What our lodges are doing


Part of The Cabletow

What our lodges are doing
The Cabletow XXXIII (7) January 1958
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WHAT OUR ARE DOING 1SLAND-LUZ-M1NERVA LODGE NO. 5 LODGE OFFICERS —1958 Sitting from left tn right: Joae M. Cortes, Treasurer; Benigno de Leon, Se­ nior Warden; Grecians ViUamante, War. Master; Arturo Villasenor, Junior Warden; Por/irio Romuto, Secretary; Antonio Gonzalez, P. G. M. & P. G. S. Standing from left to right: Alejandro Garcia, Tyler; Alejandro Cenon, S. Deacon; Primo R. Semana, Auditor; Samuel L. Rabaniito, Orator: Carmelo Quiban, SWndard Bearer; Miguel B. Casibang, Marshal; Juan S. Natividad, J. Deacon; D. Y. Villasenor, P.M. Third ltow, from left to right: Alejandro T. Balais, S. Steward; Leonardo C. Mactal. Master of Banquete; Aurelio C. Bravo, Organist; Pedro Tolentino, Almoner; Diosdado Villarama, Herald; Maximo H. Villacorba, Junior Steward, THE CABLETOW MAGAT LODGE NO. 68 LODGE OFFICERS INSTALLATIONS OF 1958 OFFICERS Sealed from Left to Rishi.- Bro. Enrique Pataueg, Tyler; Bro. Ricardo Flores, Junior Steward; Bro. Joselito C. Bautista, Senior Deacon; Bro. M. B. Reyes, Treasurer; Bro. Marcos dela Cruz, Senior Warden; Wor. Bro. Francisco Gaspar, G. L. Inspector; Wor. Bro. Meneleo A. Men­ doza, Master; Bro. Jose P. Dizon, Junior Warden; Wor. Bro. Teofilo G. Guillermo, Secretary; Bro. Teofilo Diego, Junior Deacon; Bro. Castillo Tidang, Organist; Bro. Dorn. Dominguiano, Marshal. Among the 2nd Row are Wor. Bros. M. P. Galmaitan &, Delfin Zimbra, Jr., Installing officer and Master of Ceremonies respectively. Last Row at the ex­ treme left at the center is Bro. Arsenio Gonong P.N.S- representative. S a t- e !\1 o « e y I ! ! * Hare Your Eyes Examined Scientifically Once A Year * Buy Payment Plan Backpay Certificate Accepted * Your Old Eyes Glasses Can Be Traded Into New Style A C E B E D O OPTICAL MFC., CO. Office Hours:—8:00 a.ra. Io 8:00 p.m. Including Sundays and Halida ya 428 niz.ll Avenue — 421 E*lero CeRado. Manila Tel. 3-33-54 January, 195S 239 OFFICERS OF PRIMERA LUZ F1LIPINA LODGE NO. 69. F&AM, FOR MASONIC YEAR A.D. 1958. Sitting —left to right: Bro. Vicente K. Gan, Senior Deacon; Wor. Bro. Florentino S. Bautista, P.M., Treasurer; Bro. Pablo C. Marquez, Senior Warden; Wor. Bro. Artemio 0. Domingo, Master; Bro. Mamerto Salac, Junior Warden; Wor. Bro. F. 0. Ferre, P.M., Secretary; and Bro. Zositno L. Hallare, Junior Deacon. standing — left to right: Bro. Felipe Peregrino, Almoner; Bro. Perfecto Palma, Marshal; Bro. Epifanio R. Marquez, Junior Steward; Bro. Antonio N. Marquez, Organist, and Bro. Her. Rodriguez, Tyler. Not in Picture: Bro. Rev. Jose M. Gammad, Chaplain; Bro. Ex-Congressman Jose T. Cajulis, Orator; Bro. Raymundo Paredes, Senior Steward; Bro. Bienvenido M. Reyes, Master of Cer.; Bro. Adelaido Encarnacion, Auditor; and Bro. Maximo Dy, Masber of Banquets. 240 THE CABLCTOW INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS - KASILAWAN LODGE NO. 77, F. & A. M. DEC. 2BTH. MASONIC YEAR 1958. First Row. L. to R.—Eliseo C. Beleh, Sr. Deacon; W. B. Pacifico C. Marin, Treasurer; W. B. Agapito J. Guzman, Installing Officer; W. B. Agustin P. Cardines, Worshipful Master; Bro. Timoteo L. Paguia, Jr. Warden; W. B. Delfin C. Medel, Secretary; Bro. J. M. Alcantara, Jr. Deacon; Standing-. Bro. A. Garcia, Tyler; W. B. Braulio M. Epino, Chaplain; Bro. Eligio Hernandez, Almoner; W. B. Noli Ma. Cortes, Orator; W. B. Mariano G. Almeda, Immediate P. M.; Bro. Eusebio G. Santos, Auditor; Bro. Genaro S. Capulong, Sr. Steward; Bro. Juan C. Capalad, Organist. January, 1958 211 LEONARD WOOD LODGE NO. 105 CLARK AIR BASE. PAMPANGA BOTTOM ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Bro, Gene