Grand Master's message


Part of The Cabletow

Grand Master's message
Orosa, Vicente
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
' MASONIC HOSPITAL FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN It is gratifying to be able to say that ihe Masonic Hospital is continually rendering service io the public especially to children of families of limited financial income. During the last fiscal year, 1956-1957, there were 170 crippled children who were, treated and rehabilitated by this Hospital. These children came from all parts of the Philippines, the greater number of whom were children of families who could ill afferd the expensive treatment needed by their children. Some of them are even unemployed. In fact there were cases where parents of some of these children could not provide even their transportation expenses which had io be defrayed by the Office of h<‘se children been left as they were and not given treatment •f the Masonic Hospital, in later years of their lives they to do things for themselves end will therefore be forever Jv overburdened parents, aside from being useless citir Crippled Children is supported and maintained of Masonic-sponsored organizations, their, families financial support from any Government agencies children of families of whatever religion or sectaice or color, and whether or not they arc Masons, tes care of them with equal solicitude and affecs ai. thut their ailments are curable and they are s old. the Masons and the Masonic Fraternity have been /idenced by the many testimonial letters received, ne Brethren who are not yet members of the HospitaL be most grateful and happy to find that every Mason diction is rippled Children, an organization. a regular, sustaining or life member of the This is the only outward manifestaLet us therefore continue the good <s doing and I bespeak for your whole hearted cooperamember of the Masonic Hospital for Crippled Children VICENTE OROSA Grand Master