspector Gen­ eral, 33°, August 3, 1950. “A little rest, a swift new birth, A snapping of the bonds of earth; A joyous stride, a tingling breath THE CABLE TOW July, 1962