Some trees suitable for gardens


Part of Forestry Leaves

Some trees suitable for gardens
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Jome Jrtts Juitablt for 6ardens By PACIANO RIMANDO Forester, Bureau of Forestry In tree planting the choice of species is the fundamental principle next to be considered, after taking into account the size, form, topography, soil conditions and the object of planting a lawn or garden, school ground, park, plaza, street, and other utility area, be it a private or public ownership. There are different qualities of our trees. There are trees planted for display of their beautiful flowers, leaves and crowns. Others are planted to provide good shade during hot summer months for men, domestic animals and birds; give edible fruits for young children and adults alike, and medicinal barks, leaves and flowers for the sick. For the more intricate landscape work some trees are planted to lend harmony of form and color effects of the beautiful landscape contemplated. The gardener and homeowner may avail of these essential qualities of our trees to solve his particular landscape work. He should know what to plant, besides, where, when, and how to plant. A farmer, teacher, agriculturist, minister or priest, homeowner or gardener may find the following list helpful in his choice of trees that are good for his purpose. The kind of tree, the flower, blooming period, size of crown and sometimes the type of soil the species would fairly develop best are indicated for easier selection. The list is far from complete but shows the more common trees planted. Common Name Shade Foliage Flower- Flower ing (Blooming REMARKS (Botanical Name) Tree Tree Trees Period) 1. Acasia or Rain Tree xx x x Large-sized, wide spread(Samanea saman) ing crown. Grows in a variety of soil at low altitude. 2. Achuete x x xx Whitish Small tree. Crown small. (Bixa orellana) terminal AugustSeptember 3. African tulip x x xx Red, Medium-sized tree. Grows (Spathodea campanulata) terminal on sandy soil. Will do on November- partly dry soil. Suitable February at low altitude. Crown medium. 4. Agoho x xx Medium-sized tree. Crown (Casuarina medium. Grows well on equisetifoliaJ sandy soil but will do on partly dry soil at low altitu de. 5. Alibangbang x x xx Whitish Shrub or small tree. Grows (Bauhinia acuminata) axillary partly on dry soil. Cul tiAugust- · vated. Crown small. October •• Indicates the more suitable use of the species. NOVEMBER, 1955 Page 49 Common Name (Botanical Name) 6. Antipolo ( Artocarpus blancoi) 7. Bagalunga (Melia dubia) 8. Banaba ( Lagerstroemia speciosa) 9. Banuyo (W allaceodendron celebicum) 10. Bitaog or Palomaria (Calophyllum inophyllum) 11. Benguet pine (Pinus insularis) Shade Foliage FlowerTree Tree ing Trees x xx x x xx x xx x x x x x xx 12. Caimito or Star Apple x xx (Chrysophyllum cainito) ,. 13. Calachuchi (Plumiera acuminata) ( P alaquium philippense) 14. Camagon or Mabolo (Diospyros discolor) 15. Golden shower (Cassia fistula) 16. Dapdap ( Erythrina orientalis) Page SO x xx xx x x x x xx Flower (Blooming Period) Whitish axillary May-July Lilacpurple May-July Yellowish, terminal June-August Creamy white, Pink and red. NovemberMay Yellowish axillary pendant May-June Red, terminal or axillary JanuaryApril REMARKS Large-sized tree. Crown medium. Grows on deep clay, but will do also on partly dry soil. Small to medium - sized tree. Grows on sandy soil and will do on partly dry soil. Crown small. Medium-sized tree, partly deciduous. Grows on wide variety of soil at low and medium altitudes. Crown medium. Medium-sized tree. Grows on sandy soil and will do also on partly dry soil. Suitable at low altitude. Crown medium. Grows on sandy soil, but will do on partly dry at low altitude. Large-sized tree. Has the tendency of leaning w he n young. Crown medium. Large-sized tree. Crown medium to large. Deep clay soil. Rather delicate to grow unless on soil mixed with soil under mother tree. Small tree, crown dense small. Grows on clay-loam soil at low altitude. Small tree. Grows on dry soil or partly dry soil at low altitude. Medium-sized tree. Crown medium