F. Bellinger, Marshal; Bro. Willis P. Blakeney. Treasurer; Bro. Syl­ vester C. Neufeld, Senior Warden: Brother A. J. Casey, Worshipful Master; Brs. Metron H, Van Curcn, Junior Warden; Brother Kenneth IP. Moyer, Secretary; Bro. Vernon R. Edmondson, Chaplain, MIDDLE ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Bro. Oscar E. Jernigan, Senior Steward; Wor. Bro. Alfred Adrian, Past Master, 1951; Bro. Samuel S. Wright. Senior Deaeon; Bro. William E. McCullough, Junior Deacon; Bro. Carroll IV Seal. Junior Shirard; Brother Harold L. Ruffeorn, Tyler. TOP ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Wor. Bro. Edward V, Bundenthal, Grund Lodge Inspector; H’or. Bro. Harry C. Whitlock, Past Master 1957; ll'o,. Bro. Homer IV. Hale, Past Master 1950, Almo­ ner; Brother Charles B. Rockett, Auditor; Bro. John B. Garrett, Jr.. Historian. The Installation of Officers and Benefit Dinner which was held at Leonard Wood Lodge No. 105, F. & A.M. at Clark Air Base, Pampanga on December 28, 1957 was a very huge success. There were over 300 people in attendance to witness the Installation of the newly elected officers for the year 1958. The Installing Officer was Most Worshipful Brother Sidney Austin, P. G. M., from Manila, the address was given by Most Worahipful Brother Clinton F. Carlson, P. G. M., from Manila, the Master of Ceremonies was Worshipful Brother Ba(Continued on page 266) 242 THE CABLETOW (itiih Owt tyiaitd WatiuiA . . . Sonny Shorrlegs Masonry seeks no quarrel with any one. It shall be our desire in our relations with the outsiders, to settle differences by the appli­ cation of the same principles of brotherly love, truth and justice as we would apply to internal questions, whenever consistent with the funda­ mental principles, tenets and dignity of the Craft, in general, and, of our sovereign grand jurisdiction in particular. We shall, however, al­ ways stand firm and uncompromising, both in internal as well as in external affairs, in the defense and preservation of those principles, ancient landmarks and tenets of our venerable institution. It requires its members “the strict and faithful performance of all those duties towards their fellow men ae individuals, which the loftiest and purest morality enjoin*’ and in accordance, with the truth revealed in the Sacred Book. In short, it makes of its members va­ luable assets for progress, right-living and good citizenship of what­ ever community or country they may be or belong. As an institution, it never intereferes with the different organisms of society. Such is the mission of our Ancient Craft everywhere, and particu­ larly here: to prepare men individually, so that they in turn may shed the beneficient rays of the light it diffuses in their individual and everyday contact with the rest of mankind; to make of its members men who will always subdue their passions to the dictates of their reason; fearless men of conviction, who will wherever if may be found; men who, with faith in God and a firm belief in those self-evident truths taught within our lodges, will go forth and preach them out­ side, in words as well as in deeds. These fundamental concepts and tenets of Free Masonry shall be our constant guide in the continuation of the magnificent work already started here by those who have pre­ ceded us and for which we have sworn to. — CLIFFORD C. BEN­ NETT, Grand Master, 1950. LEONARD WOOD LODGE.......... (Continued from page Hi] silio Castro, P.M. of Pampanga Lodge No. 48, San Fernando, Pampanga. Leonard Wood Lodge No. 105, once again came through and pur­ chased 3 more Life Memberships in the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Children in Manila with a donation of Pl,500.00. 266 THE CABLETOW