Academic freedom [poem]


Part of The Cabletow

Academic freedom [poem]
The Cabletow I New Series (No. 4) April 1959
Philippine poetry (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ACADEMIC FREEDOM Nature and life have secrets yielding to those With patience to unravel their. wondrous lore, Hidden beneath the strata of the rock Or flung in outer space or left with knock Intuition taps upon a poet's door — Laden with marvel to each one who knows. So, let the scientist discover ways In atoms or nebulae where our thoughts may go, And let technicians build that the'human race May rest from labors like proud Hercules; And let the scholars gather knowledge — for these loo Express our love for life for its truth and grace. Here in these halls of learning, we now pause To dedicate ourselves —to what? To liberty bred of enlightenment; To duly that we labor without stint Till the henchmen of the dark be put io rout And ignorance be banished with alt lines. Refuge of tyrants, whether in Church or Stale None need unquestioning, accept authority, For the youths shall learn to discriminate Between the light and dark and shades of gray, And none shall force them, "This is so," the way Leading to Buchenwald and Cavalry. Train them to keep faith with their mind, Hence, with themselves, for only these can be True free-men. Man dependent make the slaves Who grovel from the cradle to the grave, The hewers of a mighty destiny Must first stand free — all else is false or blind. If there be martyrs—as there must be — Let them be martyrs in the urge to find The remedies to draggled poverty, Martyrs to art, to music, poverty, And to all that may be used to feed men or bind Men’s wounds and glorify humanity. Thus, on this planet men may fulfill a trust; To live in fullness, as the floivers do That bloom and ask not for eternity, A life freed from cramped fear and vanity But which may yet be dazzling in its hue And wafting perfume before it droops to dust. — Ricarcdo Dcmctillo