Big wine p'ant discovered near well of Gideon


Part of Panorama

Big wine p'ant discovered near well of Gideon
Volume XII (Issue No.4) April 1960
Wine making
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
deathless and telling record of the rise of the Filipinos from their beginnings in the love of God, of man, of country, and find these again, Lien and only then can he rededicate himself as an artist and as a Filipino to Art and to Life. ¥ ^ ¥ WiM 7'mA fan Wdl A wine-making plant, complete with storage space for a total of 30,000 gallons of wine, has been found near the famous well of Gibeon, at the modern village el-Jib, Palestine. The 2600-year-old winery, probably the oldest in the world, was discovered when handles from wine jars found in the well suggested further inves­ tigation. Each handle bore the name and address of the marker of the wine, indicating that ancient Gi­ beon was a wine industry center. In the course of excavation, 28 unusual small vats were found cut out of limestone bed-rock. Each one has a small opening of about 29 inches in diame­ ter that could be covered with a stone. Each mea­ sures about six feet in diameter and averages seven feet, four inches in depth. The scientists decided they had served as cellars for storing and aging the wine. Stoppers for the jars also turned up, but the scient­ ists were reasonably sure these could not have provided the air-tight seal to keep wine from spoiling. A wine maker at a nearby monastery provided a possible answer. If olive oil is poured on top of wine in a jar or bottle, a seal is provided, he said. The finding of two olive presses on the site confirm­ ed this answer. ¥ 36 Panorama