Guam lodges are acacia hundred percenters


Part of The Cabletow

Guam lodges are acacia hundred percenters
The Cabletow XXXVIII (1) July 1962
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GUAM LODGES ARE ACACIA HUNDRED PERCENTERS To Chai lesion Lodge No. 11 and Millon C. Marvin Lodge No. 123, both in Agana. Guam, goes the honor of being (he first to qtialily for group insurance in lhe new Aca­ cia Mutual Aid Society death be­ nefit plan whereby for an annual premium of 1*12, without medical examination and irrespective of age, a Brother acquires for his benefi­ ciaries a protection coverage ol 1*1,000. Acacia rules call lor only 90% of lodge members as applicants before a lodge qualifies for such a group insurance, but Charleston (11) and Marvin (123) voted 100% last July. In a letter to Grand Master Quasha, V. W. Bro. James T. Tay­ lor, DDGM (20) suited that the first year’s dues will be advanced by the two lodges for their members and will reach a total of $5,000. They are ready to remit as soon as word is received from Acacia. The two lodges thus attained two first dis­ tinctions — to qualify for the gioup insurance, and to obtain 100% in­ stead of 90% coverage for their mem­ bers. The (fraud Master is very much elated with lhe report and hopes that other lodges will follow the example. Our Brethren in Guam must be a busy lot indeed. They are lead­ ing in the implementation of the Grand Master’s program for lhe Ma­ sonic year. In the line of Masonic education and public service they have undertaken to assist Brodie School for Retarded Children, the Guam Rehabilitation Work Shop, as well as lhe TB and Children’s Wards at the Guam Hospital. They have obtained “Wish Lists” and will soon decide which wish they will fulfill for each organization. Sub­ stantial financial support from each of the two lodges are being set aside to assist lhe Committee on Masonic Education and Public Service in its work. Both Charleston (11) and Marvin (123) lodges are also reported to be completing plans for intercessory prayers to start in the month of August under the leadership of Brothers Jordan and (Reverend) Needham. This is high in the Gland Master’s priority objectives during lhe year. Preparations are also well on the way for the participation of the two lodges in the coming Golden Jubilee of the Grand I-odge next De­ cember. A delegation will be sent to Manila consisting of at least six members. Another achievement of our Broth­ er Masons in Guam worth mention1-or 58 Years, Serving The Nation's Need In BOOKS * MAGAZINES * OFFICE & SCHOOL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES General Importe rs • Manufacturing Stationers • Publishers • Printers P.O. Box 620 23 ing is the sun ess of their Cemetery Committee in setting aside a 2/3 acre lot as burial site lor deceased Masons and their families. Il is es­ timated that the lot will be good for the next 50 years. Charleston Lodge does not begrudge lhe heavy expenses it inclined in this project. "W'e consider the cost negligible", wrote Deputy (hand Master Taylor, “and a definite public service, for without the Masonic motivation no cemetery would have come about this soon". Congratulations and more power to sou. Brethren! CHANGE CALTEX RPM FIVE STAR MOTOR OIL MULTIGRADE AAA CALTEX (PHIL) INC. Universal Trading Co., Inc. 575 Atlanta Street, Port Area, Manila Tel. 3-74-86 Operators of GENERAL and Bonded Warehouse '12 Bro. GUS A. REAL, Gen. Manager Bro. PORFIRIO THING, Asst. Gen. Manager 24 THE CABLE TOW July, 1962