Modern landmarks of freemasonry


Part of The Cabletow

Modern landmarks of freemasonry
The Cabletow XXXIII (7) January 1958
Filipino freemasonry
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MODERN LANDMARKS OF FREEMASONRY (The Oregon Mason) 1. No trivial excuses shall excuse a brother from regular attend­ ance at his lodge. 2. No brother shall whisper or otherwise disturb the lodge while at labor, particularly while lhe ritual is being exemplified. 3. Every officer, however lowly, shall faithfully serve and shall permit nothing less than dire emergency to keep him from full per­ formance of his duties, however minor. 4. Every officer and every member shall give whole-hearted support to the master, and the master shall deserve such support. 5. No brother shall rob a candidate of enjoyment of the beauty of the ritualistic work by instilling advance fear in such candidate. 6. Every member shall exercise diligence to observe the strange brother, shall endeavor to be lhe first to greet him and shall endeavor to be such a cordial host that the brother will be anxious to return. 7. Every brother shall be regular in attendance at funerals of those he has known within the Tyled Circle. 8. A member of subsequent degrees shall not fail in attendance at his Craft Lodge. 9. Every brother shall inconvenience himself, if necessary, to carry cheer into the sick room. 10. Every brother shall ease the duties of the secretary by paying his dues promptly except when financial stress makes it impossible for him to do so, in which case he shall promptly inform the secretary. 11. Every brother shall attempt to be as upright a person as he should have been when he petitioned Freemasonry. 12. Every brother shall become more humble as he advances in office and as he receives Masonic honors. 13. Every brother shall give such study to the lessons and mys­ teries of Freemasonry as will enable him to instruct his less informed brother. 14. Every brother shall budget a portion of his time for the perusal of Masonic literature. THE CABLETTOW 15. Every brother shall each year interpret at least one of the symbols. 16. Every brother shall be alert to perform those things within his power that will rebound to the credit of himself and of Freema­ sonry. 17. Every brother shall ever keep before him that great Masonic tenet and virtue, charity. 18. Every brother shall improve himself in Freemasonry and develop companionship with his brethren by attending a Grand Mas­ ter’s district meeting in which his lodge is participating. 19. Every brother shall champion the public schools and shall resist attack upon them from any source. 20. Every sponsor of a petitioner shall be present when each degree is conferred on such petitioner and shall be a guide to him in his Ma­ sonic life. 21. No brother shall criticize a public official unless he was at the polls when such official was elected. 22. Every brother appointed on an investigating committee shall make such an investigation as he would make were the petitioner about to be invited into the committeeman's home as a permanent resident. 23. Every brother elected lo public office shall serve in accord­ ance with his obligations as a Freemason. 24. No brother shall relate in the lodge room or banquet room anything he would not relate before a select mixed gathering at his own or a friend’s dinner table. 25. Every brother shall memorize and obey these modem land­ marks. and such innovations may be made as will conduce to thd welfare and prosperity of Freemasonry. Jly/iic Stadia ! Official Photographer. Grand Lodge of the Philippines <■ MARIANO ANG—Prop. * Office: Tel. 3-88-70 237-239 Dasmarinaa ( Res. Tel. 3-98-78 Manila Special Discount to Brethren. { r. 1958 2H