Summer sport sparks


Part of The Sports Review

Summer sport sparks
The Sports Review Volume I (Issue No. 2) April 18, 1931
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 22 SUMMER SPORT SPARKS By Joe Araneta No news had a more direful signifieance to the sport world at large than the sudden death of Knute Roekne. It· was even more startling than the bit about the sinking of the Lusitania, in a "'.llY it was. For who knew Rnythmg about the torpedoed ship? nobody in Patagonia prior to the deed. But who has not heard of Rockne in some way or otheT? Around South Bend, Indiana the news of t be Wizard'!> demise must have been terrificly stunning. But il must also be admitted that it was fell in Baliuag, Bulacan; Cagayan, Misamis and in fact in ev~ry lo<'us where Rockne followers exist. Only the other clay a country ~1thiete llr(·osled me and started to prattle tibout the catastrophe. This is the patrimony that Notre Dame's illustrious mentor has left athletie youth. A strong appeal to his imagination; a firebrand that sets him ablaze to go out and fight, and fight cleanly too eYe~ as Rorkne and his "Irish" rhamp10ns did. --+With the proximity of election time, here are few things that might come in handy with the can<lidato who can't think of a suitable platform or who wishes to appeal to the student-vote :-More recreational facilities for the towns and barrios, i. e. football, lrnskethall and tennis courts; swimming pool; wee golf course; and, of course a roller-skating rink will not· be a bad idea. Quite a few U. P. baskelb.all luminaries of former yeRrs are 111vading the courts these days '.it Occidental Negros. Alberto Belia Maroon center-man as far back as 1923, is on the go ag~in. :1'he others are Cordero, Luzurnaga, Santos, Lemonsito and Guam'?· Austria another ex-State player is eoaching . the San Agustin College hoop :-;quad at Iloilo. The Green and While is ably repr~sented in Occidental Negros hy Carlos Montilla and Ernesto Oppen both mainstays of past La ~alle football teams, who are playing with the Isabela Soceer squad. Montilla was also a miler of note ha~k in his college dayi>. fl looks mighty serious lhe way .lesse de Veyra, cage pilot of the '28 Blue and White varsity, is limbering 'llP these days_.. In fact it appears like an attempt at a come-back. Besides playing often at the Maao - The SPORTS REVIEW April 18, 1931 The Mighty Atoms... A slab-artist is usually a U. P; short stop is known as (Continued from page 8 ) big· powerful husky athlete. "leaf miner". among histeam --+--- Bertulfo Estorba Belmonte, mat~s. not because he i~ as · ' E h ' J 0 ·11o destruCtive as the insect that Lul·s Med1"na, star Olympic Bautista, c em ar p1 ' h . S . Al as given ecretanes una;n half-back toured Java with Armando and other· well and Vargas so much to worry the All Manila team. He has known harpooners have al- about but because he is so been a member of the cham- ways been either giants or of small that he has been compion San Beda A. C. team the regular type, yet Santos pared to the farmer's pest. three seasons. He was s~- Almuza, second string pit- Paner in ·spite of his physilected to play on the All Fi- cher for the Ateneo team is cal handicaps is one of the lipino eleven that met the a midget. He is not in the class best amateur ball· players in Chinan. He also played a?a- of the above mentioned stars the Philippines. . Villalon, inst Loh Hua, Fuh Tan, Samt but by the mere fact that he Olympic back stop and star Joseph's and other foreign is a varsity player proves Trade school . may outfits that have invaded the that the small guys can also still grow as he is only a Philippines yet Medina is pitch. Bunye, the Sto To- youngster, but he has starred only a player of the liliputian mas pitcher is another of Al- on the diamond ever since variety muza's size. Paner the crack he was an Intermediate stuCentral courts. he has just been on a long hike with E. Castillo, guard on last season's varsity to the peak of mount Kanlaon. What he saw from that "Times Tower" must have satisfied him for he plans to take up I:iw at U. S. T. next June. --+Contrary to reports made by Manila newspapers wee golf has never reaehed the craze stage here in Negros. Hacenderos are nrnch loo absorbed in the "wee" price of sugar. Support On the 19th of this month wil1 fine old foes facing each other un_ der different banners when the "Varsity" and "Kollege" cage squads clash in an exhibition game in connection with the Maao Sugar Central.Post-Milling season celebration. Probable line-ups will include, Varsity: Belia, Cordero, Austria, Bugarin, Luzurriaga, Pasing, Gordo1;, Molino; Kollege: Torres, A. Lacson, J. Suarez, E. Castillo, J. de Veyra, P. Araneta and J. Araneta .. Philippine Industry s M 0 K E 10 FOH 5¢' 20 10¢' INDIAN HEAD the beat and finest FILIPINO MADE CIGARETTES Manufactured by PHILIPPINE AROMATIC CIGARETTES MFG. CO. dent. Villalon is today one of the best catchers in the Philippines and he is more or less of Paner's size. Pablo, veteran ball player is also a pigmy compared to his team mates but his ability has never been questioned as he has made the Olympic team on several occassions. Carino and Jacob are two liliputian outfielders on Captain Yon's Mckinley nine but they are star clouters and all around players. Carino before becoming a ball player was National champion in the broad jump. There are also excellent performers in the prize fighting profession but due to the fact that even pigmies are pared against men of their own weight, the ability of the flyweight is not as outstanding as that of other athletes in track, baseball, foot-ball and other sports as the boxer fights a man of his weight whil'e pigmies in other sports hav:e to match their ability against men of all_ weights. In spite of this, Kid Balagtas, Malabon flash only weighing 96 pounds at the most has defeated men from Continued on page 27