Promise yourself


Part of The Cabletow

Promise yourself
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ing studios to demonstrate the futility of talk, of words, words, words, in international affairs. But words are powerful; they can do good or evil, for they form opinions. There is no need to regard the world through rose-colored spectacles — all men are compounded of good and evil, but all men are entitled to be dealt with in mercy, and with justice. The most frequent, and most un-Masonic trap into which we can fall is to confuse the action with the man. Because we disagree with the action, we tend to attack the motive. That is not objective criticism, it is personal. If we disagree with an action which concerns or affects us it is the action we should condemn, and be prepared to question its implications as we see them. The chances are that it is the result of worthy motives; worthy of being judged on its merits. In this as in so many other spheres the rules of the Craft are much the same as the rules of society at large. But if a Freemason disregards or neglects them, his fault is greater. PROMISE YOURSELF “To close the door to an unhappy past and start life anew. To try Love’s way in everything, and let jealousy and hatred to go out of your life. To put beauty into every day — beautiful thoughts, beautiful deeds, deeds, beautiful work. To be self-reliant and ready to assume responsibility. To take time for study and self-improvement, no matter what your age. To learn to enjoy things without owning them. To talk health, happiness and prosperity, instead of disease, misery and failure. To hold your manhood, your character, above wealth or position. Try to appeal to the best in others; to encourage and help them not criticize and dishearten. To consider the importance of rest and recreation as well as concentration and application in other words, to live a balanced life. To hold in your mind the things which you wish to come true in your life; to think of yourself as you would like to be. To make your life a masterpiece.” — Author Unknown Page 140 THE CABLETOW