Official section


Part of The Cabletow

Official section
The Cabletow XXXIII (7) January 1958
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Official Section . . VISITATIONS OF THE GRAND MASTER January was a busy month for the Grand Master, Most Worship­ ful Brother Vicente Y. Orosa. His official visitations brought him to distant regions of the country, to the north with Cagayan Valley Lodges and to the south with Mindanao Lodges. Following were his itineraries: January 4—Cagayan Valley, covering Gonzaga Lodge No. 66 in Tuguegarao, Cagayan; Mabini Lodge No. 39 in Aparri, Cagayan; Magat Lodge No. 68 in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya and Nueva Vizcaya Lodge No. 144 in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. January 6—Malindang Lodge No. 130 in Ozamis City, Occi­ dental Misamis. January 7—Maguindanao Lodge No. 40 in Cagayan de Oro City, Oriental Misamis. January 8—Kutang Bato Lodge No. 110 in Cotabato, Cotabato. January 9—Sarangani Lodge No. 50 in Davao City, Davao. January 11—Baguio Lodge No. 67 in Baguio City. January 14—Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial Lodge No. 136 is San Juan, Itizal. January 18—Camarines Norte Lodge No. 107 in Daet, Camarines Norte. January 21—Cebu Lodge No. 128 and Maktan Lodge No. 30 both in Cebu City. Jnnuarv 22—Mt. Kaladias Lodge No. 91 in Dumaguete City, Oriental Negros. January 23—Dagohoy Lodge No. 81 in Tagbilaran. Bohol (Continued on page 2CU) Janunry, 1958 237 Rt. War. Samuel G. Bannan, Deputy Grand Master was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Alberta by acclamation. — Most Wor. Ross S. Sheppard, Grand Master, presiding; M. Wor. Samuel G. Bannan, Grand Master, elected; Rt. Wor. E. H. Rivers, Grand Secre­ tary. NEVADA, 1957 The 93rd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Nevada took place at Reno on June 13-15, 1957. It was presided over by Most Wor. Charles E. Fleming, Grand Master. The Grand Representative of the Philippines was among the distinguished guests who were greeted by the Grand Master. Most Wor. Fleming had a busy year. Aside from his official visits to the Subordinate Lodges, he also accepted invitations from the Grand Lodges of California and Utah. He also busied himself installing the officers of Subordinate Lodges. He officiated in laying cornerstones of seven principal buildings in the Stale; namely: Carson City High School, E. Otis Vaughn School, Reno; State Office Building, Carson City; First Building, Southern Nevada Campus, University of Nevada; Silas E. Ross Hall, Reno Campus, University of Nevada. The Grand Lodge made a net gain of 194 members with 29 active Subordinate Lodges. It is financially sound. — Most Wor. Charles E. Flemming, Grand Master, presiding; Most Wor. K. 0. Knudson, Grand Master, elected; V. W. Edard C. Peterson, Grand Secretary. . uOo-----OFFICIAL VISITATION (Continued from page 2S7) January 25—Dapitan Lodge No. 21 in Manila. January 28—Service Lodge No. 95 in Manila. The Grand Master found increased interest in Freemasonry in the places he visited, not only among the members of the Fraternity but also among the profane as shown by the big attendance wherever he went. He urged the Brethren to take stock in lhe favorable reactions towards the Institution. He also cautioned them to practice the tenets and principles of the Fraternity in dealing with their fellows, family and country that the outside world may realize what Free­ masonry is doing not only for its members but also for the country at large. The Grand Master reminded the Brethren that Freemason­ ry does not campaign for members but only the behaviour of the individual Mason can induce a profane to knock at the door of the Institution. The Lodges pledged support to the Most Worshipful Grand Master — J. E. It, Jkautry, 1958 269
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