to conical. Grows on variety of soil, rather slow growth. Medium-sized tree. Partly deciduous. Dry soil at low altitude. Crown medium. Large-sized tree. Deciduous. Dry or wet soil at low altitude. Crown mediwn. FORESTRY LEAVES Common Name (Botanical Name) Shade Foliage FlowerTree Tree ing Flower (Blooming Period) 17. Dungon (Tarrieta sylvatica) 18. Fire tree ( Delonix regia) 19. Fringon (Bauhinia monandra) 20. Pink shower (Cassia javanica) 21. llang-ilang (Cananga odorata) 22. Kalios (Streblus asper) 23. Kamuning (Murraya paniculata) xx x x x x x x x xx xx 24. Mahogany (Small leaf) xx x (Swietenia mahogani Linn) 25. Mahogany (large leaf) x x (Swietenia macrophylla) 26. Malakmalak x xx ( Palaquim philippense) 27. Maluko x xx (Pisonia alba) 28. Molave xx x (Vite:.: parviflora) NOYlDIBU, 1955 Treea xx xx xx xx x x Red, terminal March-July Pink purple axillary. Nearly throughout the year. Whitish pink. Medium. FebruaryApril. Yellowish axillary Nearly throughout the year. REMARKS Large-sized tree. Crown large. Grows on variety of soil at low altitude. Medium-sized tree. Grows on deep soil. Will do on pa rt 1 y dry. Deciduous. Crown medium. S m a 11 tree. Cultivated. Partly dry soil. Crown small. Medium-sized tree. Partly deciduous. Grows on deep soil, partly dry at low altitude. Crown medium. Medium-sized tree. Will grow on all kinds of soil. Crown medium. Small to medium - sized tree. Crown small. Deep soil. Will do on partly dry soil at low altitude. Slow growing. Shrub to small-sized tree. Crown small. Deep clay loam soil, but will do on partly dry. Medium-sized tree. Will do on partly dry soil. Medium-sized tree. Crown medium. Grows on clayloam soil at low to medium altitude. Medium-sized tree. Crown medium. Grows on deep soil. Small-sized tree. Crown small Grows on variety of soil. Small to medium - sized tree. Crown medium. Grows on rocky dry soil from sea coast to medium altitude. Page 51 Common Name (Botanical Name) Shade Foliage FlowerTree Tree ing Flower (Blooming Period) REMARKS Trees 29. Narra xx ( Pterocarpus spp.) 30. Oringen x (Cynometra ramiflora) 31. Palosanto x (Triplaris americana) 32. Sampalok or Tamarind xx (Tamarindus indica) 33. Santol xx (Sandoricum koetjape) 34. Saraca x (Saraca declinata) 35. Salisi xx (Ficus benjamina) 36. Siar x (Peltophorum enerme) x xx x x x x x **Indicates the more suitable use of the tree. x xx xx Yellowish, axillary April-May Whitish pink, conspicuous FebruaryApril. Yellowish Pink DecemberMarch Yellow terminal JanuaryApril. Medium to large - sized tree. Deciduous. Will do on wide variety of soil. Crown medium to large. Sm a 11 tree. Thrives in deep soil in low, moist country. Grows on partly dry deep soil at low and medium altitude. Small to medium crown. Medium-sized tree. Crown medium. Grows on sandy and partly dry soil at low altitude. S m a 11 to medium-sized tree. Crown me di um. Grows on a variety of soil at low altitude. · Grows on deep soil at low and medium altitude. Small - sized tree. Crown dense and small. Grows on a variety of soil at low altitude. Medium-sized tree. Crown medium. Grows on sandy and partly dry soil at low altitude. NOTE:-The Bureau of Forestry furnishes seedlings of common species available from forest nursery, free of charge, for Arbor Week planting. YOUR NEW ... (Continued from page 48) consequences of violating those forestry laws, our effort of planting and protecting trees of our own initiative will all be futile and useless, for "kaingins" will still be rampant, and other forest destructions will still be perpetrated elsewhere throughout the Philippines because of the ignorance of the people. So, we must see to it that forestry Pa1a 52 laws are well-rooted in the people's mind, and the economic value of our trees is looked upon, for it is only there, that our efforts to conserve the forests, OUR HERITAGE, shall be highly attained. If a man is locked in a house and all he has is a calendar, a bed, and a piano, how can he live? He could eat the dates in the calendar, drink the water from the bedsprings, and strike the piano . till he gets the right key and walk out. FORESTRY LEAVES